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Can The Adults Please Smoke? 30th Anniversary Special: Thirty, Dirty,Flirty and still FABULOUS!- Page 195

Can The Adults Please Smoke? 30th Anniversary Special: Thirty, Dirty,Flirty and still FABULOUS!

harris007 Profile Photo
#4850Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:44am

the cows bring in cocoa* talked to the roomate last night turns out it was a misunderstanding its a long story

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4851Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:45am

Mornin' kiddies. I'm having a seriously craptastic day! Of course, I have three training session scheduled for Friday. I hate snow!

shira467 Profile Photo
#4852Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:49am

It's a bit chilly here, but not like the East.

Mornin' all.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4853Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:53am

Harris, don't fall for that!

Powerpointing and not happy about it! Crappy template they gave me to work with. I'm refusing to use it.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#4854Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:14am

just for the record. my father is an ass. in case that wasn't apparent.

shameless Profile Photo
#4855Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:35pm

Hey Ya'll!

Harris, I can't think of any possible excuse for not picking up the phone and calling you, but if you're willing to forgive and move on, then good for you!

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

#4856Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:37pm

Really Harris? REALLY? What was the excuse?

harris007 Profile Photo
#4857Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:33pm

Its a long story. But they thought I was coming home around 8 and staying there. The reason why he was freaked was he had this friend that I thoighy wadiner cute commong over to be my date for the night. Cus I told him how past nye have sucked . So He was trying to do that and clean and looked freaked cus I was home earlyer them expected. And this is true cus he mom called me 3 called me 3 times that night . She heard o freaked out and left. She was ing to to. Me. All about it. And to get me to come back .

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

harris007 Profile Photo
#4858Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:39pm

And to make matters worce his step dad got taken to hospital that nite

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

#4859Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:40pm

Oh, I just noticed it was humping day! Hmm, I wonder what is for dinner?

#4860Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:41pm

Babelfish is having a hard time translating that paragraph, harris.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4861Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:44pm

So, I think:

Long story. My roommate thought I was coming home around 8, and staying home for the night. My roommate had a surprise for me, a cute boy coming over to be my date for NYE, but it was a surprise, to help make sure this NYE did not suck like previous NYE's have (just avoid how sucking can make a very good NYE). I, unfortunately, came home much earlier than thought, which interrupted both his cleaning for the party, and his plan to surprise me with a yummy date. So, he panicked and told me a lie to get me out of the house so he could finish cleaning and get my surprise ready. I believe him because his mom tried to call me three times on NYE after she heard I freaked out over the misunderstanding. She was also trying to reach me via IM (guessing here) to try and get me to return home so I could enjoy the party and the surprise date.

EDIT - to make matters even worse, my roomies step dad went to the hospital that night as well.

Updated On: 1/6/10 at 01:44 PM

#4862Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:46pm

Ahhhhh! Good that you're fluent in harris-speak, YWIW. Thanks!

shameless Profile Photo
#4863Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:55pm

"thoighy wadiner"

Seriously, Harris, that's horrible even by your standards.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4864Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 1:59pm

That does not explain the having the party/not having the party/having the party that began the whole thing.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4865Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:02pm

The gist is that he was having a party, but wanted for some reason to surprise Harris with the cute boy, so told them that there was no party. But, I am just guessing here.

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4866Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:36pm

And I think the whole thing is malarkey. But I'm cynical that way.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4867Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:47pm

I think there may be some shenanigans there as well. I was just trying to translate Harris-speak.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4868Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:48pm

But, when the roomie told Harris that the party was canceled, Harris made plans to stay at his brothers. Harris said he popped in to get clothes -- he wasn't expected home at all. Come on Harris, 'splain.

D2 Profile Photo
#4869Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 2:49pm

"Seriously, Harris, that's horrible even by your standards."

ROFLMAO! Shamey, I love you. Humpy Wednesday

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

shameless Profile Photo
#4870Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 3:27pm

MWAH, Deet! Humpy Wednesday

And, I still haven't deciphered those two words.

But, the point is that Harris has accepted the explanation, and I'm cool with that. There's nothing worse than being at war with a roommate.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

harris007 Profile Photo
#4871Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 3:59pm

sorry i was on the metro trying to type on blackberry

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4872Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 4:07pm

I hoep i am typing okay becaise I gouged ot my i's when i red wut harros wrotd

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

shameless Profile Photo
#4873Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 4:13pm

LOL! EVIL!!!! Humpy Wednesday

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4874Humpy Wednesday
Posted: 1/6/10 at 4:14pm


Where has the day gone?! I feel like I've been a step behind all day, and nothing that I had planned to get done did, because of all these other things that popped up and were more important. I intensely dislike days like this!

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

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