Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Playbill_Trash said: "I agree that the use of toys was underwhelming for the first snowman, but understand if her powers weren't as strong yet.
However, the Disney easter egg made it worth it:
Seriously, if you're a big Disney fan - don't read this spoiler until you've seen the show. You'll appreciate the reveal once you see them put together Olaf in the bedroom.
I noticed...I thought I was crazy! I wish I could say I appreciated though. So yeah I finally saw this last month...this is honesty so dang underwhelming that it hurts. There's are parts that are straight up bad (I'll get there), but everything else is just...blah. My friend I saw it with liked it, said it was cute. That's the problem. It can be SO much more than just...CUTE. The overall piece that it is, is just all over the place in terms of theming and the ideas behind it. It just feels like the movie onstage, padded with material that's lackluster to bad. Certain details within that bigger picture don't help. Like the above spoiler as well as Anna freezing over. You can't mix presentational with representational/abstract, it just doesn't work. Those two moments stuck out to me as the examples of representational while most of the rest of the show is presentational. Anna freezing over reminded me wwwaaaayyyyy too much of when I saw Prince of Egypt last that, the cast was playing chariots and the burning bush :P Here, they're playing a, WOOF. I remember saying more than a few times back when, that I thought Frozen could be designed and directed in the abstract, but I think I was wrong...or at least because the two styles are being mixed in this show, makes me think I was wrong. At this point, I don't think it matters whether it's presentational OR abstract, just pick a direction and run with it and STICK with it, don't have some parts be presentational and others be abstract. That was one of the first things I remember learning in H.S. drama class.
Hygge-I don't think I need to say anything because it's all been said before already. It's awful and beyond unnecessary.
Now this is a little thing, but I'm kind of surprised no one has said anything about it yet. It bothered the heck out of me that Grandage staged actual physical contact between the girls before it was time...Elsa, even WITH gloves on, would.not.touch.anyone OR want anyone to touch her for the same reason...she has 13 years of anxiety build up and too much fear of causing harm for that. I feel like, she'd possibly TRY at first for Anna's sake but mental muscle memory gets in the way. Monster doesn't work any better on stage than when I first heard it. Like LiG (but what you do with that, at this point...), it comes out of nowhere. No build up, nothing. And even then, it feels slow moving. Fighting guards, slow moving set pieces to keep them away (?) and then out of the blue deciding to NOT be a 'monster'? It's a siege, she's fighting for her damn life, that scene needs action rather than a song. But of course, who else but Elsa would have an 11 o'clock number...and I know the contemplating suicide was dark for people, but ONE moment of darkness doesn't a dark show make. Like I said above, don't mix directional styles, same with general show theming. It's not even a well written suicide contemplation at that, it was almost laughable. Apart from it needing to be action based story telling rather than song based, having Elsa give herself up deflates the entire idea of her being viewed as a monster by others. She's fighting for her own life, but others are misconstruing it as fighting THEM. Plus, this is the one scene where I'd have loved to have seen balls to the wall stage to see her magic at it's fullest as she is...fighting for her life.
Cast wise? Caissie is fine, just given lackluster material. Patti is trying to hard to be the "cutesy, young princess" because it comes off as someone who's outgrown that kind of role. Jelani is ok, but needs to read as Anna's foil as the sense of reason but doesn't, and keeps reverting to the same physical stance ( little thing I know, but still). Like Caissie, John was fine, but given lackluster material, but still played it like a bouncy, boyish prince rather than with a "regal" presence that I got from the film that I prefer, but that's more preference than anything. Greg is fine, but this is the one role I would have liked to have seen done by the original, aka Josh who would at least have fresh comic timing.
Now that I've seen all three productions of Frozen, honestly none are great on their own. If I could have elements from each one, that would be great, because where one or two fail, the other one or two shine. Overall this one ranks near the bottom of the Disney stage musical list.
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
JennH said: "Monster doesn't work any better on stage than when I first heard it. Like LiG (but what you do with that, at this point...), it comes out of nowhere. No build up, nothing. And even then, it feels slow moving. Fighting guards, slow moving set pieces to keep them away (?)and then out of the blue deciding to NOT be a 'monster'? It's a siege, she'sfightingfor her damn life, that scene needs action rather than a song. But of course, who else but Elsa would have an 11 o'clock number...and I know the contemplating suicide was dark for people, but ONE moment of darkness doesn't a dark show make. Like I said above, don't mix directional styles, same with general show theming. It's not even a well written suicide contemplation at that, it was almost laughable. Apart from it needing to be action based story telling rather than song based, having Elsa give herself up deflatesthe entire ideaof her being viewed as a monster by others. She's fighting for her own life, but others are misconstruing itas fighting THEM. Plus, this is theone scene where I'd have loved to have seen balls to the wall stage to see her magic at it's fullest as she is...fighting for her life."
Wow I felt the total opposite regarding this part of your review. I thought Monster was one of the best parts of the musical, might be my favorite scene. In what way do you think they could have done a suicide contemplation any differently, that also still appeals to kids & parents? It's subtle, but they cater to a huge age range. It's a topic they didn't even have to touch on, I give them mad props for going there.
I really liked the staging in Monster too. In the film Elsa is hiding and shoots up ice to block the guards, even when the one shoots an arrow at her she blocks it. That whole scene is about her knowing she could kill everyone in the room if she wanted to, but actively deciding not to. I think the musical is stronger when it comes to her capture. In the movie she is surrendering as Hans talks her down, but the ice falls before she can. You can tell by a close up she isn't going to hurt anyone and is going to give herself up. I think it's way stronger to have her contemplate suicide then decide that isn't a solution and surrender rather than get knocked out. Plus the song is catchy AF :) I think an "action" scene of her fighting the guards goes against who she is as a character. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, she just wants to all go away so blocking and deflecting made perfect sense to me.
That all said, the staging in NYC is better than it was in Denver. I preferred the staging in NYC because Caissie wasn't obstructed by set pieces, which happened in Denver, and because she's carrying the character physically stronger which makes sense to me since it's after she lets it all go and figures out what she can do. Anyway, this is why I love live theater. People take away such different things from every piece. I hope you at least had fun :)
Chorus Member Joined: 4/16/18
Seeing this on Saturday, row D! Does anyone know if any major cast members are on vacation?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
dramagoer said: "Seeing this on Saturday, row D! Does anyone know if any major cast members are on vacation?"
Saturday night or matinee? I think I read Aisha Jackson (Anna understudy) 's Instagram post that she will be on Sat night and Sun matinee.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Is Patti Murin on vacation? I've just noticed she's been out quite a lot since I follow her standby on Instagram. When I saw the show back in April I noticed she was having some voice issues, but I don't know if her absences are related
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
broadwayboy223 said: "Is Patti Murin on vacation? I've just noticed she's been out quite a lot since I follow her standby on Instagram. When I saw the show back in April I noticed she was having some voice issues, but I don't know if her absences are related"
She tweeted out earlier today that she's out for the rest of the weekend on vacation :)
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
I was forced to see this monstrosity (again) due to family who were bringing the kids and there was an extra ticket.
It’s even worse than I remembered. I’m actually mad at myself for agreeing to go. There was an understudy in for Bulda (the maternal woodland creature thing) and I normally love the energy an understudy generally brings to the overall experience of a show. Though it’s a very small feature I found myself questioning how this person was even hired to be in broadway. Moreover who agreed to let her perform. There were two bulda’s listed. I was almost embarrassed for her.
The show is selling fine, but it’s the most visceral reaction I’ve had to hating a musical. Ever.
Next time someone would have to pay me to go.
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
Mercades said: "Next time someone would have to pay me to go."
How about next time you give me your extra ticket because I LOVE it can can't see it enough. Thanks in advance!
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
Mercades said: "
The show is selling fine..."
Uh ya, it's grossing more than $2,000,000 a week... I'd say it's selling just fine.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
Mercades said: "There was an understudy in for Bulda (the maternal woodland creature thing) and I normally love the energy an understudy generally brings to the overall experience of a show. Though it’s a very small feature I found myself questioning how this person was even hired to be in broadway. Moreover who agreed to let her perform. There were two bulda’s listed. I was almost embarrassed for her."
If it was Alicia Albright she's actually the dance captain and super swing and has been on Broadway before.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Great Dame said: "Mercades said: "
The show is selling fine..."
Uh ya, it's grossing more than $2,000,000 a week... I'd say it's selling just fine."
My point was everyone was so sure it would have fallen by the likes of “Tarzan” (which I actually really liked-in aware I’m in the minority) and “little mermaid” and that doesn’t seem to be the case. My wording was poor.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
If it was Alicia Albright she's actually the dance captain and super swing and has been on Broadway before."
That is indeed her. She isn’t listed as dance captain. maybe I’m reading incorrectly. I’m sure she’s a great swing. I suppose. Not familiar with her work in any capacity. But she was glaringly bad for what otherwise was a good feature. And just because she’s been on broadway before doesn’t necessarily qualify her to understudy that role, or any role for that matter. I have enjoyed dozens of understudies over the years , she was pretty awful.
And others seemed asleep at the wheel. I can’t blame them. I’m going to see “Once on This Island” tonight to cleanse my pallet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Great Dame said: "Mercades said: "Next time someone would have to pay me to go."
How about next time you give me your extra ticket because I LOVE it can can't see it enough. Thanks in advance!"
You’ve got yourself a DEAL.
(I was save my judgment of your overall taste ??)
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
Mercades said: "Great Dame said: "Mercades said: "Next time someone would have to pay me to go."
How about next time you give me your extra ticket because I LOVE it can can't see it enough. Thanks in advance!"
You’ve got yourself a DEAL.
(I was save my judgment of your overall taste ??)"
Hahaha pleasure doing business with you lol!
We saw Frozen last Friday night and didn't find it as disappointing as some reviews have suggested. The cast was solid (although Patti Murin was out and it was a bit jarring to have a little white girl suddenly turn into a black woman, albeit a very talented black woman), the vocals were great, and the costumes and sets were charming.
There is really only one common complaint that we did agree with: the additional musical material written for the stage show is not up to par. Of the new material, "Monster" is the only song that stood out at all to us. Consequently, the show felt somewhat padded.
On the other hand, there are a few other common criticisms that we disagreed with:
We thought the "Hygge" number was funny and clever, and were happy it wasn't scrapped.
We thought the staging and special effects were wonderful. We liked that they didn't throw every trick in the book at you in the first 30 minutes, but rather built the visuals over time to culminate with "Let it Go". The lack of a physical ice castle set piece didn't disappoint; the crystal curtain and the projections were dazzling and we thought the scene was very effectively realized. Our only complaint was that, as others have noted, the audience completely drowned out Caissie Levy's big note at the end (hold your shouts and applause until she's done, people!). Also, the use of cast members with projections on them to depict the ice freezing over Anna was artful and stunning.
We liked the "Hidden Folk" that replaced the trolls (what can I say, the alpha male was hot).
Can anyone link to where on the board posts talk about the diversity casting of this show? I can't find those posts...
Saw the show this past weekend and had someone I was with commented about the diverse cast.
Of particular note was how great it was to see a diverse cast - but they had one question...
If genetically speaking the mother/father produce 2 children who are blonde {look like the current cast} - on Broadway - is the viewer supposed to look past that fact of this current casting and just say 'they produced a diverse show, don't pay attention to genetics within casting on Broadway'?
Since we are to assume Anna/Elsa were not adopted and they are their biological mother/father - we look past that the current casting couldn't genetically produce these children without some genetic mutation (rarity)...?
I can't wait for the trolls to tell me to tell my friend to bugger off - and to look at Anna and Kristoff current casting {which to me is separate because there are no biological children involved) but I am kinda interested to find out how others thought of this - given that there is a greater push to cast with diversity etc these days.
Where is that thread on here?
Stand-by Joined: 12/2/17
rayoflight104 said: "Can anyone link to where on the board posts talk about the diversity casting of this show? I can't find those posts...
Saw the show this past weekend and had someone I was with commented about the diverse cast.
Of particular note was how great it was to see a diverse cast - but they had one question...
If genetically speaking the mother/father produce 2 children who are blonde {look like the current cast} - on Broadway - is the viewer supposed to look past that fact of this current casting and just say 'they produced a diverse show, don't pay attention to genetics within casting on Broadway'?
Since we are to assume Anna/Elsa were not adopted and they are their biological mother/father - we look past that the current casting couldn't genetically produce these children without some genetic mutation (rarity)...?
I can't wait for the trolls to tell me to tell my friend to bugger off - and to look at Anna and Kristoff current casting {which to me is separate because there are no biological children involved) but I am kinda interested to find out how others thought of this - given that there is a greater push to cast with diversity etc these days.
Where is that thread on here?
I would ask my friend if they can look past the fact that one daughter shoots ice out of her hands and the talking snowman? If so, then there ya go. I'm not sure which thread you're talking about, although I'd be interested to read through it too if someone finds it. I would also ask my friend why they assume Anna & Elsa were not adopted. We don't know that for sure. Not even in the movie does it go that far back into their origin story, so your friend is making an assumption. Disney has not just the ability, but the responsibility, to look beyond race. Their stories are fantasy with things that aren't real, don't have to make sense, and push the imagination. Tell your friend to not over think it and to just appreciate seeing something different and unexpected :)
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/18
When watching a show when it comes to theatre, I have one major turnoff. When it’s clear you are watching someone act. When the performer is so “extra” with acting that they overact and pull you out of the story each time they speak.
After watching Frozen earlier this month, I was turned off completely with Jealani Aladdin’s performance as Kristoff. As soon as the show started, I knew I was in trouble. It was so hard to focus, he does such a poor job of being in the story but instead performing with an “acting voice” and being so wooden. I was extremely dissaponted, that he was the best fit. On a lighter side, I found the show to be overall fun, and very entertaining. Even though, the lightning design was too dark, when it comes to Arendelle, I enjoyed it!