Featured Actor Joined: 6/20/08
Strange question:
So how do you pronounce the title of this play?
With a long a sound in the last syllable, like the verb? As in "Please do not appropriate my culture."
Or like the adjective? As in "That is not an appropriate outfit for this occasion."
Every time I go to say the title of this play out loud, I stumble and second guess myself...
MrJNLong said: "Strange question:
So how do you pronounce the title of this play?
With a long a sound in the last syllable, like the verb? As in "Please do not appropriate my culture."
Or like the adjective? As in "That is not an appropriate outfit for this occasion."
Every time I go to say the title of this play out loud, I stumble and second guess myself..."
Either. 6 Adjective and Verb dictionary usages are displayed on the curtain.
Not a spoiler as script begins this way - "A Note On The Title"
Maybe they want you go in thinking one and come out thinking the other
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
Did you mean don't sit on house left?
CoffeeBreak said: "Don't sit on left side of the theater. Director/designers lack of forethought have created viewing issues of set/actors.. Sit center/right or right to see whole set and action."
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
Question for anyone who has seen this show: if you have to choose would you choose house left or house right?