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Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?- Page 2

Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

skb2010 Profile Photo
#25re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 2:41am

I suggest, "I love you, you're perfect, now change." if you haven't seen it/still have time.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

#26re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 3:58am

Then why did Cartwheel deny that fact in another thread and insult Greek for stating it?

Because cartwheel and my_candle are 2 different people with 2 different opinions.

Tough concept, I know, but try.

#27re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 8:12am

Well, so much for being civilized. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

"Then why did Cartwheel deny that fact in another thread and insult Greek for stating it?"

Skittles, you are seeing things again. I was responding to this:

and this:

and a similar post in now deleted thread by pointing out that Greek is coming to the States, and not the other way around, so his bitching about an American singer being completely unknown outside of US sounds pretty ridiculous. Also, that it might be helpful to listen to that singer's voice in order to understand his popularity.

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 08:12 AM

#28re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 9:43am

Greekmusicalfan, you stated your feelings eloquently and passionately. Nobody can argue with honest feelings honestly expressed.

Just know that you are not alone, that most sane people understand that it is Clay's fans who do him the most harm, not all his fans, but the ones that the world sees, the ones who go around the internet defending him, who scream inappropriately even at his own concerts, and make a spectacle of themselves wherever they go.

Just following this board since Clay arrived on the great white way has shown clearly how they taint people's perceptions of him. Sure there were many here who had preconceived ideas about Clay and his fans, but I think most would have kept an open mind if the fans had behaved and acted reasonably; they could have helped change the perceptions. But instead, they descended here like locusts and overreacted to every mild joke or innuendo; some of them called people names and in every way acted belligerant, combative, and insulting. I think that many people, like you, form negative opinions about Clay because of his fans, and are hesitant to admit if they do like him.

You are right they are obsessed to an unhealthy degree, and can't see that the rest of the world does not care about Clay or think about him very often. The most vocal fans cannot tolerate the slightest comment about him if it is not adoring and worshipful. Yes you are right, I do think he is ashamed of them but he needs them for his bread and butter, what a position to be in!

I come away from this experience pleased that Clay exceeded most people's expectations on Broadway, pleased that he is smiling and seems to love doing musical theater, hopeful that he will do more of it, and discouraged because a few of his fans ruined what could have been an interesting discussion on these boards about his talent, not his fans ... it always ends up being about the fans.

I fear that most of what drives these people is homophobia and since so many of you are gay, they do not feel obliged to even try to be polite, especially since they believe that gay men have a secret agenda to make the world think that Clay is gay. Seriously, they say that on their boards. I am sure you will be glad when they are gone.

Myself I love theater and have taken theater classes and scriptwriting analysis classes, but I've never seen a play on Broadway, and hope to start changing that. Reading these boards is a delight and most of the time I don't comment as I am not knowledgeable enough, but I love the snarky humor here. So I hope I have not worn out my welcome and appreciate your forbearance in what you have had to put up with recently. Because though some have been snide and unwelcoming, I've seen most people here make sincere efforts to communicate with Clay's fans, with little success.
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 09:43 AM

musiclover4 Profile Photo
#29re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 10:56am

"You are right they are obsessed to an unhealthy degree, and can't see that the rest of the world does not care about Clay or think about him very often. The most vocal fans cannot tolerate the slightest comment about him if it is not adoring and worshipful. Yes you are right, I do think he is ashamed of them but he needs them for his bread and butter, what a position to be in! "

Dominique,evidently, you care. Why the hell else would you be posting here over and over to try and prove your point and ruin his career. You're so blatantly obvious.

"and discouraged because a few of his fans ruined what could have been an interesting discussion on these boards about his talent, not his fans ... it always ends up being about the fans. "

Yeah right. I bet you are happier than a lark that you constantly turn these threads into exactly what you want, a discussion of his sexuality and his fans. The Clay fans aren't the ones who get these threads off topic, look in the mirror, it's YOU. I bet you didn't even see Spamalot and have no intention to. The BS oozes through the screen.

What a pity, that as soon as a topic is started about Spamalot, not even about Clay, it turns into a mock and bash fest.

ETA: Here's a novel idea, why don't you discuss Spamalot the show and don't even mention Clay's name. It's a very fun, entertaining show, with a very talented cast.

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 10:56 AM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#30re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:22am

Dominique you sound like a fan that ANY artist would be proud to have !

"What a pity, that as soon as a topic is started about Spamalot, not even about Clay, it turns into a mock and bash fest."

musiclover, who always starts that ??? This discussion was going fine, until cartwheel barged in and started rambling again, completely twisting my older posts and of course deliberately not linking his hideous,racist, hateful replys to them ! And can't you really see that dominique is a Clay fan, but a sane one ????? Ruin his career from an Internet Board ??? Dear God...
I don't think anyone here ever objected or insulted polite and articulate Clay fans, like Dominique ! It's the psychos we make fun of !

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 11:22 AM

#31re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:37am

LOL it's not even worth trying, greekfan, sorry. I think musiclover's post speaks for itself. I am trying to ruin Clay's career by posting here? I thought I was trying to show that Clay has sane and rational fans, in short, I'm trying to help him. Whatever.

I just like this board, I love creative people who appreciate art, drama, and music, and I also enjoy discussing Clay because he fascinates me and the truth is, I care about him ... no I have not seen Spamalot but that's not a requirement to post here ... I never said I had.
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 11:37 AM

#32re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:41am

Greekmusicalfan, I'm assuming you started the thread with an honest desire to hear about Spamalot. However, this statement you posted -- "It's the psychos we make fun of !" -- tells me that you may have a little ulterior motive.

That being said, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, so I'm going to take it from there. I hope you like Spamalot, and I'll be interested in what your response is. I saw it last month and loved the whole cast, including Clay Aiken. He fit right in with the rest and has comic timing as good as any of them. They were all excellent. I think that Chris Sieber was excellent, and it's too bad you won't be seeing him, but I hear that the new guy, Bradley Dean, is doing well.

Elphaba Profile Photo
#33re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:44am

greek, you'll love Spamalot....we saw it with the original cast and I do believed we laughed during the whole is so much fun.

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

jordangirl Profile Photo
#34re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:46am

Another thing that worries me a bit, is if they start SCREAMING and YELLING every time he appears, thus drowning the action in every scene he is in ! Because it's obvious they have no idea of theater etiquette (or theater in general)!

greekmusicalfan ~ I understand what you mean. I'm glad I'd seen Beauty and the Beast before the closing because honestly Donny Osmond's fans almost ruined it for me with all their screaming and carrying on. And these women were older than me. The 5 year olds around me the first time I saw it had better theatre ettiquette than these fans.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#35re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:48am

"This discussion was going fine, until cartwheel barged in and started rambling again, completely twisting my older posts and of course deliberately not linking his hideous,racist, hateful replys to them ! "

Yeah, your posts are exactly how one asks a question when they are interested in a polite response. Nothing wrong with them at all. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

And dominique, I've said it before: being gay is not an excuse for being an asshole. It's awfully convenient to hide behind your little homophobia card while behaving like hypocritical jerks.

#36re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:53am

"being gay is not an excuse for being an asshole."

Tell it to Clay. LOL

Sorry couldn't resist.

My homophobia card? I love to play cards. Does anyone want to play homophobia?

Pippin Profile Photo
#37re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:56am

Is that like Old Maid?

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#38re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 11:58am

Probably more like Bitter Old Queen. :)

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 11:58 AM

#39re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:12pm

Dominique who prfesses her love for Clay wrote: "being gay is not an excuse for being an asshole."
Tell it to Clay. LOL
Sorry couldn't resist.
My homophobia card? I love to play cards. Does anyone want to play homophobia? "
and Pippin followed with:"Is that like Old Maid?"

Why does discussion of the play always come back to this? I find it curious that the ones blaming others for their rude behavior are the ones who bait first, then cry wolf. I am new to this board, have lurked for awhile, find most of it's participants full of themselves and very unwelcoming. How long does one have to be a member before they are allowed to have an opinion? Seems really unfair to judge a performer on rumor alone, and false rumor at that. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#40re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:14pm

Junie...ulterior motive ??????? WHY, for crying out loud, what could I possibly want to accomplish? And in case you didn't read my first post, I was totally respectful to the sane Clay fans ! I clearly stated, that since I only want to see the SHOW and don't care who plays what, why occupy two seats, that a Clay fan would obviously want and appreciate more ? I am fine with fans of ANY artist, God Knows I'm a fan of many artists, it's blinding obsession I have a problem with !
And yes, when I see incoherent and hateful posts, making fun of them is the only way to deal with them ! How can you rationalise with ramblings ? But it is a REACTION, only when provoked ! I don't know about others, but I NEVER started a thread with the intention of attacking someone on this board ! But yes, if provoked, I will answer in any way I see fit at the time !

jaystarr Profile Photo
#41re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:20pm

GMF-Hey.. Just ignore these people. You are way better than them. I do feel sorry for them bec. they really NEED to get a life! Remember you have friends! and that's what's important! re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?



The Number One rule for dealing with this type of behaviour is: don't respond, don't interact and don't engage. This is not as easy to do as it sounds. It's a natural response to want to defend yourself, and to put the person right. However, never argue with a serial bully; it's not a mature adult discussion, but like dealing with a child or immature teenager; whilst the serial bully may be an adult on the outside, on the inside they are like a child who's never grown up - and probably never will. Serial bullies and harassers often have disordered thinking patterns and do not share the same thoughts or values as you.

Rule five is become alert to provocation. It could be called "The Baiting Game". A provocative comment is made and those who respond spontaneously in irritation (eg non-assertively) are then encouraged to engage in conflict with those who respond without irritation (eg assertively). The provoker watches, waits and stirs the pot with the occasional additional provocation. What interests me is the sense of gratification that a provoker gains from watching others indulge in destructive interaction initiated by him- or herself. In this context, gratification is a perverse form of satisfaction akin to, but distinct from, pleasure.

Updated On: 3/29/08 at 12:20 PM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#42re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:24pm

And you know what, I'm done replying to Clay obsessive fans ! There's no reason to. You believe what you believe and I have my opinions. No one is going to convert the other, so why bother ! Ignore me and I'll ignore you. It is easy for both of us. I won't post in any Clay thread and since you all NEVER post in any other thread, because you couldn't care less about theater, it will be very easy for our paths to never cross again ! And that's the best for all ! And If I do enjoy and appreciate him on the show, I'll never tell, to avoid all this again ! That's how helpful your behavior is to him ! Bye

jaystarr Profile Photo
#43re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:27pm

Exactly. re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?


You are the BIGGER person!

re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 12:27 PM

#44re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 12:53pm

"Why does discussion of the play always come back to this? I find it curious that the ones blaming others for their rude behavior are the ones who bait first, then cry wolf. I am new to this board, have lurked for awhile, find most of it's participants full of themselves and very unwelcoming. How long does one have to be a member before they are allowed to have an opinion? Seems really unfair to judge a performer on rumor alone, and false rumor at that."

Nitelight, thank you for putting this so well. It's exactly what I've seen since I started reading the message board here. It's true -- those crying "rude!" the loudest are among the most intolerant people posting here. They bait with perverse barbs that derail the thread, and then they play the victim if anyone responds. Yes, it does seem very unfair to be so judgmental.

musiclover4 Profile Photo
#45re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 1:47pm

"Another thing that worries me a bit, is if they start SCREAMING and YELLING every time he appears, thus drowning the action in every scene he is in ! Because it's obvious they have no idea of theater etiquette (or theater in general)! "

I've seen the show 2x in late January and just recently this March and there was no screaming and yelling not even a curtain call but just appreciative standing ovation applause for the entire cast.

Here's a simple plan, skip the show or see it in the summer. Oh gee, but then there would be no purpose to this thread.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#46re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 2:00pm

musiclover, I'll gladly reply to you, because you are not rude nor crazy ! The purpose of the thread, my friend, is that I don't live in the States and I have to travel halfway around the world to see the shows I want ! So, I think you missed the point of my thread, but you understand that, seeing it in the summer, is not an option for me, I wish it was ! And trust me if he deserves a standing ovation, I will have absolutely no reservation of giving him one ! And it's good to know that the show has not turned into a circus, thank you for easing my worries ! See how we can communicate when BOTH sides are relaxed ?
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 02:00 PM

musiclover4 Profile Photo
#47re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 2:41pm

You probably would encounter fewer Clay fans during the week. Both shows I was at were on the weekend and the crowds were very respectful. That being said, both shows I was at, the majority of the audience was not a Clay audience with very few of his fans. If you are serious about seeing Spamalot, I would see it asap, as towards the end of Clay's run, which is coming up quickly, there will be more Clay fans attending.

The show is hysterical, clever, fun and the cast does a great job. I think you will be surprised.

I'll be honest here. If it wasn't for Clay appearing in Spamalot, I would never have gone to see the show and I would have really missed out. Also getting myself back to NYC has once again peaked my interest in NYC theater.I have seen 3 other Broadway shows since January that I loved.
Updated On: 3/29/08 at 02:41 PM

My_Candle Profile Photo
#48re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 2:42pm

Greekmusicalfan, I have heard about quite a bit of screaming this week at the show. There are a lot of school groups coming in over their holiday and people have commented about the teenage girls screaming for Clay. But they should be gone by the time you get there.

The one time I was there, the audience didn't look or act any different than any other entertained Broadway audience.

You will want to avoid the stage door. When I was there it was 10 people deep. I was shoved by a group of five teenage girls and then by two big grown men. Lots of shoving and pushing going on, and not necessarily by stereotypical fans.

Here is a video of Clay singing Listen for the first time when one of his backup singers suddenly became ill. He and Quiana winged it:

#49re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
Posted: 3/29/08 at 2:56pm

Greekmusicalfan, Do not pay attention to alot of what is posted by some people here. If these posts were by genuine actors they would be in support of Mr. Aiken as any working Broadway actor would be supported. Though it will be denied there are trouble makers posting here. Go see Spamalot, Mr. Aiken is spot on in every role he portrays. He does not deserve this abuse. See for yourself.
