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Donald Trump's Fatal Errors- Page 9

Donald Trump's Fatal Errors

PalJoey Profile Photo
#200Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/25/17 at 12:54pm


A delicious debacle!

Trump FAILED at closing the deal, and in  trying to win over the House Freedom Caucus--a group of conservatives who consider him as bad as a Democrat--he used wonderful foul language in describing Paul Ryan:


"Forget about the little SH*T," Trump said, according to multiple sources in the room. "Let's focus on the big picture here."


Apparently, they decided to forget about BOTH little SH*Ts.


POLITICO: Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle Eighteen days that shook the Republican Party—and humbled a president.




javero Profile Photo
#201Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/25/17 at 12:59pm

Donald Trump's Fatal Errors

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

madbrian Profile Photo
#202Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/25/17 at 1:21pm

Looks like Ryan and Trump have two choices: they can let the Freedom Caucus control the agenda, or they can work with the Dems. Any chance at all they'd choose the latter?  Didn't think so. 

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

PalJoey Profile Photo
#203Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/25/17 at 4:29pm

Ryan will have to relinqiish power, and Trump will be faced with a House leadership that doen't consider him conservative enough.

If the Democrats can forget about their stupid splits between moderates and leftists, they can take over.

Democrats: Stop eating your own! This is your moment.


javero Profile Photo
#204Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/25/17 at 6:14pm

What's the over-under on Ryan losing his House Speaker's gig?

In a sane Congress, the one losing his leadership post would be Devin Nunes. The guy is a conduit to the White House that's currently under investigation by the FBI.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#206Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 12:47am

'and another one Bites the Dust'...

The rumpy-trump WH continues to amaze. It's perfectly normal for a presidential advisor and very close surro-gate-Gate, [that's what we can call this procession of comrades - Surro-Gate-Gate] Boris Epsteyn to quietly resign his ever so important post at 10:00pm on a Saturday night.

"Nothing to see here; Move along.."

It's looking more and more like Flynn has started to sing like tiny Russian  "N3MeHHNK" or "traitor".

It's going to get pretty crowded under that bus.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

PalJoey Profile Photo
PalJoey Profile Photo
#208Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 8:59am


This is the headline foir the lead article in the NY Times this morning


NY TIMES: Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War


I almost wish that SueStorm/Petra were still with us, just so I could throw that headline in her face, but someone threw a pail of water on her and she's gone where the goblins go.

predicted a COP civil wart several months ago, before the election. They won of course, and Petra dubbed me "So Wrong, So Often." But I kept saying, in politics, you wait around long enough and it all comes around..

Who knew the demise of the Trump Coalition would end so soon? I'd like to say I did, but in this volatile political world, all predictions are worthless. 

The only thing that's true is that if you wait long enough, it all comes around.

Here's hoping the Democratic coalition stays together long enough to make use of the GOP Civil War.


PalJoey Profile Photo
PalJoey Profile Photo
#210Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 1:27pm


White House correspondent Tara Palmieri just tweeted this:


Tara Palmeri ?@tarapalmeri

Source close to @POTUS says he's being advised to replace @Reince45 & is open to possibility -- healthcare was last straw

2:00 PM - 25 Mar 2017 · Washington, DC

theaterdrew Profile Photo
#211Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 2:13pm

he used wonderful foul language in describing Paul Ryan:


"Forget about the little SH*T," Trump said, according to multiple sources in the room. "Let's focus on the big picture here."

What he was referring to is the details of the bill--he had no idea what was really in it and didn't care enough to learn.  In other words, it was all about branding for him.  Someone else did the work to come up with a proposal and he was just there to have his name on it, just like his business deals. Without having any interest in policy-making, he was of zero use in the negotiations.  Let us hope this is exactly what will happen with tax reform and any other item on their agenda.

Also, the talk about replacing Priebus is being planted by Bannon, so him being removed would be a victory for the "let's use this as an opportunity to compile an enemies list and then destroy the federal government!" faction.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#212Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 3:42pm


Wouldn't it be delicious if the one who ended up being replaced was Bannon?


Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#213Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 3:48pm

I can't understand why these rump-sters still continue to believe he knows what he is doing; he hasn't a clue how to legislate, or what a bill is or how the Executive Branch is not his "Throne". When he signs a bill it's like "coloring book" day at pre-school. (The Wharton School must cringe every time he brags of his knowledge).

It's taking what seems like a long time to finally expose this thief, traitor and clown. It's even more unfortunate knowing that even though he'll probably be removed from office, he will still have cost us millions that we'll never see. He'll continue to not pay any taxes and live like the "King" he thinks he is, and is devious enough to be sure to have a fall guy, so he will, in turn, get a pardon.

The damage will have been coordinated, and executed. Rump didn't screw us on his own; just like he himself, his yokels, skinheads and fools will deny it's their fault and keep screaming for a'murica, guns and hand outs.   

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

#214Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 4:59pm

Steve C. said: "I can't understand why these rump-sters still continue to believe he knows what he is doing; ....


Part of the pro-Trump conservative psychology is that many are so deep into conspiracy theory that they latch desperately onto a chosen source (Bannon/Trump) and ignore everything else, hence all the "fake news" nonsense. It's impossible to get a modicum of reason into their skulls, so those people are lost causes that unfortunately do as much damage as possible while in positions of power thanks to gerrymandering and Russian involvement.

Now here's a fun thing to think about: If Trump is impeached, convicted, and removed, he doesn't get those special benefits like Secret Service protection and the pension. If he resigns, he does get them (I believe Nixon did). So I really hope he doesn't resign and any future impeachment process goes through in full, though we may need the 2018 rollover to prevent gerrymandered Republicans from protecting his ass.

One good thing has come from this entire debacle, though. Those who voted for Trump have shown their true faces, beliefs, and ugly character; I'm not willing to give the vast majority any sort of pass because all the dirt on Trump--all the racist and sexist things he has said on record, the KKK support, cheating on his wife, public lawsuit records, lies, etc.--were known before and during the campaign. It's nothing like Bill Clinton's scandal that only came to light during his second term. So many people knowingly voted for the ugly with and without so-called promises, and I'm glad that makes them much easier to identify and expunge from immediate social circles. They're a blight on American society.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#215Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 5:12pm

It's even more unfortunate knowing that even though he'll probably be removed from office

Pffff...I certainly have no confidence that it would happen.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

PalJoey Profile Photo
#217Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 5:53pm

^That's the rumbling I'm seeing across the Twitterverse, certainly...


Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#218Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 7:01pm

Two things quickly guys,

Pootie yeah and yes and yes, you are so right in almost every thing you said above and I agree; the only thing that scares me is that these "underground" "low profile" "lying" rump supporters will go back into hiding and come back in another heinous form. This kind of prejudice and hatred doesn't die easily and will, sadly, continue to simmer...

the other thing is I am 95% sure that Flynn has already covered his ass and started singing...fvcking over rump and friends and setting the stage for complete anarchy. Question is what happens/ Is Pence still in with the Russian gang banging? or is he #46 by default? That could be even worse...

Later.. Donald Trump's Fatal Errors


I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

#219Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/26/17 at 8:47pm

Steve C. said: "Two things quickly guys,

Pootie yeah and yes and yes, you are so right in almost every thing you said above and I agree; the only thing that scares me is that these "underground" "low profile" "lying" rump supporters will go back into hiding and come back in another heinous form. This kind of prejudice and hatred doesn't die easily and will, sadly, continue to simmer...


No, you're definitely right about that. Any society is a bell curve, so we'll never be fully rid of these heinous deplorable things. The KKK has hung on for as long as it has, after all (even in the bluest states, too). Xenophobic conservative and liberal progressive elements will forever be at odds in every culture I can think of.


the other thing is I am 95% sure that Flynn has already covered his ass and started singing...fvcking over rump and friends and setting the stage for complete anarchy. Question is what happens/ Is Pence still in with the Russian gang banging? or is he #46 by default? That could be even worse...
Later.. Donald Trump's Fatal Errors


The GOP-Russian mess is both hilarious and horrifying to watch. While Pence is also quite horrible, at least he isn't such a loose cannon that he would insult all our international allies, I imagine. And hopefully by the time impeachment happens, we're that much closer to flipping Congress so that a theoretical Pence presidency can't do too much damage either.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#220Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/27/17 at 12:32pm


Oooohhh....they're bringing in JARED for questioning!


WASHINGTON POST: Senate panel plans to interview Trump son-in-law Kushner in Russia probe



javero Profile Photo
#221Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/27/17 at 2:33pm

Kushner wants in to gather intelligence and report back to Bannon & Captain Creamsicle.  It would give him street cred to brag about for years to come.  Kushner was also just named head of a new WH Office of American Innovation.  With Ivanka moving into the West Wing and her husband burrowed in deeper , Trump is surrounding himself with the few folks in town of whom he can trust. They're the only ones here who half-way like him which must kick his paranoia into overdrive.

Trump taps Kushner to lead a SWAT team to fix government with business ideas

"President Trump plans to unveil a new White House office on Monday with sweeping authority to overhaul the federal bureaucracy and fulfill key campaign promises — such as reforming care for veterans and fighting opioid addiction — by harvesting ideas from the business world and, potentially, privatizing some government functions."

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#222Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/27/17 at 2:49pm


Kushner has no experience or credibility to fix anything. He's just a little rich kid with no experience, knowledge, or skills. Nepotism only works when the neps are good. 


Meanwhile, even Dick Cheney says the Russian interference in the election was an act of war.


THE HILL: Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’



PalJoey Profile Photo
#223Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/27/17 at 11:01pm


(Conservative Republican) Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post says Jared's silly little project is doomed.


WASHINGTON POST: Jared Kushner’s project is doomed



javero Profile Photo
#224Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/28/17 at 2:42pm

In a watershed moment for the Affordable Care Act, Kansas lawmakers have voted to expand Medicaid, with a bill for similar action queuing up in Virginia.  The governor of KS is expected to veto the bill but there's something in the air.  First the town halls and now this.

WaPo Lawmakers in deep-red Kansas just voted to expand Medicaid

TOPEKA, Kan. — Days after the failure of the Republican health bill in Washington, lawmakers in deep-red Kansas voted to participate in a key part of the law it was meant to replace, known as Obamacare.

The Kansas state Senate voted 25 to 14 Tuesday to expand Medicaid — the state-federal program for the poor — extending eligibility to about 150,000 additional low-income people. The measure, which passed the House last week, succeeded with the support of all the Democrats in the legislature as well as a number of newly elected moderate Republicans who campaigned on a promise to broaden the program.

Gov. Sam Brownback (R) is widely expected to reject the measure, however, and the legislature was shy of mustering the two-thirds vote necessary to override a veto.

Full article at the link above.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
