My friend's step mom has done a bunch of understudying on b'way...Fiddler, Ragtime, and Kiss Me Kate I believe; anyway, he used to spend time w/ his step-mom and Brian Stokes Mitchell etc...said that Mitchell smokes like a chimney...not 100% if it's true but if so wow...he must do some amazing things to keep his voice the way it is. :-P
Featured Actor Joined: 1/7/06
At the end of the day it is down to personal choice. Whether it makes their voice stronger or not, I am sure people can lay claim to examples to support examples either way! But examples are not proof. There are some medical professionals who give opinions/"evidence" to support (but not prove categorically) either argument, but again no proof. What may possibly help one person in terms of their vocal benefits could be fatal for another (literally or in terms of the quality of their voice) but then that is down to them if they wish to risk it.
I am no fan of smoking, not for the health risks to the smoker as that is purely down to them and it is their fault if their health ultimately deteriorates and I really have no sympathy – I just hope smokers don’t start suing people and blaming people for their own habit later down the line. However, I have respect for those smokers who are mindful of non-smokers in terms of passive smoking, and those who are actively involved in not promoting it to younger people, especially if trying give up themselves.
Of course, it is an addiction so I wish smokers all the best if they DO truly want to give up but cannot. It is just those who have no desire to give up and then complain/try to sue later when some illness or other sets in.
My main issue with smoking though, is probably selfish (though arguably no more selfish than a smoker who insists on smoking to improve the strength of their voice while other non-smokers are around and taking their smoke second hand) is how a lot of smokers, especially heavy smokers, stink. Sitting next to someone who is clearly a smoker in the theatre, for instance, is dreadful and on a par with bad body odour or being the only person in the room to have eaten garlic. But then, it's their choice and we do not have to like it for them!
Updated On: 4/8/06 at 07:22 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 3/27/06
Absolutely. The whole blame thing is dreadful and an example of our society where people want to get compensation and vindication when it was avoidable and down to them in the first place. One of my pet peeves. Anyhow, this is an interesting thread.
I once sat next to someone in a bus who was a pipe smoker (and boy did he honk) but his jacket started to smoke where he had not extinguished it properly. It was a very funny incident at the time and no one was hurt apart from his pride.
Norbert Leo Butz definitely does NOT smoke. At least not anymore. His voice is under such vocal strain as it is, especially after rupturing his vocal chord etc, that he can't bear to risk it by smoking. I mean, the man does vocal exercises every day with a doctor, so I highly doubt that after all of that he's gonna go out and smoke.
I also remember my cousin said that when she met Raul Esparza that he was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette.
And there's a picture of Manoel Felciano smoking posted on his MySpace, but I don't know how old that is.
Yes, smoking is bad for you, but we shouldn't criticize performers for smoking. Maybe some of these performers started smoking when they didn't realize the hazards of smoking. And it is an addictive habit, so it's difficult to quit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Yeah Idina only drinks occasionally she's really strict about that cause she says it wrecks your voice. So then I would imagine she doesn't smoke...she said in one interview
"there's so much smoke on the stage (in Wicked) that I have to sit in the shower for ages to get the steam to clear my voice". So from that I'd guess she doesn;t smoke. But then if she does it doesn't effect her voice at all, she's still the best.
Updated On: 6/7/06 at 12:26 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Ohh no wait hang on im listening to Idina's 'Wedding Days' and she siad something about having an ash tray in her car. Not sure if that was what she meant she was keeping her clear nail varnish in though. But even so that was back in the 80's, if she did mean she was smoking then she may well have quit. Who cares anyway I LOVE IDINA!!!
*Although tyr not to smoke too much if you do Idina because I don't want you to die.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/04
As interesting as the back and forth on this thread is, I agree with those that say it's not any of our business if they smoke or not. I don't smoke, but I also wont hang someone up by their toes and beat them with a stick if they do, just as long as they are respectful of those around them. Basically if youre not blowing smoke in my face I don't care what you do. If a broadway star smokes or not WHO CARES...they arent sticking a cigarette in your mouth and forcing you to do it... SO LET IT GO!
It seems like such a long time ago...and I hope she's quit by now,...but when Into the Woods was previewing just before opening night, I saw Betty Buckley smoking long, thin, brown cigarettes. I stomped it out after she casually dropped it on the sidewalk during intermission. She looked at me, and I foolishly said..."thank you-thank you". WHAT A MORON!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/11/06
What does drinking alchohol do to yoru voice? I can see how smoking affects it...but liquor?
Ever Have Unfinished Business With an Ex?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I am always amazed at the number of theatre people who smoke. Broadway or otherwise. Even in the local theatres, I have found that the majority of people smoke. It just seems like it's a theatre thing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
most alcohol makes your throat all dry, and from wahat ive experienced makes you at least feel like you have less control, and its more of an effort to sing well. im a singer and i dont drink that often at all either. vodka is the worst. however there are some drinks which are just have to find them.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/14/04
"Maybe some of these performers started smoking when they didn't realize the hazards of smoking."
The warning labels have been in place since 1964. The mass public education began in the early 1980s. Ignorance doesn't cut it in this argument.
I knew a costumer who refused to allow actors to smoke in costume: "Nicotine's an acid. Tar's a glue. You'll not glue acid to my creations. Do what you want to your throat and lungs, but not in my costumes."
for me, personally, alchohal is far worse than smoke of any kind. I can not sing a good note after a drink. just can't do it. but I performed Mary Sunshine while smoking, so there ya go.
who care
Featured Actor Joined: 5/5/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05