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Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?- Page 6

Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?

#125Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?
Posted: 11/17/14 at 10:24am

I saw the Saturday night 8pm show. MCH was great! The audience was very responsive and I enjoyed it a lot.

The differences between NPH and MCH:
NPH - more fluid movements. MCH still seemed more cautious with his movements and the mike cord, but at least he didn't trip or anything!

Also, NPH is much slimmer than MCH who is more muscular than I expected. MCH looked like a muscular man in drag vs a convincing transgender. For some that may be a negative. However, I enjoyed the muscles VERY much Thank You Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet? .

NPH/MCH vocals and acting are comparable IMO. and I enjoyed both renditions of Hedwig (NPH bitchy vs MCH sentimental (even though MCH's Hedwig was more bitchy towards Yitzhak!)).

Lena Hall - Miss Awesome like usual!

It was so funny because at the end of the performance they made an announcement about donating to Broadway Cares and we a got to see the actors speak to the audience out of character. MCH was cracking jokes and Lena dropped her stage voice and spoke in her real "Cyndi Lauper accent". Too funny!

I look forward to seeing it again if they cast Adam Lambert or JCM changes his mind.

Updated On: 11/17/14 at 10:24 AM

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#126Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?
Posted: 11/17/14 at 1:03pm

Also part of my Thanksgiving festivities.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#127Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?
Posted: 12/3/14 at 12:54pm

He's doing an AMA right now:

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#128Anyone see Michael C Hall in Hedwig yet?
Posted: 12/3/14 at 8:48pm

I love that Morgan Freeman said to him "Congratulations on your whole life." That's so awesome. I'm so glad he also dated the Dexter finale as well.
