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Once ( upon a time )

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#250Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:01pm


Eris0303 Profile Photo
#251Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:09pm

Blue, I just posted the same thing on my twitter. They did a great job with that one.

And, I think they gave away a clue to August's identity.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#252Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:11pm

What clue?

#253Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:15pm

At the bridge? I caught that but I don't know what it could mean.

#254Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:15pm

Snow White has a BIG mouth! No wonder the queen hates her. I would too. At that age, I knew what a secret was & when to keep my mouth shut.

That was by far my favorite episode thus far!!

Oh, and I'm not sure about August being who some may think he is (the clue...he's not a liar...something about a splint shin...)

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#255Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:16pm


It might not be anything and I'm just looking for clues that aren't there. When August stumbles and his leg goes a bit "wooden".

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#256Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:16pm

WOW. I genuinely did not see that ending coming. This show continues to get more and more intriguing. I just wish the CG and dialogue would follow suit...

kec Profile Photo
#257Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:32pm

degrassifan, you don't think Cora manipulated that secret out of the child by playing the worried mother? That was certainly my thought. I certainly understood why Snow did what she did.

Eris, you may be right but something in the promo makes me think August is someone else...

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#258Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:35pm

Snow White has a BIG mouth! No wonder the queen hates her. I would too. At that age, I knew what a secret was & when to keep my mouth shut.

It's a lot less black and white than that. Cora absolutely played on Snow's feelings of loss over her mother. At that age you might have been able to be manipulated by an adult who really knew what they were doing.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#259Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:36pm

Eris, you may be right but something in the promo makes me think August is someone else...

Yes, that's exactly what's making me question my thoughts. Oh these red herrings! lol

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

madbrian Profile Photo
#260Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:37pm

At the toll bridge, August refers to the pain in his leg as shin splints. That plays into the Pinocchio theory.

And that little girl is SUCH a Mary Margaret clone.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

jasonf Profile Photo
#261Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:43pm

I couldn't believe how like MM that little girl was! Is she related to Ginnifer Goodwin somehow?

Great episode. Definitely excited to find out where Katherine was!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#262Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:44pm

I'm sorry but apparently Little Snow was supposed to be about 10-12. At that age, you should know when to keep your mouth shut. Even Henry knows how to keep secrets.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#263Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:47pm

And don't forget this exchange -

"I am not a liar"
"That's exactly what a liar would say"


kec Profile Photo
#264Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 9:50pm

Yes, but Henry knows who his mother really is. Snow was an innocent child who had lost her mother and when Cora played the "worried I'm going to lose my child" bit, Snow fell for it.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#265Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 10:06pm

I'm sorry but apparently Little Snow was supposed to be about 10-12. At that age, you should know when to keep your mouth shut. Even Henry knows how to keep secrets.

It doesn't matter. Cora is obviously a master manipulator. She could have gotten anyone to break.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#266Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 10:39pm

And honestly, even though Snow was manipulated, she still told! So to Regina, it was really her fault.

#267Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/1/12 at 11:51pm

This was a great episode. What Cora did was very deciteful by saying that she would do anything to make her daughter happy, but Snow White made a promise not tell and she broke it. If she really did care about Daniel and Regina's love, she would not have told Cora about them. However, Regina should know that this is not what Daniel would want. He would never want her to completely destroy someone eles's life for revenge. Also, thank God that Emma FINALLY learned that Sidney was behind all of Regina's plans.

It's interesting that Katherine is still alive. But I am wondering if that really was her heart in Mary Margaret's jewel box. Did Katherine really die or did Mr. Gold/Rumplestilskin bring her back to life when he said, "I just need to perform a little magic"?

ETA: Major grammar errors and a few missing words, but I fixed them.

Updated On: 4/2/12 at 11:51 PM

#268Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 12:45am

"but Snow White made a promise not tell and she broke it. If she really did care about Daniel and Regina's love, she would not have told Cora about them."

Thank you! In the end, she still told no matter what. 12 year olds are not as dumb as people think. She should know what a secret means. Maybe I was just mature for my age, but I've kept people's secrets from when I was that age till now.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#269Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 12:49am

Uh yeah but let's not forget a couple things here -

1) This is a Faerie Tale
2) 12 year olds 300 years ago maybe weren't as worldly as your precious young ones are today.
3) This is a fvcking Faerie Tale.

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#270Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 3:35am

I figured from the beginning that Katherine was still alive. Remember that Regina keeps the hearts of people she "owns" in little wooden boxes.

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#271Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 3:36am

I found what young Snow did to be very heartfelt. I know plenty of adults that couldn't keep a secret under less stressful situations.

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#272Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 6:53am

I don't know if Katherine coming back was Gold's "bit of magic" because he is currently working for Regina to get himself off for the battery charge. I would only believe it was Gold who brought her back if we knew his charge was dismissed.

I watched the episode on hulu this morning and didn't pay attention to how long it was and definitely let out a small yell when it ended. Fantastic episode!

ETA: was Daniel the gym teacher, or was that Frederick? He looked similar and I don't have time to rewatch and check.

AND when MM was being interviewed by the DA or whatever, that also showed how easily she an break down and tell people what they want to hear in her adult life as well.

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney
Updated On: 4/2/12 at 06:53 AM

#273Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 7:18am

Frederick was the gym teacher. I always thought that Katherine would turn up alive at some point becasue that's the only way MM could avoid a conviction. Previews from next week's episode showed an outraged Regina, yelling at Gold, "You broke our agreement!"

#274Once Upon a Time
Posted: 4/2/12 at 11:20am

seriously... i will reiterate what you all said.. it's like they took a chunk out of Ginnifer Goodwin to cast her younger version!

love the scene at the end with MM and Regina... damn I love Ginnifer Goodwin more and more every week! she was just fantastic at it... and Regina just really showed her intense hatred for her... what a b*tch!

and thank jeebus that Emma is finally catching on... and discovering that the guy was still working for Regina... i mean I love the character of Emma (and jennifer morrison) but her character started out badass then she just kinda got dumb!

and I really want to know what does happen when people try to leave the town... it appears that REgina and Gold know...
