Understudy Joined: 4/7/05
Here's the thing, smoking is an addiction, and some people unfortunately have addictive personalities. So if you're in a stressful stiuation, or trying to lose weight, or feel like experimenting, or whatever..you may pick it up..and then not really be able to stop. Even knowing that it's bad for your health. It's a physical addiction hard to shake. I don't think any of the really good singers mentioned earlier would go out of their way to damage their goods or their health for that matter...I guess they're/ we're just human....as fallable as anyone
this is facinating. no juddement...but so interesting to hear.
i go through phases of about a month every 3-4 years of wanting to smoke...then after that it makes me sick for a while.
i have a friend who sings and smokes, but talks about how if she has to sing for a show, she'll stop smoking until it's over, because it does affect her voice.
for me, lack of sleep, alcohol (which i do indulge in regardless) and acid reflux problems are what reeks havock on my voice. but i have noticed that when my voice is a little husky, i like the sound better and sometimes it's easier to hit the belty stuff...it just doesn't have the stamina it does when it is healthy.
I don't care how talented they are. Aside from the fact that they're killing themselves, but they're also killing us.
Understudy Joined: 4/7/05
Ouch...and what are your vices...Or are you just a man in a nuns habit
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Judgemental, much?
Too much caffiene?
Or just plain rude, wannabe?
Updated On: 8/2/05 at 10:52 AM
seriously Wanna Be? wow.
if that is your opinion and you want to boycott all smokers, that's fine, but don't insinuate that i should do the same.
Not judgmental in the least. Breathing in 2nd hand smoke does just as much damage to one's body as smoking themselves. It KILLS people. Who do smokers think they are? They can just murder innocent people because they need a fix?
this is an interesting thread...please let's not turn it into a soap box!
Understudy Joined: 4/7/05
I agree...look we all know it's a bad habit. But are we not gonna support or enjoy singers that we love and admire if they,say, wear a fur coat.
Am I the only person that finds this thread ridiculous? For those of you that go on and on about how bad smoking is, let me tell you something. There is nothing that is "healthy" anymore. I'll almost guarantee that standing on a street corner in Midtown on a summer day is worse for you than smoking a cigarette. Get off your soap boxes and get over yourselves. Yes, smokers know that it is bad for them. Everyone knows that certain things are bad for them yet they do it anyway. What's the big deal? This thread kinda borders on that stalkerish vibe that occurs here. I'm shocked that no one wonders what brand Idina smokes!
I've been a smoker for 20+ years and used to do theatre. The smoking never affected my voice. As someone said earlier on this thread, it really only affects singers with high voices. My voice sounds the same today as it did a decade ago.
(And Parliaments are my brand)
Understudy Joined: 4/7/05
But don't you UNDERSTAND????
I'm sorry...but the list of bad people should read:
Judas Iscariot
followed closely by
Duane Reade Workers
Haha robbie!
ShbrtAlley44, I saw Leah Hocking smoking as well. My friends and I were disappointed. She said she only did it "sometimes." But ever since then she always cracked on her last note of "Let Youself Go." I hope she stops because it's obviously making a bad effect on her voice.
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/04
This HAS been an interesting topic. It began innocently seems to be ending with some rants by people who just don't understand 'non-judgemental'.
Thanks to those of you who cared to post - your thoughts are appreciated and yes, anyone who smokes or stands in midtown has reasons for taking risks, but understanding is what I'm all about. I've seen firsthand what holier-than-thou verbal meltdowns get you and it's not pretty.