marc kudisch 9 to 5

#1marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 8:15pm

Hi does anyone have the shirtless pictures of marc kudisch in 9 to 5 thanks

MrSweetNAwful Profile Photo
#2re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:48pm

re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
you're welcome

You're reminding me of people you hear at the movies asking questions every ten seconds, "Who is that? Why is that guy walking down the street? Who's that lady coming up to him? Uh-oh, why did that car go by? Why is it so dark in this theater?" - FindingNamo on strummergirl

"If artists were machines, then I'm just a different kind of machine...I'd probably be a toaster. Actually, I'd be a toaster oven because they're more versatile. And I like making grilled cheese" -Regina Spektor

"That's, like, twelve shows! ...Or seven." -Crazy SA Fangirl

"They say that just being relaxed is the most important thing [in acting]. I take that to another level, I think kinda like yawning being partially asleep onstage is also good, but whatever." - Sherie Rene Scott

#2re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:49pm


WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#3re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:50pm

Vomit. All over my computer.

Mamie Profile Photo
#4re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:50pm

I just threw up in my mouth.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

#5re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:50pm

re: marc kudisch 9 to 5

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#6re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:52pm

Not gonna lie, it's weird that you guys just happen to have access to these pictures and post them so quickly...ha

#7re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:52pm

That's ME, WickedRocks..

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#8re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:53pm

I love the abs.

#9re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:53pm

Thanks baby! re: marc kudisch 9 to 5


defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#10re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:55pm

re: marc kudisch 9 to 5

MrSweetNAwful Profile Photo
#10re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:55pm

A friend of mine posted that pic on a facebook event, I google imaged "fat guy" but didn't find it so i quickly went back to the event and got it before someone could beat me to the punch(line)

You're reminding me of people you hear at the movies asking questions every ten seconds, "Who is that? Why is that guy walking down the street? Who's that lady coming up to him? Uh-oh, why did that car go by? Why is it so dark in this theater?" - FindingNamo on strummergirl

"If artists were machines, then I'm just a different kind of machine...I'd probably be a toaster. Actually, I'd be a toaster oven because they're more versatile. And I like making grilled cheese" -Regina Spektor

"That's, like, twelve shows! ...Or seven." -Crazy SA Fangirl

"They say that just being relaxed is the most important thing [in acting]. I take that to another level, I think kinda like yawning being partially asleep onstage is also good, but whatever." - Sherie Rene Scott

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#12re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:56pm

Yeah, yeah, yeah...that's what they all say, MrSweetNAwful.

(Waiting for this thread to be deleted...)

#13re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 10:56pm

Did you really have to defend/explain yourself?

Just admit that you are a CHUBBY CHASER, MrSweet.

MrSweetNAwful Profile Photo
#14re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/5/09 at 11:28pm


You're reminding me of people you hear at the movies asking questions every ten seconds, "Who is that? Why is that guy walking down the street? Who's that lady coming up to him? Uh-oh, why did that car go by? Why is it so dark in this theater?" - FindingNamo on strummergirl

"If artists were machines, then I'm just a different kind of machine...I'd probably be a toaster. Actually, I'd be a toaster oven because they're more versatile. And I like making grilled cheese" -Regina Spektor

"That's, like, twelve shows! ...Or seven." -Crazy SA Fangirl

"They say that just being relaxed is the most important thing [in acting]. I take that to another level, I think kinda like yawning being partially asleep onstage is also good, but whatever." - Sherie Rene Scott

#15re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/6/09 at 11:02am

Was this thread started by the same person who initiated the Hair nudity question?

#16re: marc kudisch 9 to 5
Posted: 5/6/09 at 3:13pm

hahahaha, this thread made my day. kind of gross, but so funny I don't care. thanks!
