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Donald Trump's Fatal Errors- Page 10

Donald Trump's Fatal Errors

#225Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/28/17 at 7:57pm

^That's great, minus the expected veto part.

In other bad news:

"March 28, 2017

WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives voted today to pass resolution S.J.Res.34 that would overturn a Federal Communications Commission rule that requires internet service providers to get customers’ permission before selling sensitive consumer data, such as browsing history.

Passage of the resolution by Congress may prevent the FCC from issuing rules that are substantially the same in the future. The measure has now passed both chambers of Congress and will move to President Trump’s desk to be signed into law.

ACLU Legislative Counsel Neema Singh Guliani issued the following statement:

“It is extremely disappointing that Congress is sacrificing the privacy rights of Americans in the interest of protecting the profits of major internet companies including Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon. President Trump now has the opportunity to veto this resolution and show he is not just a president for CEOs but for all Americans. Trump should use his power to protect everyone’s right to privacy.”



kdogg36 Profile Photo
#226Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/28/17 at 10:59pm

Donald Trump is terrible. [This post originally had more interesting content, but it was probably ill-advised, so I removed it.]

Updated On: 3/29/17 at 10:59 PM

Petraluscious Profile Photo
#228Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/29/17 at 11:12am

That is heinous!! #warcrimes 

PalJoey Profile Photo
madbrian Profile Photo
#230Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/30/17 at 1:58pm

Unless some redistricting happens, those Freedom Caucus folks have nothing to fear from Trump, at least with respect to reelection.  The way to obviate them is to work with Dems to pass reasonable legislation without them.  Any chance that'll happen?  Didn't think so.  Ryan is on the record as not wanting to work with Dems.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

adamgreer Profile Photo
#231Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/30/17 at 8:21pm

Get your popcorn ready! They won't offer him immunity unless he can give them someone high up.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#232Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/30/17 at 10:22pm


Apparently, he old the Senate Intelligence Committee that he is willing to testify about the Trump campaign's possible ties to Russia in return for immunity from prosecution.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#233Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/31/17 at 8:35am


It's like a plot from a spy movie. Except it happened.


"This is a three-headed operation," said one former official, setting out the case, based on the intelligence: Firstly, hackers steal damaging emails from senior Democrats. Secondly, the stories based on this hacked information appear on Twitter and Facebook, posted by thousands of automated "bots", then on Russia's English-language outlets, RT and Sputnik, then right-wing US "news" sites such as Infowars and Breitbart, then Fox and the mainstream media. Thirdly, Russia downloads the online voter rolls.

The voter rolls are said to fit into this because of "microtargeting". Using email, Facebook and Twitter, political advertising can be tailored very precisely: individual messaging for individual voters.

"You are stealing the stuff and pushing it back into the US body politic," said the former official, "you know where to target that stuff when you're pushing it back."

This would take co-operation with the Trump campaign, it is claimed.

"If you need to ensure that white women in Pennsylvania don't vote or independents get pissed in Michigan so they stay home: that's voter suppression. You can figure what your target demographics and locations are from the voter rolls. Then you can use that to target your bot."

This is the "big picture" some accuse the FBI of failing to see.


BBC NEWS: Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified'


madbrian Profile Photo
#234Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 3/31/17 at 1:41pm

Looks like the Senate has declined his request for immunity.  Interestingly, Flynn has hired a virulent anti-Trump guy, Michael Kelner, as his lawyer.  Among Kelner's anti-Trump tweets from last year:

"The analogy to Goldwater '64 is a poor one. He was a great American and principled libertarian. Trump is an unprincipled libertine."

Curiouser and curiouser.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

PalJoey Profile Photo
#236Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/3/17 at 10:56pm

What is wrong with you all? So unamwrican to root for the demise of our country and president. If you're so unhappy then just leave already. 

PalJoey Profile Photo
#237Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/3/17 at 11:12pm


 So unamwrican [SIC] to root for the demise of our country and president.


Like it was when you rooted for the demise of Obama?


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#238Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/4/17 at 1:02pm

What is wrong with you all? So unamwrican to root for the demise of our country and president. If you're so unhappy then just leave already.

Nobody is rooting for the demise of the country.  Just the opposite.  That's why MILLIONS are rooting for the demise of Captain Creamsicle in a way that is "unpresidented".  And it is 100% American to voice discontent with the government and any government official including the President (as you did with Obama).  It is 100% American to ask that the President and every elected official be held accountable for their words and actions. I get that you enjoy being a douchebag, but why do you want to sound so stupid as well?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#239Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/4/17 at 5:12pm

Rooting for the demise of the Trump administration IS saving America.


SNAFU Profile Photo
#240Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/4/17 at 5:26pm

Only those who are cheering Trump's dismantling of the Nation and selling it out to the 1% are the ones rooting for the demise of America. Step Right Up, the Going Out Of Business Sale!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#241Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/5/17 at 3:17pm


The dismantling of Steve Bannon's ridiculous position on the National Security Council was accomplished by Jared Kushner, who hates Steve Bannon more than any of us.

Jared outmaneuvered Bannon and took all of Washington by surprise.


madbrian Profile Photo
#242Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/5/17 at 4:03pm

The article I read indicated McMasters was the driving force behind the ousting of Bannon. 

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

javero Profile Photo
#243Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/5/17 at 5:59pm

Take this with a grain of salt of course.  My sources indicate that McMasters orchestrated Bannon's ouster from the National Security Council. The cover story is that Bannon was appointed initially only to keep watch over Flynn. Folks supposedly in the know cite the latest episode of Assad's barbarism as the catalyst for the realignment since there's no guarantee that the Susan Rice gambit will pay off.  Slowly but surely, those in the administration who know how to play inside baseball are squeezing out the alt-right interlopers.  Kushner strikes me as clever enough to realize that the Trump regime is disintegrating thanks to Bannon,  his know-nothing acolytes, and WH staffers compromised by Putin's Foreign Intelligence Service.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#244Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/5/17 at 11:31pm

Bannon threatened to quit.

In tomorrow's Times tonight:


NY TIMES: Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post



Mr. Bannon resisted the move, even threatening at one point to quit if it went forward, according to a White House official who, like others, insisted on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Mr. Bannon’s camp denied that he had threatened to resign and spent the day spreading the word that the shift was a natural evolution, not a signal of any diminution of his outsize influence.

His allies said privately that Mr. Bannon had been put on the principals committee to keep an eye on Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, a retired three-star general who lasted just 24 days before being forced out for misleading Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about what he had discussed with Russia’s ambassador. With Mr. Flynn gone, these allies said, there was no need for Mr. Bannon to remain, but they noted that he had kept his security clearance....


And this:

But blunders by Mr. Bannon’s team — especially the first immigration order, which was rejected by multiple courts — have undermined his position. His take-no-prisoners style was not a winning strategy on Capitol Hill, and Mr. Bannon declined to take a significant part. Experienced politicians, including Mr. Pence and Mr. Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, stepped into more expansive roles as negotiations over the failed health care overhaul dragged on.

Mr. Trump initially supported Mr. Bannon’s take-it-or-leave-it final message to holdouts in the House Freedom Caucus. But, needing a win, the president grew skeptical and authorized Mr. Pence to resume health care talks, with Mr. Bannon playing more of a supporting role, according to three people close to Mr. Trump.

Mr. Bannon has also been at odds with Gary Cohn, the president’s national economics adviser. Mr. Cohn is close with Mr. Kushner, who has said privately that he fears that Mr. Bannon plays to the president’s worst impulses, according to people with direct knowledge of such discussions.


adamgreer Profile Photo
#245Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/6/17 at 9:31am

So Bannon was put on the NSC to "keep an eye" on the guy that's likely to be charged with treason when all is said and done? 

Sort of contradicts the "we had no idea what he was up to" claims they've repeatedly made, no? 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#246Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/6/17 at 11:54am

And somehow, the rump supporters still claim that everything is humming along brilliantly.  I just wonder when Tom Cruise is planning a run for President so he can install Miscavige and replace the Constitution with Dianetics.  I mean, might as well, right?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#247Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/6/17 at 5:16pm

I tend to stick to print media and online text sources these days just to avoid the sound of the Tweeter-in-Chief's voice.  It's such a relief, bigly.  I still can't believe that by some fluke, we Americans are saddled with a POTUS who has a nanosecond attention span and a thimble-full of knowledge of the US constitution.

His Sec of State Tillerson should have resigned already due to utter incompetence.  Betsy DeVos as Sec of Education is a joke.  There is no earthly explanation for Uncle Ben as Sec of HUD.  We have a Goldman Sachs investment banker turned movie mogul in Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Sec.  Then there's the SIL acting as Trump's regent at every turn.  The inmates are running the asylum.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#248Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/6/17 at 9:41pm

He called for military strikes in Syria. Wtf is wrong with him?

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

PalJoey Profile Photo
#249Donald Trump's Fatal Errors
Posted: 4/6/17 at 10:17pm


See the criticism of this move I just posted in the other thread, not by a liberal, but by a conservative elder statesman.

