I posted this on the Student Board, but nobody's replying. So, last night I learned that our Fall Musical this year is Brigadoon. I'm going for the part of Tommy. Now, I'm thinking about doing singing "Out There" from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Is that a good song for this role? Anybody have any monolouges? Thanks
I would sing something more "classic" - nothing pop.
Look at "The World Around Us," "A New Town is a Blue Town," or "Hey There" from THE PAJAMA GAME - or other things of that nature.
Anything Rodgers and Hammerstein would also be appropriate. But yes, definitely no pop. BRIGADOON is one of the most lyrical musicals ever written.
Ok, thanks. Does anybody know what Tommy's highest note is?
It's nothing higher than a G. In fact, his highest note might be a G-flat. Updated On: 8/18/06 at 12:57 PM
Yeah, I think it's an F or F# (aka, G-flat) for Tommy. It's been a while, for me, admittedly.
But his highest notes are at the end of the opening verse for "Almost Like Being In Love," and the final notes in "There But For You Go I."
It's not as high as Charlie, who sings a whole mess of high Gs in Bonnie Jean and Come To Me, Bend To Me. You really need to be an "Irish Tenor" for those songs.
Ok, thanks. Anybody have any monolouge ideas? It can only be a minute long. Thanks!
Leading Actor Joined: 3/31/04
Be prepared to sing up to F-sharps in ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE, when Fiona and Tommy are singing together the final section of that song, and, depending on what score your production will use, you will have to sing up to either an E or F-sharp for THERE BUT FOR YOU GO I. For some reason, the score that was used in the London production has a key change for the final verse of THERE BUT FOR YOU GO I that raised the melody one full step thereby requiring Tommy to sing up to an F-sharp, whereas there was no key change in the Broadway production and Tommy sang an E. If you can, try to listen to the Angel CD with Rebecca Luker, Brent Barrett and Judy Kaye if you're unfamiliar with the terrific score. This version uses the Broadway score. GOOD LUCK! BRIGADOON is one of my favorites.
I'm choreographing this for a high school in the spring and someone passed this site along to me: it has tons of info on dancing requirements, vocal range, character descriptions, etc. for each of the characters
Ok, A friend of mine suggested doing "If I loved I You" from Carousel. Would this be a good choice?
If you sing it well, yes. I mentioned this in another thread, I know more people who have been cast in Broadway shows singing that song than any other.