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Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips- Page 3

Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#50re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 2:27am

MuppetManiaMan, it could've been ad-libbing. I've ushered all eight performances of a particular show once, and one day, one of the actors did some hilarious adlibbing. Because it's so unexpected, I laughed a lot louder and longer than I would've had I been a patron.

Not discrediting you, but just saying.

#51re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 3:21am

"And ps, someone mentioned that courtesy should come with the ticket price. Not true."

If you were talking about my post, I said that I think "a lot of people" are probably under the impression that the ushers' courtesy should be included in the price of their tickets.

Linder Profile Photo
#52re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 9:40am

I've worked as an usher for years and sadly, very few patrons tip anymore. I workd very hard during that 30 minute walk-in, doing my best to be as courteous and helpful as possible. I actually enjoy the job (and it is a second job, I could not survive in NYC on that salary alone).

As far as people seating themselves...yes, most patrons may be able to find the correct seat but there's always a few that insist on seating themselves and end up in the wrong row, wrong seat, etc. It's rather frustrating and slows me down quite a bit when I have to correct the seating error and a nightmare all together if you have to pull people out of seats once the show has started. It becomes a disruption for everyone.

Years ago, I had such a seating nightmare (in the third row of the orch), it actually stopped the show. The performer stopped, asked me what was going on... I had to explain to him and the entire audience the problem and the solution. The performer looked at the offending patrons and said, "what are you waiting for, do what she says and get moving!"

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#53re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 11:56am

Mc1227, Roundabout ushers are volunteers, and many off-Broadway houses take volunteers, but Jujamcyn, Shubert, and Nederlander ushers are paid.

#54re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 12:12pm

I'll tip an usher whenever I feel they've gone the extra mile to help me. I remember at Swan Lake some years back, I knew I had to leave quickly, so I asked the usher if it was okay if I stood through the 2nd act. She went to the trouble of getting a chair for me at the rear of the center aisle (not blocking anybody). I tried to give her $5, which she repeatedly refused, saying it was "just part of her job." As I left, I put the money in her hand and dashed out so she couldn't return it. So for every bad experience you have, you'll also have a good one in compensation. PS. I used to usher at the Lyric Opera of Chicago -- those last 20 minutes before curtain were a nightmare and latecomers are an animal to be dreaded.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#55re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 1:34pm

Yes, the bane of an usher's life is the latecomer, and there are plenty of them!

Technically, I believe that it states on the back of many tickets that if a patron is late, seating is at the discretion of the house. Which means-no, family of six, you will not be traipsing down the aisle to row C, center, causing about 10 people to stand, in the middle of this act. You will be seated wherever there are enough vacant seats in a section which will cause the least distraction. Nice, but it doesn't always happen. We do get lots of patrons who understand they are late, and graciously take a convenient seat.

But then we get people who are indignant that they came 20 minutes late for a show and will not be sitting in their assigned seats. They start arguing, at which point we must try to "usher" them out into the lobby because they are loud. Many times the house manager must be called, if we can't settle it alone.

Just a little anecdote for those who may not be aware of some of the things ushers deal with.


ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#56re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 1:47pm

Right, Jane, like the couple who came an hour late to Spring Awakening. When I informed them that they had to wait until intermission to be seated in their orchestra seats, due to the seating cues, I was loudly informed that "We're not waiting! Why can't we sit?" "Because, ma'am, it'll disturb everyone else." "So what??!"

Linder, I'm curious to hear more about that seating issue that stopped the show! Please give details. Updated On: 1/15/08 at 01:47 PM

Linder Profile Photo
#57re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 2:50pm

I won't give the name of the theatre, the show or the performer. I am so happy that I can laugh about this now but remember being so embarassed at the time...

I was the chief at the time. The curtain had gone up and as per the company, we were allowed to seat patrons between the musical numbers. After the first song, some latecomers were taken in to be seated. The party was split between two different rows (the third and the fifth). Becasue they saw extra seats in the third row, the two sitting in the fifth row decided to sit with their friends in the third after the usher had gone up the aisle...which would have been okay had the next set of latecomers not come. It was a party of four. At this point, we did not know that fifth row patrons had jumped to the third. When the usher took the party down to the third row, there were only two seats instead of four and hadn't realized the other two patrons had moved.

Yes, it's all very complicated, isn't it...

Since I was the chief, the usher came up the aisle to get me to "fix it." The party of four refused to be split up, were getting loud and there were no other seats available.

I went down and was trying to get the seat jumpers attention when the performer on stage stopped and asked what was going on. He then asked for the house lights to be brought up while we had a conversation and I explained what was going on.

When all was fixed and everyone was happy, I got my own applause.....

#58re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 3:01pm


ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#59re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 3:11pm

I honestly cannot understand why people think it's okay to just sit wherever they want, completely heedless that the people whose seats they are occupying may be a few minutes late.

Linder Profile Photo
#60re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 4:34pm

I always tip the usher when I go to the theatre....

Jane2 Profile Photo
#61re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 4:51pm

Shbrt, here's a good one.I tried to seat this particular middle aged couple, but after showing me their tickets, they bolted towards the seats, not even waiting for Playbills. I watched while they took whatever seats they wanted. I was free, so I went down to where they were sitting and asked them to take their own seats. "We'll be okay right here", says the man. "I'm sorry, but those seats belong to some other people", I say. "How many people are you expecting tonight?" he demanded. "We're getting a nice crowd", I say. "I DIDN'T ASK YOU THAT, I SAID HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE COMING!" He yelled at me. "We prefer if you took your own seats" I said.

Now, he stands up, turns around, and points to the nearly empty house. "Look how empty this place is", he said. "That's because the show doesn't start for another 25 minutes" I say, trying to remain patient, as I see I have other people waiting for me.

"Please take your seats, as we prefer not to have to ask you to move later on, during the show, because it is disruptive", I say.

Finally his wife grabbed him, pulled him to their "real" seats, and told him that this was enough already.

I was pleased to death when the very next patrons had the tickets to those seats the couple had taken!


ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#62re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 8:18pm

God! "We'll be okay right here." NO YOU WILL NOT.

Tonight someone puked all over the stairs going into the mezzanine. Delightful.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#63re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 8:25pm

seriously.."we'll be okay right here." people can have no decency. i've worked in food service / customer service..and it got pretty bad too.

shubertalley44, that is gross. please tell me it was at least a child, and not some drunk idiot

mc1227 Profile Photo
#64re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 8:26pm

Thanks for the info. I've always tipped the ushers because I didn't think they got paid. But I won't let that stop me from tipping for good service. I think with today's mannerless theatre crowd, they need good ushers who will enforce the rules of the theatre and make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#65re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 8:31pm

VeryNY, no, it was a well-dressed lady who apparently didn't realize she wasn't feeling well, so she pulled a Linda Blair all over the stairs, and then remained in the corner of the stairwell to continue throwing up rather than heading for the nearby garbage can or the bathroom.
Updated On: 1/15/08 at 08:31 PM

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#66re: Do Ushers on Broadway Get Tips
Posted: 1/15/08 at 11:40pm

Tonight someone puked all over the stairs going into the mezzanine. Delightful.

Ugh. That happened once at Avenue Q. I was standing on the right mezzanine stairwell and managed to jump out of the way right as she ran past and threw up at the bottom of the stairs. I felt so bad for her, but eww.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"
