I'd be happy to see Jasper win again for sure. I'm sure whatever happens tomorrow, it'll be a great show.
I don't know how often this happens, but someone was handing out "Vote Puffer & Jasper for the lovers" before the performance. And then Will and Chita were both so good that I thought it would be fun to see them as the lovers, so I did! But only one half of that couple won.
Oh, and it had "Vote Crisparkle for Datchery" on the other side. (I voted for Bazzard, though.)
last nights voting results when I saw the show
3/9 evening:
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Deputy and Princess Puffer
Final show, 3/10:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena & Jasper (!!!)
Updated On: 3/10/13 at 05:09 PM
Such an amazing performance today and the perfect ending for closing, really. Still wiping sad tears away from "Writing on the Wall", and tears of laughter from that lovers' ending.
According to the chart, Helena was in second and Jasper in third.
The male lover was between Jasper and Neville, so we would have been in for a wild ride either way! The Chairman made the ultimate decision, using his executive power since it was the final show.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/12/12
Awesome show today. Lots of fun moments, and nods to the finality. I am surprised the cast held up so well...seemed there were more people in the audience that were in tears. Rupert Holmes was so touching...this really is his child. I was glad to see Puffer as murderer, finally, always love seeing Peter do Datchery, and was thrilled that Will and Jessie got to be the lovers. Having seen the twins as lovers three times I wanted something different.
I am so sad to see this show go away. Besides being so incredibly creative, it allowed for the best bonding experience I could have imagined with my 13 year old daughter. I knew she would like the show but was unprepared for the level of obsession she reached! But I supported her interest at all levels and watched her as she analyzed plot and character, studying the nuances of each actor's performance.
The cast was always so warm and accommodating backstage and they made my daughter feel special. Thank you all so much for this wonderful winter treat. Good thing we have the cast album and our wonderful memories!
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena and Jasper
Featured Actor Joined: 12/12/12
So do we have any final totals for Datchery, murderer and lover pairs?
Delongpre, that would be very interesting! :) haha.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
The lovers were Helena and Jasper, and while the chairman did deliberately make the choice, it was very close b/w Jasper and Neville anyway. After the lovers sang their song, Jasper pulled Rosa over, had the girls kiss for him, then the three rolled around on the floor a little together before moving on.
Updated On: 3/10/13 at 11:22 PM
Stand-by Joined: 7/6/12
Still cant believe it closed. lucky to see it 5 times, and have this be the mist fun, and best performance yet. And, i was lucky enough to have Will toss me one of the coins after both sides of the coin. I had Jim sign one side, and will sign the other! Both Sides of the coin (ha) !
"I don't know how often this happens, but someone was handing out "Vote Puffer & Jasper for the lovers" before the performance. And then Will and Chita were both so good that I thought it would be fun to see them as the lovers, so I did! But only one half of that couple won."
Whoever was doing this is kind of an a-hole. It was closing night. Everyone in the cast would've loved to win and the point of the show is that the audience decides. Not one crazy person who has their heart set on seeing one specific ending.
If there was something specific you wanted to see, the show ran for almost 6 months. Why would you feel so ENTITLED to act like a jerk at the final performance? I personally have never stagedoored this show or been involved in that way, but I've heard some stories about the "fans" of this show that make my hair curl, everything from people who sent custom "cookie cakes" to members of the cast backstage to this kind of overt campaigning for votes.
Funnily enough, I watched one of these nut jobs try to tell Peter Benson's wife to vote for Crisparkle for Datchery. She, of course, explained that she would in fact be voting for her husband and that she'd love it if they did too. Ace.
Stand-by Joined: 7/6/12
Kelly that was me, as i thought you knew i was there unaware that she was his wife, and she asked who i wanted to see win. and i simply told her i'd love to see crisparkle as datchery, and then she told us "what about my husband?" referencing peter. i then said i would vote for him. Very sad to think you were so nice at the show then go stab me in the back online, and call me a "nut job" . But what should i care, you were so nice at the show, i just think its so strange you would attack a fellow fan on here.
I don't believe we met at the show? I spent most of the show with an acquaintance and didn't really speak to anyone, quite on purpose.
A friend involved with the production also relayed a story about hand-delivered cupcakes made by some fan. Food, apparently, is a big theme with the stage door "gifts" at this show. Ick.
Stand-by Joined: 7/6/12
its strange because there was a girl who sat across the aisle from me, and she had seen the show many times, and was a big jessie mueller fan. Funny that it wasn't you, but glad i could explain the situation . Mrs.benson noticed my friend and i were big fans of the show, and asked us some questions, including who we wanted to see win. we went through a realm of possibilities, and she said " what about Peter? hes my husband!: to which i said "sorry! and i'd love to see hom as murderer." then after that we continued to have a wonderful, polite conversation. so please dont put words into my, and her mouth. Pleas dont make something up. and i believe that i chatted with her almost the whole of the intermission, so there was not another conversation as far as i know. i only left my seat for a minute in the beginning to use the restroom. Unlikely there was another conversation, but who knows?
Glad to hear you were respectful, as one should be in that type of situation. Sounds like you were the odd fans out, given the other behavior that went down that day. For the record, the conversation I was referring to occurred before the show. ALSO I JUST WANT TO SAY. I think I've seen the show WAY less than everybody probably assumes I have! I just talk about it a lot. :-P
I should've expected it going in, I know, closing shows do sometimes end up being more about the fans than the show itself, but I was still very saddened when I read about the flyers outside the show. It just seems very antithetical to the point and weirdly competitive and mean spirited.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
The message about the handing out of papers was posted 3/10/13 at 08:09am meaning it wasn't at the final show. Unless you saw it then as well.
I did not! I was assuming it was posted in reference to closing! My bad :)
I did read on Tumblr about a campaign for Jasper as the male lover that was to take place at the final show, but the person blogging about their plans for said campaign mentioned they were sitting in the mezzanine, so I missed any plotting and planning that went down. So...this happened at multiple shows, I take it. That's...a lot.