Womp. Womp. Get in line... A lot of shows don't get awards. That's life.
ATP was a weak, muggy, theme-park show.
To those people who claim nasty people are piling on the OP for having an opinion, that opinion was pretty nasty to begin with: claiming a show was "snubbed" means a whole set of people set out to deliberately ignore its merits and intentionally prevent it getting the awards it deserved. That's not a nice opinion.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/14
I liked ATProud a few weeks ago- it was okay- a jukebox musical with a good story- but it lacked the one element that for me truly makes theater great- and that is --IT DID NOT MAKE ME THINK- it was not creative artistically, it was purely and entertainment- and lots of people go to the theater with that as the priority- whereas, when I go - I want to be intellectually stimulated, I want to think about stuff in a new way, I want to be touched emotionally by a story that is complex and unique. That is me. Yes, I liked My Fair Lady revival- and so many other shows-but shows I really love are dramas and serious musicals. That is me. I saw Tina in London- Warren is fabulous- but the musical itself did nothing for me- and I swore NO MORE JUKEBOX MJUSICALS- then my sister wanted to see a show- and she likes entertainment so ATP fit the bill- she loved it-for me just okay.
As for the racism argument- I am sick of hearing about it already. Such a thing as color counting fatigue - how many Latinos- how many gays, how many blacks- it becomes too much a focal point- there is undeniably, in my opinion, a lot of diversity in theater today- and show business is a business- after all. For me, it dilutes the real issue of racism to OVER-use the victimization argument - ATP did not win because, in my opinion, it was not all that creative or unique- and apparently Hadestown fit that bill- I see it in a few months so I cannot say if I agree with the Tony winner- but on paper, it certainly seems like a great choice, Yes- women and people of color are under represented in directing plays and movies- and there are- to me- a lot of improvements to be made in many areas- but not every loss for a black cast, person or project is a due to racism.
" As for the racism argument- I am sick of hearing about it already. Such a thing as color counting fatigue - how many Latinos- how many gays, how many blacks- it becomes too much a focal point- there is undeniably, in my opinion, a lot of diversity in theater today- and show business is a business- after all. For me, it dilutes the real issue of racism to OVER-use the victimization argument - ATP did not win because, in my opinion, it was not all that creative or unique- and apparently Hadestown fit that bill- I see it in a few months so I cannot say if I agree with the Tony winner- but on paper, it certainly seems like a great choice, Yes- women and people of color are under represented in directing plays and movies- and there are- to me- a lot of improvements to be made in many areas- but not every loss for a black cast, person or project is a due to racism."
Well said and I totally agree.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/21/16
BWAY Baby2 said:
As for the racism argument- I am sick of hearing about it already. Such a thing as color counting fatigue - how many Latinos- how many gays, how many blacks- it becomes too much a focal point- there is undeniably, in my opinion, a lot of diversity in theater today- and show business is a business- after all. For me, it dilutes the real issue of racism to OVER-use the victimization argument - ATP did not win because, in my opinion, it was not all that creative or unique- and apparently Hadestown fit that bill- I see it in a few months so I cannot say if I agree with the Tony winner- but on paper, it certainly seems like a great choice, Yes- women and people of color are under represented in directing plays and movies- and there are- to me- a lot of improvements to be made in many areas- but not every loss for a black cast, person or project is a due to racism."
I do agree that racism can't always be used as a defense for not winning, but writing such a large response says a lot. And it seems like you have a larger issue with race/women/gender in general. Not really other people's place to say when racism is relevant or not. It clearly wasn't an issue here, so why even make a stink about it. Also, black folks can never be aggressors to racism. So let's stop using the "over-use the victimization". Because that's not a thing. Racism is a thing. And there tends to be a tend of calling about people bringing up race rather than actually solving racism.