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ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview

#1ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 10:31pm

I just got home from this evening's performance of All About Me...the second stinker in the "new" Henry Miller's Theatre. It's just dreadful. Michael Feinstein is a TOTAL bore (especially his "What Kind of Fool Am I"), and I just didn't find Dame Edna funny.

My favorite parts? The Bye Bye Birdie joke and....that's it.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 10:33pm

How is the show split up? Does the Dame do a bit of the show, than Feinstein comes out and croons for a bit and then back to the comedy? I'm seeing it tomorrow night and was just curious.

#2ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 10:35pm

It starts with Michael doing a few songs, then Dame Edna comes on and they're "confused" about why they both booked the same theatre. And then Dame does some schtick. Then they have a confrontation and try to figure out how to work it out.

The second act starts with them (with a bit of help from Rosie O', the stage manager) trying to figure out some healthy, common ground. Then magically, by the end of the second act, they love each other. The poor "ensemble" boys doing curtain call in koala suits.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#3ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:31pm

I was there tonight too, Rytoast, and I honestly don't know what to make of this one. Yes it's a total mess, but I also laughed A LOT (mostly at it, but still!).

This show doesn't touch the brilliance of dear Suzanne in my av, but if you look it in that light this production can be a real delight.

The lesbian stage manager "BJ" is so laughably bad that it's...laughable. The chorus boys are used to awful effect, and really all their schtick received no love from the audience.

I must say, having not been familiar with Dame Edna, I found her to be very funny on her own.

Rytoast is absolutely right in that Michael is bland, bland, bland. He tried to be very Vegas, but he won't be making anyone forget Steve Lawrence anytime soon.

I wish this would have just been a Dame Edna show and I think it would have been much more of a success. The two just didn't meld very well together.

Still I had a ball, and haven't laughed this much in the theater since, dare I say, The Norman Conquests.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 2/23/10 at 11:31 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:35pm

"I wish this would have just been a Dame Edna show and I think it would have been much more of a success. The two just didn't meld very well together"

This is exactly what I was afraid of. The Dame needs a show all to herself and stopping the funny every so often for a song just doesn't seem like it would fit the mood of the show and would almost just bring it down and make it immensely boring until the song was over.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#5ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:43pm

You hit the nail on the head, Jordan. Everytime Dame Edna got the crowd warmed up with some jokes and I was starting to actually enjoy myself, Michael would come out to sing or throw a hissy fit and the air would be let out of the tire.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#6ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:47pm

what was the Bye Bye Birdie joke?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#7ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:52pm

Spoiler for the Birdie Joke:

Edna said something about how they were so honored be the first show in the new Henry Miller theater...oh Birdie was just a test run (or something like that) and she made a funny face. Everyone in the audience who saw the revival clearly got the joke.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#8ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/23/10 at 11:59pm

Dame Edna's BYE BYE BIRDIE bashing was absolutely hilarious. A brilliant line that got a lot of laughs.

HOUFlip04 Profile Photo
#9ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 12:12am

I just got home from seeing this preview. Overall, I was entertained. I am a fan of both and it was an honor to hear Michael Feinstein sing live after hearing his recordings for years. I think "dreadful" is pretty harsh. It wasn't spectacular, but isn't that what previews are for? I can see them tweaking this in the upcoming weeks.

This is Harvard, not a stripper bar...

Scott Briefer
#10ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 1:00am

Christopher Durang is credited as one of the writers. How can this not be hysterical?

#11ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 8:51am

I will agree with would've been leaps and bounds better as just a Dame Edna show.

Mr. Feinstein's voice was beautiful, but I didn't go to see a concert...I went to laugh and be entertained. The times when it was JUST Dame Edna, I had an enjoyable time, but when they tried to force some sort of "feud" it just didn't work for me.

And, okay, dreadful may have been a bit harsh ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview

Kalimba Profile Photo
#12ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 9:11am

The paying audience should be very thankful if this folds during previews.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#13ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 9:27am

The feud is a ridiculous premise, and I think the audience can see right through it why it was created. Both Feinstein and Dame Edna wanted Broadway shows, but perhaps investors were doubtful as to whether either could sell out a run. Then someone had the brilliant idea to put them together, combine the fanbases, and bang you have a hit!

Too bad it doesn't work like that.

The two kept telling us half of you are here for Michael and half are here for Edna, so bear with the other half of the show. (haha) I would be willing to guess that most people were there to see the Dame though, and you could almost feel the audience sigh when she left the stage.

Scott Briefer- I'm a fan of Durang in general, but that doesn't mean this book is hysterical. Slight spoiler- There is a recorded "phone call" from Judge Judy where she sorts out who was actually supposed to be booked in the theater. It turns out Feinstein got the contract, but since they're both there they might as well work it out and put on a show. Needless to say this bit landed like a giant thud and I think both of them knew it. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the "feud" is completely overhauled by opening.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#14ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 10:39am

I was just saying to a co-worker that I would be interested in seeing this after opening...I hope some changes are made.

Nick2 Profile Photo
#15ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 2:35pm

I saw a preview last night. It was no doubt the worst thing I ever saw on Broadway, including the time I saw a M120 bus strike down a mother pushing a baby stroller.

Feinstein unapologetically read lyrics from a sheet during the opening number. He also received several hisses for his lame humor. (Someone should warn him that catty doesn't work when you're wearing 3-inch patent leather heels.) Edna made the same four jokes from which she has made her career.

I'm calling for my money back.

#16ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 2:39pm

Where were you guys sitting last night? There were 2 guys 2 rows in front of me who were basically doing each other doing the whole show. Vomit!

Nick2 Profile Photo
#17ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 2:57pm

consider yourself lucky to have had a distraction.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#18ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 3:50pm

Exactly. I'm surprised that the show didn't turn those two off completely though.

#19ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 3:58pm

Nope. When they took breaths from kissing each other, they cackled and clapped obnoxiously and in unison. Love. It must be love. Or alcohol?

#20ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 6:04pm

A) That is completely beyond tasteless to even refer to such a tragedy when criticizing a show. A co-worker of mine was related to that woman. How would you feel if someone mocked such a tragedy connected to you?

B) I TOO was at the show (first preview), and found it to be very lovely. Having never seen Michael in concert, I was really amazed by his voice, and while I feel there is most definitely work to be done, I really enjoyed myself. Edna was in top form, the song selection was (mostly) great, and I thought they had great chemistry when they performed their numbers together in the second act.

I'll be very curious to see what changes they make though. I guess that's why they have a whole month of them.

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#21ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 6:42pm

Uh-oh, I'm seeing this tonight. I suppose it's best to go in with low expectations, though.

#22ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 9:15pm

A women got run down by a bus on stage? How do they pull that off and how does it fit into the show?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#23ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 9:32pm

Joe, shut up. I have a friend who had a friend who was friends with that bus!

Kalimba Profile Photo
#24ALL ABOUT ME--2nd preview
Posted: 2/24/10 at 10:05pm

Again Kalimba is reminded why she loves Phyllis.
