And lo and behold, Isherwood trots up to Canada to review the show.
He doesn't seem to like it:
"Mr. McAnuff has had great success on Broadway with the rock-based musicals the Who’s “Tommy” and “Jersey Boys.” A composer himself... , he is clearly inspired by the challenge of marrying rock’s visceral intensity to the demands of theatrical narrative. His production is clean-lined, strongly sung and dramatically focused.
But it still failed to convince me of the show’s enduring merits, at least as anything other than a quasi-camp bit of 1970s pop-rock pageantry. Like the flop Broadway revival directed by Gale Edwards in 2000, Mr. McAnuff’s production dresses up the timeless story in mostly contemporary garb, an approach that somehow makes it seem even more dated in its throbbing earnestness."
His take on the three leads:
"Mr. Nolan, with the traditional blond curls of Renaissance portraiture, has a strong tenor that can stretch toward the screeching high notes of Jesus’ anguished night of doubt in the second-act climax, “Gethsemane.” But as in other productions I’ve seen, this revered figure remains a dramatic blank, storming through the temple or somberly admonishing the apostles without evincing much in the way of a real human personality, despite all the debates about whether he is “just a man” or the true son of God. (If being semi-divine means striding around looking tortured and noble, I’d be inclined to give Mr. Nolan’s Jesus the benefit of no doubt whatsoever.)
Mr. Young’s superbly sung Judas is much livelier, imbued with an embittered ferocity that seems to stem primarily from irritation at having his hot and heavy bromance with Jesus compromised by the comely Mary Magdalene, played with simple ardor and rich voice by Ms. Kennedy. " Statford's JCS and Camelot (somewhat torturously) merged into one review
Ugh... Reidel and Isherwood. Watched a documentary last night about the 2003 Broadway season that featured them and they came across as such a-holes.
Back to the interpretations of this show, I was in a regional production (ensemble) 15 years back that moved the story into what is now "the present" (think desolation of urban society in the opening scenes of The Walking Dead and/or 28 Days Later). The idea behind it was that if even if we were looking for a "saviour" in a Jesus-like figure, history would repeat and we'd still crucify him. It was unique and the Catholic League was pi$$ed.
I also saw a production where Mary wasn't featured much in the opening scenes. The initial confusion/intended surprise became apparent when Mary was not mentioned by name because "Mary" was portrayed by a male actor in a "homosexual" context. Aspects like Judas' hatred toward the character and "I Don't Know How to Love Him" took on a whole new meaning, for lack of a better word. It was actually an amazing interpretation.
After seeing Ted Neely on TWO separate "farewell" tours, I welcome any new interpretation. I think this one looks intriguing.
Wow, Mary as a gay male could be an amazing reinterpretation on the role in dramatic (if not historical) context. It could be quite a tear-jerker in "I Don't Know How to Love Him." Still, I'd hate to see the only leading role for a woman lost.
There was an all-male chorus line in the Honolulu production a few years back.
I usually try not to think of JCS and historical accuracy together in the same sentence... but you are of course right in that respect.
I think a female Judas might be neat on paper, and could even incarnate on stage very well, but whenever I play it out in my mind, the vocals "sound" much more impressive from a rock tenor. (Perhaps this is a ridiculous statement, but there it is.) It's just a thought for not 'losing' a female lead in the show, were Mary to be cast as male.
I managed to get myself a ticket to the virtually sold out Stratford run. I have to take a day off work and drive down to Stratford for a mid-week matinee, but... the things you do for theatre. Will report back mid-September.
Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)
Good for you, canmark. Please do give your feedback on the show.
Rabekriegerin, I do know what you mean about women singing certain tenor songs. In some cases, like the Beatles' songs, it just doesn't work. However, I do think there would be women who could send Judas' role and songs out of the park. Maybe a deep mezzo, a big Joplin-style voice, someone with an edge like Alison Pill (though I don't believe she sings), something. Opera singer Dolora Zajick would probably be wonderful at it--haha, I have to laugh at the thought of her playing Judas.
I've seen a female Judas in action. It was a high school production, but she tore the roof off the joint. If anything, the love triangle implied in the Stratford production might play more strongly if a female played the role. (Lord knows a female would sound better than Josh Young in the role ... eep! Did I say that out loud? To quote Brian Griffin as Truman Capote, "Oooh, I'm such a bitch!)
"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from."
~ Charles M. Schulz
"Immortality is also, as it happens, on the minds of Jesus' followers as they gather to feast while danger threatens their leader.... They vocalize similar sentiments in words that suggest apostledom is the ancient world's version of "American Idol";
'Always hoped that I'd be an apostle Knew that I would make it if I tried Then when we retire we can write the Gospels So they'll still talk about us when we've died.'
Sounds like a plan, guys. "
This part of Isherwood's review bugs me. Does he flat out fail to understand that this is intended to be drunken schlock the future apostles are singing before falling asleep such that none of them will be awake to save and protect Christ when he is betrayed with a kiss by Judas and seized? Or are these dippy lyrics sung soberly in the Stratford production? (They were an appropriately sloshed bunch in Honolulu.)
Updated On: 9/3/11 at 02:09 PM
Just saw this last night and it was FANTASTIC! Great cast all around, great concept, laser sharp focus - amazing. I think there would be some minor tweaks if it should transfer, mostly making it grander - their stage seemed tiny. Would be interested to see if they make any changes in La Jolla.
"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."