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Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?- Page 3

Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#50re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 5:47pm

a similar post in now deleted thread by pointing out that Greek is coming to the States, and not the other way around, so his bitching about an American singer being completely unknown outside of US sounds pretty ridiculous. Also, that it might be helpful to listen to that singer's voice in order to understand his popularity.

Actually, you called him an ignorant Greek for not being more aware of Clay Aiken.

So who's your favorite runner-up on Greek Idol? I mean, if GreekMusicalFan should be aware of our culture, you should be aware of his, right? Otherwise, your comments would just be hypocritical and rude.

It's true -- those crying "rude!" the loudest are among the most intolerant people posting here.

Yes, because Cartwheel's xenophobia and Yelliphant's homophobia are models for tolerance. The world would be a better place if we all behaved as they do. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 05:47 PM

#51re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 6:24pm

"Actually, you called him an ignorant Greek for not being more aware of Clay Aiken. "

Actually, I called him ignorant for the exact reasons I stated above. Do not attempt to twist my words.

I don't go around bitching about the runner-up Greek Idol being unknown in the US and questioning people about their popularity, do I? And since the term "Ugly American" has nothing to do with race, neither does "Ugly Greek". So you can shove your race card up the same place dominique can shove hers.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#52re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 6:26pm

You are completely insane. Logic really, seriously defies you, doesn't it?

And you're awfully good at twisting words yourself, so really, in no position to cry wolf there, either.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 06:26 PM

#53re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 6:30pm

I wonder if Clay ever reads these boards. Hopefully he's too busy. :)

#54re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 6:31pm

As I said in the thread that was deleted, these extreme Claymates are insane and probably the main reason Clay is scared to come out. Can you imagine how they would react if they get this angry with message board posts?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#55re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 6:45pm

I edited my previous post. "Ugly Greek" is intolerant no matter what you call it, but this term is a completely accurate term for your insults.

Greek never "bitched" that Clay was unknown in Greece; he was stating a fact. Just because you don't like that reality doesn't mean it was an insult.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#56re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 7:12pm

Actually, though Ugly Greek is ignorant, I don't care because it doesn't apply to me, I am very cute (emcee, a little backup here, please ) LOLOLOLOL
And of course if Cartpsycho considers Clay to be beautiful, I am happy and honored to be called ugly by her ! But at least let's hope that for every one like her, there are two like dominique and musiclover who can hold a conversation and disagree humanly, without being completely out of touch with reality !
As I said, I already got my great tickets and I am planning to have a lot of fun in the show !
To all my friends, thank for the support, though I know how exahusting it should be for you, trying to reason with a mentally disturbed person ! Let's all ignore her COMPLETELY from now on, no matter what she screams !
dominique, musiclover, once again congrats ! The most important thing is that, your love for Clay, broadened up your horizons and you are now ready to explore the wonderful world of musical theater ! Let the trolls crawl back to their caves, once his commitment to the show ends ! You are winners !

#57re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 7:45pm

Thanks Greek - not thinking in terms of winners or losers, but I'm glad I discovered these boards, I'll definitely still read them after Spam ends.

Apparently Eric Idle was in the SPAMALOT audience last night (Friday). Cool.

Here's a new pr picture for Clay's new cd that's kind of cool:
re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 07:45 PM

#58re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 7:48pm

Hmm, I didn't know if I posted links, that pictures would pop up.

p.s. if that avatar picture is gmf, then he is quite cute.

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 07:48 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#59re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 7:52pm

GMF's cuteness vouched for. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#60re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 8:07pm

The question has been asked and answered

Are there performances of Spamalot that Clay doesn't do?


Now run along all you nasty trolls.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#61re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 8:42pm

dominique, no, that's not me ! No one is THAT cute re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ? That's Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl !

Thanks, em baby !

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#62re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 8:47pm

Contributing to the topic on a message board you've posted on for years does not make you a troll.

Joining a message to shill one performer and arguing with anyone who disagrees does.

The more you know *rainbow*

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#63re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 9:24pm

orange baby, don't worry ! God knows how many of them who had to endure through the years, coming out of nowhere for a reason and then dissapearing once the reason ceased to exist, like the sewers emptying to the sea ! They'll be gone soon, back to their caves and peace and quite will once again prevail among us residents !
