Student Rush

#1Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 8:40am

Hey everyone- just a quick question. Spending the day in the city with my three cousins. I am trying to take them to see a show, but two are ten years old, so the choices are limited, they don't have student IDs and money's a bit tight. Of course, they wanted to see Shrek, but tickets are beyond expensive and there are no deals/tkts for the matinee. Since I am the only one with a student ID and the student rush tix are limited to 1 per person, we are kind of in a bind. We are going to do some lotteries when we get there, but as far as student rush.. what do most people do when there are multiple people in your party and some don't have IDs? is there any way to get around that? Thanks!

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#2re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 8:45am

Shrek is only for College Students only so they won't get in. But I would do the lottery, I think it's pretty easy.

#2re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 8:46am

Some shows do allot for two tickets per ID. Different shows have different policies. Also, some shows offer lottery as opposed to rush, which a student ID is not needed, but you may not all win seats. Some shows offer standing room as well when sold out. Check here for the policies for various shows:

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#3re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 10:46am

If you're thinking of trying the lotto.... I've gone with my little brother many times, and if when you're putting your name in you explain to the person drawing that their schools don't do ids until a certain year, they will almost always let them put their names in without ids. Since they are 10 it should be okay.

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

Mark_E Profile Photo
#4re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 10:48am

^^^^Since when are lotteries for students only?

Apart from the JB mobile lottery.

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#5re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 11:12am

I just meant that the only id most kids would have would be a school id, since I don't know many ten year olds with drivers licenses or passports (unless their from another country) student ids would be the most likely id they would have.

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

LandofTy Profile Photo
#6re: Student Rush
Posted: 7/1/09 at 11:14am

You should ask random students on the street. Go to any box office and look for someone who just bought a Student Ticket.

"Hey, did you just buy a student ticket?"


"Oh! I'm trying to take my little cousins to see a show, but they don't have student ids. Would you mind walking over with me to __________(insert broadway show), and buy a ticket for me with your card. I'll give you the cash of course. (If you really want to go for the punch) I'll even give you an extra $5!)

"Ugh. Sure!"

I've done this a few times. Generally, students are willing to help out. Give it a shot!
