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Billy Elliot The Musical- Page 135

Billy Elliot The Musical

Chris T
#3350Photo Gallery
Posted: 4/25/06 at 1:58pm

I'm having trouble accessing the forum at - is anybody else having this trouble?

PaulWilly Profile Photo
#3351Forum Site down
Posted: 4/25/06 at 3:25pm

Der Cris T,
Obviously the BETM forum site has been already down for two days now - can't get access either. Their gallery is working though:>
as well as the screen-saver page:
and Lin's - password protected - video clips' page:
Let's hope for the best - and for wonderful Lin,
that the forum will be back online soon!
(PaulWilly) Paul

Updated On: 4/25/06 at 03:25 PM

#3352Forum Site down
Posted: 4/25/06 at 3:53pm

Forum Site down

I understand the forum will be back very soon, and is nearly ready to go live again.

Thanks go to everyone involved in getting the forum back on line,

Updated On: 4/25/06 at 03:53 PM

Chris T
#3353Forum Site down
Posted: 4/25/06 at 4:02pm

That's great news. I'm missing my Billy fix.

Electricity Profile Photo
#3354Forum Site down
Posted: 4/26/06 at 3:51am

As Yam has already mentioned there have been a few major problems on the forum site but the guys are hoping for it to go LIVE sometime this morning.

"All you have to do is learn to care less..."

AccordCanada Profile Photo
#3355Updates to my Multimedia List
Posted: 5/7/06 at 2:14pm

Updates to my Multimedia List

Hi all...I know I always say this, but I really should come here more often.

At my Multimedia Links - TV/Videos list , there are a number of new entries, including the missing first interview with Colin Bates on CBBC (pictured) and even some TV alerts this week surrounding the one-year anniversary, including:

PAUL O'GRADY (Tuesday at 5:00 pm on Channel 4) with Elton John to discuss the success of BETM
GMTV (Thursday at 6:58 am on ITV1) with Liam Mower

To see the latest version of the list, please visit:

As well, if anyone is interested, I have extra front row seats for June 1 evening and a second row centre seat for June 3 matinee.


Electricity Profile Photo
#3358Photo Galleries - May 12th Gala
Posted: 5/14/06 at 11:26am

Hi everyone,

Just to let you all know that there are a couple of Gallery sites that you can visit to see photos from the Gala Performance of Billy Elliot which took place on Friday 12th May.

Forum Gallery:

Fansite Gallery: (Need to register)

Happy viewing.

Electricity Photo Galleries - May 12th Gala

"All you have to do is learn to care less..."

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3359Photo Galleries - May 12th Gala
Posted: 5/14/06 at 12:05pm

maybe abit late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!! This show is the best!!!!!!!! And I am SO gutted that I cudnt see James/George for the last tiem... they're my FAV> Billys! Can't wait to see thje show again in 2 wks time!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3361Alternative Review
Posted: 6/8/06 at 5:08pm

gret review.. what show was that? ALL the BIllys were on?!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#3362Alternative Review
Posted: 6/8/06 at 5:22pm that again. You don't actually buy all of that, do you?

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#3363Alternative Review
Posted: 6/8/06 at 5:22pm

I enjoy the CD and hear it's a hit over in the West End, so I can't wait to see it here on the Great White Way.

After LESTAT, I'd think Sir Elton would enjoy bringing it over and having it be as successful as it is over there.


Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#3364Alternative Review
Posted: 6/8/06 at 5:35pm

The show is near brilliant. I saw it on 5/11, and really liked it. Then I was able to go to the anniversary gala on 5/12 and it became a show that I truly love.

#3365Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 5:42am

Welcome back! Nice to see someone still contributing to this page and with a nice touch of humour. I thought you had all deserted to the "official" sites (too complicated and intense for me). Perhaps one of you will bring me up to date with what's happening now at the VP? Is Liam still there? If not, where has he gone? How many Billys are there performing now? How long will the show run? Anything else an interested fan should know?

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3366Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 6:33am

Liam is still here. Haydn Gwynne just left the show on Sat (I was there), so did Joey Philips (Michael)and Brooke (Debbie) and also the Stephanie Putson (Dead Mum). And Sally Dextor (Oliver!) is takin over as Mrs. Wilkinson. Philip Witchurch is Dad, but he has been out and his understudy's been on for nearly a wk now.
The current Billys: Liam, Leon, Travis, Matthew, Colin. Coming soon: Dean, Layton
The show is still in gd state!!! And apparently Sally was amazing. Chris Lennon is the Older Brother now, well, for quite awhile already.
(James, George returned to the show for its Birthday performance and alongside Liam, alternated the role of Billy with Tim Healy as Dad I believe)
And that's all that I can remember for the current state of the show on top of my head. Hope that helps.

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

#3367Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 7:49am

Bless you, ruthiefan felix, for answering my questions so thoroughly. I really appreciate it. I feel I am back in touch thanks to your update. If anything significant happens in the future, like a Billy leaving, (when is Liam going, then, he must be 14 by now?) perhaps you'll post it on here - I rarely visit the "official" sites and so lose contact.
Thanks again!

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#3368Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 10:50am

Ruthiefan: Tim Healy wasn't there as Dad on the birthday night. It was still Philip Whitchurch -- who's wonderful.
Updated On: 6/9/06 at 10:50 AM

Josh Freilich
#3369Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 12:03pm

Now that Lestat is gone and Hot Feet could fold real soon, maybe NOW this show has a true, rightful place on Broadway.

Fingers crossed...

"How could she just suddenly, completely disappear into thin water?" - The Little Mermaid

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3370Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 12:48pm

MYB, thanks, I didnt no.
matthew3, I havent been on the Billy fansites for AGES as well! Even though I am supposed to be one of the fan gallery's moderators... :P But I chat with one of the moderators and he personally updates me with news and bloopers! hehe! I personally find the fansites too messy and goin too quickly and as busy as I am with exams, I am not available to check on it all the time!
But yeah, I will try to update u with the news on here! Glad this is back on use again!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

#3371Welcome back!
Posted: 6/9/06 at 4:19pm

Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one who thought the fansites too messy. Maybe, rff, we can persuade some of the others to come back to this site. You have only to read some of the early pages to see how good it has been.

#3372Welcome back!
Posted: 6/10/06 at 4:49am

I'll try to come on here occasionally, but, after my last post, you might not trust me!

The night I did the spoof review (Wednesday - I wasn't there naturally) the show apparently folded at half time because there was a power failure.

#3373Welcome back!
Posted: 6/10/06 at 4:58am

Jeff3 you are welcome any time. I thoroughly enjoyed your spoof piece. As I was out of touch with the show you had me going until the 4th or 5th paragraph! It was hilarious and totally in keeping with this site - informed comment without taking ourselves too seriously. I look forward to your next piece - as well as all the real news.

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3374Welcome back!
Posted: 6/10/06 at 6:45am

I will defo try to get ppl back on this board. But the problem with them is that they think BWW is too uncontrolled and some of the previous posters said things that hurted and scared the kids. Therefore they made fansites boards in order to control what is published in order to make sure the kids wont read things that are negatively personal to them which I thought was very fair enough cuz afterall they're only kids and even Adam Pascal said he think the internet fans cud be very brutal!!!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

#3375New Contract for Leon
Posted: 6/11/06 at 7:37pm

Leon Cooke has signed a new contract, extending his run in the title role unil September.

Leon was the first new Billy after the original three. As such, he missed out on some of the kudos and - specificaly - on the awards heaped on the original cast. When Stephen Daldry introduced Travis Yates (No 5) on his opening night he presented him as "The Fourth Billy" in front of a packed house.

But Leon has slowly gathered a huge following. He is a really engaging performer. I will always remember the night he took over from a weary and overworked Travis at half time. He got a tremendous reception at his appearance. It was amazing how a feeling of complete assurance overwhelmed us. He is truely the dependable professional.

I also remember reading about the night he had a very nasty accident as he descended from his bed to perform the angry dance. I was writing a very bad set of limericks at the time about the then cast. The third verse - about Leon - marked that occasion:

With Leon it's all blood and gore.
He fell through a hole in the floor.
Though they called it a freak,
He was out for a week,
But, thank goodness, he came back for more.

By September he will have done a year in the role. What a star!

#3376New Contract for Leon
Posted: 6/13/06 at 7:38am

Thanks for the update, Jeff. Do you know how long the American boy (Colin) is staying with the show? And when is Liam due to leave? I was really out of touch until rff gave me the latest news but where are they up to with a New York show?

#3377New Contract for Leon
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:08am

I don't know when Colin's leaving. He's by far the oldest (older than George Maguire!) but, so far as I know, he's still going strong. I don't know when Liam's leaving either, but not before September. It strikes me that both of these plus Leon will be getting close to expiry by the autumn, so that could be a volatile period. But, who knows? Certainly not me... as I have demonstrated.
