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Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun- Page 4

Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#75Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 10:53am

I haven't heard of any liberal politicians advocating for non-vaccination. The article you link does say that anti-vacs spokespeople have been given airtime their cause doesn't merit, and I certainly agree with that. But I don't think it's quite the same thing.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#76Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 10:56am

It should also be noted that the Oprah interview mentioned was in 2007; I think that autism-related claim was retracted a few years after that. It wasn't any more correct in 2007, but I think it's more important to look at what people--especially politicians--are saying now. Especially in the face of an actual measles outbreak.

#77Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:05am

"It should also be noted that the Oprah interview mentioned was in 2007"

It doesn't matter. To some women, Oprah is God. Anything she says or does is taken as complete truth. Unless Oprah got back on tv and said "Oops..." it is stuck in many of these women's head.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#78Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:10am

Hillary better butter up to Clint Eastwood, Kelsey Grammer, Victoria Jackson and Patricia Heaton, because she's lost everyone else in Hollywood.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

tazber Profile Photo
#79Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:14am

17 reasons why vaccines don't matter

....but the world goes 'round

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#80Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:20am

Why did Oprah make Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and Carly Fiorina speak about this? Why did she do that?

Kad Profile Photo
#81Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:04pm

And now women, with their primitive belief in Oprah's godlihood coupled with their feeble women-minds, will have it stuck in their heads forever.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#82Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:15pm

Oprah is God? Really? I was unaware that my vagina prohibited me from making an informed decision.

What matters is what is being said now with the current information that is available. Republicans are saying it should be personal choice. Democrats are coming out in favor of a full vaccination schedule. There were questions about vaccines and their relation to autism seven years ago. There is more data now.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#83Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 7:46pm

CNN has an article this evening on Jeb Bush's views on immigration.

CNN: Past Bush immigration remarks shock conservatives

#84Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 2/4/15 at 8:29pm

Andrew Wakefield should have been strung up by his balls for the amount of damage his study did, not only to the ignorant, but to parents who want to vaccinate but can't because of age limits, and also to the scientific community itself. Christ, that thing pissed me off beyond belief. And there are still morons who believe it.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#85Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/17/15 at 2:52pm

Saw something strange today. Driving on the main road that cuts through Miami, a person with a ready made vote for Ted Cruz poster, waving it at a street corner. This is one of the reasons I have hope for the Dems in 2018. If this moronic nut is going to be one of their guys, I'm in heaven. He looks like Joe McCarthy, the slime oozes.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#86Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/18/15 at 6:19pm

Oh please Donald let it be true. God is not that kind.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#87Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/18/15 at 11:59pm

And Hillary STILL is ahead of everyone else in the game, Republican or Democratic, by at least 10 points:

CNN: Poll: Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#88Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/20/15 at 9:56pm

PJ, you are way too confident. I'm scared of Jeb Bush. Any of the others no problem, him....


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#89Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/20/15 at 10:06pm

My wife just informed me the cheerleader coach from Glee ended up VP with Jeb Bush as prez, that is so believable, well done Glee.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#90Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/25/15 at 7:05pm

PJ, we got Cruz and Paul. Wishes for Santorum soon, drool.


dented146 Profile Photo
#91Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/25/15 at 9:23pm

Cruz is anything but a moronic nut. He is arrogant, a divider, unable to get along with many of his colleagues in the GOP but he is not moronic.

He was a constant conservative at Harvard and among the top debaters there. Alan Dershowitz called him one of the smartest students he ever had. He can express his opinions extraordinarily well, at length, without even a note in his hand. A few hours ago I heard Joan Walsh on MSNBC call him an idiot. My guess is that his IQ is about 30 points higher than hers.

He may not get very far because he rubs people the wrong way. He rubs me the wrong way but while he is in the race he will likely be very capable at expressing his opinions and focusing attention on things he finds wrong with the current administration.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#92Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/26/15 at 6:02am

True, he's smarter than your usual Texas candidate.


dented146 Profile Photo
#93Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/26/15 at 11:36am

Yes, I would agree with that. Although, LBJ was pretty crafty and showed real character when it mattered.

Randyk2 Profile Photo
#94Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/26/15 at 12:14pm

Except when he decided to venture into Vietnam for all those years. No?

Updated On: 3/26/15 at 12:14 PM

dented146 Profile Photo
#95Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/26/15 at 8:22pm

True enough.

#96Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:46pm

I find it incredibly depressing that such divisive, intellectually challenged, self-serving, socially dangerous candidates would actually be considered for the position. Evidently a lot of people find it funny. I wish I could but there's too much at stake.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#97Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:55pm

It is depressing Wilmington, someone that I admire, Bernie Sanders, has no chance. I'm thinking the Republicans will be smart and nominate Jeb, and he'll beat Hillary, because of voter ID and the electoral college. If they nominate anyone else I think Hillary has a chance


PalJoey Profile Photo
#98Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/27/15 at 8:48pm

No, I kept telling you. Jeb cannot beat Hillary. The conservative wing of the Republican party detests him. He is considered the ultimate "RINO"--Republican in Name Only. The hate his pro-immigration stance and they hate that he's pro-Common Core. They see no difference between him and Hillary. They consider them part of two family dynasties that are, in the end, identical.

(Similar, actually, to they way many leftist Democrats feel about the Clintons.)

There are not enough "mainstream Republican" voters who like Jeb to get anywhere near Hillary.

Jeb will lose to Hillary by double digits.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#99Possible and probable GOP primary could be fun
Posted: 3/29/15 at 4:25pm

Another incompetent to add to the list, where's Santorum?

