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Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun- Page 2

Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#25Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:36pm

You don't think Jeb can make a dent in the Latino vote, with his wife and his Spanish?


madbrian Profile Photo
#26Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:46pm

Doesn't the fact that Cruz was born in Canada preclude him from being president? Or does that only apply selectively?

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#27Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:50pm

I want Sarah Palin on every single media venue ever. And when she doesn't get the GOP nom, she should totally run independent.

One of my favorite political things EVER was the SNL "spoof" of Katie Couric's Palin interview, indelibly burned into my brain. I don't think I laughed so hard in my life.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#28Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:54pm

I want Huckabee, the Texas Governor, Santorum, God won't be that good to us.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#29Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:54pm

Nope. Jeb Bush can NOT possibly win over Hillary.

He will never win over the far right of the GOP, and he needs them to overcome all the moderates and women who will move back from the GOP to vote for her.

He is not clever enough to straddle those opposing Republican forces. He trips over his words and stumbles into his former positions. He is no match for her.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#30Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 12:57pm

I think we shall see PJ.


madbrian Profile Photo
#31Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 1:14pm

It's difficult to imagine Hillary not learning from the mistakes of 2008, and lacking errors from her or her campaign, she will be hard to beat.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#32Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 1:17pm

The biggest danger in a "sure win" is that idiot voters won't go out to vote, making it a loss. Never underestimate the combination of American stupidity and laziness...


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#33Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 1:47pm

Or the ability to do everything possible to make it hard for poor people to vote, that is their ace in the hole.


#34Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 1:58pm

^Oh yes, THAT. I keep thinking, why can't we pass any bills that prevent ****ty anti-voter--oh, right.


Kad Profile Photo
#35Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/26/15 at 2:10pm

Honestly, the biggest threat to Hillary would be internal competition from the Democrats. If, for some reason, someone like Elizabeth Warren decided to run, it could potentially throw the party ito disarray instead of the strategically more advantageous position of uniformly backing one candidate from the get-go.

(That is not to say I think Warren will decide to reverse her oft-stated refusal to run, she is merely an example).

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#36Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/30/15 at 11:47am

No Mitt Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun


#37Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/30/15 at 11:59am

You won't have Mitt Romney to kick around anymore.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#38Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 1/30/15 at 8:03pm

Re the Ted Cruz' eligibility question, you can google it. The site I read explained that the Constitution says "natural-born citizen" and most legal scholars think Cruz qualifies because his mother is a citizen of the USA, so Cruz himself was an American citizen at birth, even in Canada.

But the question has never been addressed by SCOTUS, so some doubt remains.

#39Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 10:40am

Remember George Pataki? He was New York's most boring governor. He's exploring a run for 2016. What are these people thinking? This man is the most boring person on Earth. No personality whatsoever!

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#40Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 12:05pm

The more Huckabee talks, the more I REALLY want him to run because he's so far out there. He's so entertaining, but also frightening. Unlike a lot of politicians who pander to their "base," I get the sense Huckabee actually believes the nonsense coming out of his mouth.

jv92 Profile Photo
#41Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:48pm

Can't they all just move to a special "Republican Island" and pray and speak in tongues and talk about guns, grits and gravy for the rest of eternity? I've proposed this plan before, and I think it's valid.

javero Profile Photo
#42Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:51pm

...I get the sense Huckabee actually believes the nonsense coming out of his mouth.

That's what makes him so endearing to voters of a certain ilk.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#43Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:57pm

Well, looks like it's gonna be Walker vs. Clinton 2016.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#44Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 7:59pm

Christie's bizarre anti-vaccine comments will be the final nail in his rather large coffin. I don't even think he's viable as a VP anymore, given his proclivity to frequently wander off the reservation and act like a bully.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#45Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 8:03pm

Jeb is in and he's gonna be impossible to beat.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#46Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/2/15 at 10:19pm

Jeb is in but you're quite alone in thinking he can win.

He's got no support from the conservative wing, and there's no love (or money) coming to him from Republican moderates.

So who does that leave? (Other than you?)

Updated On: 2/3/15 at 10:19 PM

#47Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/3/15 at 9:47am

Probably the first and only time I will agree with PalJoey. Jeb is a fool to run. Nobody wants to see a dynasty. And even if he wasn't a Bush, he doesn't have a strong enough platform to win.

However, these people aren't in it to be POTUS. They are in it to earn money.

I wouldn't declare Hillary the nominee just yet. I think the Democrats should think very hard about who they put up. Hillary ain't it.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#48Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/3/15 at 10:03am

Can someone explain to me why everyone seems to be so solidly convinced Hillary is unbeatable? Do we really not think that both candidates are each going to get close to 50% of the votes, as has happened in the last four elections? I just don't get the hubristic confidence in Hillary's power to defeat whatever Republican that's foisted upon us.

Updated On: 2/3/15 at 10:03 AM

tazber Profile Photo
#49Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/3/15 at 10:08am

I imagine folks probably think Clinton will win because she's polling well and the GOP is in total disarray. Add to that how close she came 6 years ago to the nomination and it would seem she has a large base.

Also(or rather primarily), she has lots of $$$$.

But once things solidify and the circus primary season is over I think things will become much tighter.

And no, Jeb has no chance.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 2/3/15 at 10:08 AM
