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True Blood Season 6

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#175True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 2:33pm

True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right?  (Spoilers within)

Updated On: 8/13/12 at 02:33 PM

#176True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/14/12 at 2:45pm

SOOOO glad Hoyt is gone. I hope he never comes back. Bill needs to meet the true death like yesterday, along with Nora and Salome. Russell, Gay Vampire American, The Reverend Steve Newlin and puppy Ella need to go off and live happily ever after in a spin-off where they eat frat houses and dance to katy perry songs in the middle of the corpses each week. And Pam and Tara need to continue dressing like sisters raiding each other's closets.

Oh, and Jessica needs to be the one to stake the POS Bill. He's been a terrible sire to her. Worst. Father. Ever.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#178True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/14/12 at 2:54pm

Bill doesn't bug me the way he does a lot of other people. He's certainly one of the characters I find least compelling, but I'd take Bill over a Were any day.

I've been rewatching the show from the beginning on HBOGo, and I'm just done with season 2. I can't believe there were no Weres in the entire first two seasons. I'd love to go back to that. I guess Alcide can stay around because he's pretty, but god, I just hate any suplot involving them. I'm dreading the return of Crystal and twenty pregnant werepanther girls. Maybe the new post-Ball regime will just pretend like they never existed.

Something I caught in rewatching - Andy already knew Sam was a shifter, even though it seems like he's finding out for the first time this season. He found out near the end of the second season, when Sam tried to fake out all of Maryann's minions.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#179True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/19/12 at 10:27pm

1) I'm glad Bill's craziness was explained.
2) "You Ginger Bitch" will be something I will strive to say at least once a day from now on.
3) Lillith's pubic hair deserves an Emmy nomination and it's own series.

#180True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/19/12 at 10:37pm

I was very, very excited to see Miss Erica Gimpel living almost-forever as the fairy elder.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Wynbish Profile Photo
#181True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/19/12 at 11:02pm

We got Pam/Tara/Jessica scenes!

I don't understand the prominence of pubes but no underarm hair.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#182True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/19/12 at 11:42pm

Namo, I recognized her too! She looked so great and high fidelity.

harris007 Profile Photo
#183True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 12:39am

Does anyone else get the feeling that ,this storyline will be carried over to season 6 ? I just don't see them tieing all the plot up in just 50mins. Roomrate and I have a bet that it will end with a massive cliff hanger.

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#184True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 7:33am

Also glad Bill's sudden fundamentalism was explained, and Pam, as always, made that moment sing. But Moyers, whom I generally like, remains unconvincing as a reborn Lilithian.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Wynbish Profile Photo
#186True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:12pm

My new #1 reason why I'd be fine if Bill was staked in the ass

True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right?  (Spoilers within)

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#187True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:17pm

The Authority stuff is just too much for me!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#188True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:19pm

I hope the leader of the authority turns out to be Rosie O'Donnell.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#189True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:20pm

Just in this season (both somewhat because of the Authority) Eric has released Pam, and Bill did that to Jessica.

And has Luna worn clothes at all this season?

I did like the cute Terry/Arlene moment. No more smoke monster and Noel from Felicity.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#190True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:44pm

I wish Lilith would put on a goddamn toga or something. I have nothing against the nudity, but seriously lady, enough. I was surprised she actually finally spoke. I thought she was just all primal screams and stuff.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Phyllis Rogers Stone
#192True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:53pm

I know! Her bush looks just like Alcide's! I'd like to see Lilith eat some werewolves.

I cannot believe this season is just about over. It's not fair!

Wynbish Profile Photo
Phyllis Rogers Stone
#194True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:10pm

I'm sorry we won't get to see the elder fairy again. This show isn't safe for fairies!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#195True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:12pm

Now it knows how Alabama feels.

#196True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:18pm

Lilith looks like she's having a constant period on the outside of her body.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#197True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:24pm

If Pam sees her and tells to "Plug it Up", I'll never stop laughing.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#198True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:29pm

I wish they would replace Menses Lilith with Lilith Sternin.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#199True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/21/12 at 12:00am

Or Lillith from CHEERS.
