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GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME - July 11th

GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME - July 11th

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#1GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME - July 11th
Posted: 6/16/07 at 1:56am

hey peoples :) I hope those of you who couldn't come last time (but asked for another show - ahem!) can come this time GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME - July 11th

here's the info:

Following a highly successful concert debut in April of 2007, Brian Charles Rooney ('Lucy Brown' in the 2006 Broadway revival of "The Threepenny Opera") brings his show, "Turn Me ON... Turn Me UP!!" back to The Zipper Factory for another sensually powerful glam-rock ROMP!

Come hear the adrenaline infused work of such greats as Kurt Weill, Cyndi Lauper, The Doors, Madonna, Jefferson Airplane, Heart, and Queen... as well as original material by Rooney and Paul Leschen, composer and arranger for the world famous SCISSOR SISTERS.

"Turn Me ON... Turn Me UP... ONE MORE TIME!!"
Brian Charles Rooney - LIVE @ The Zipper!
JULY 11th, 2007


$22 or $17 for those with an ACTIVE Actors' Equity Association membership or VALID Student ID

By Phone: 866-811-4111 or 212-352-3101

The Zipper Theater @ The Zipper Factory
336 West 37th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" > Updated On: 6/16/07 at 01:56 AM

Undeniably Bway Profile Photo
Undeniably Bway
#2re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/16/07 at 2:20am

Nice! I couldn't go to the last one, but will definitely be there this time re: GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME Seems like the last thing I saw you in was Warrior. You are fantastic.

She grew up tall - she grew up right.

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#2re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/16/07 at 5:14am

aww, shucks :)

thank you!

Last time was a LOT of fun - the audience seemed really energized and into what we were doing - which was such a gift. I worked hard and so did the band, but we didn't expect such a great reaction. I loved that people had such a good time. SO, I will be eager to provide the fun again!!

C is for Company
#3re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/21/07 at 4:08pm

Got my ticket yesterday. My friend is picking hers up today, we're very excited.

Anybody else planning on going?

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#4re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/21/07 at 4:10pm

aw shucks. looks like loads of fun...

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#5re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/21/07 at 7:31pm

it was a great nite. incredible music and that voice!

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#6re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/23/07 at 5:36pm

for those of you interested in coming, and trust me and the others who've posted - you WILL have fun, I have a discount code for you :)

email: and you may have it!

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#7re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/23/07 at 5:53pm

Sweet! I think I'll be able to make it this time. re: GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME Quick question, though: I will kind of be inbetween schools at that point (just graduated). Would it still be okay for me to use my high school ID, even though I'm TECHNICALLY not a high school student?

EDIT: Did that make any sense? (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler
Updated On: 6/23/07 at 05:53 PM

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#8re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/23/07 at 11:32pm

Definitely coming... and bumping this back up :)

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#9re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 6/25/07 at 10:00pm


and thanks for the bump :)

also, 'dancing...' - use the code online - and you will have no problems... Your ID will be fine... the whole point of the discount is to target people in NYC who want to come who probably could benefit from the $5 discount... normally I would include seniors, but in NYC, seniors often-times have more money than most LOL - a phenomenon unique to this city's strange economy

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#10re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/2/07 at 11:46pm

bumping yet again....

1 week and 2 days....

are you excited yet??

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

C is for Company
#12re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/10/07 at 6:56pm

Tomorrow! Just in case anybody forgot or wanted to go, stop by and get a ticket soon.

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#13re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/10/07 at 8:28pm


I am excited that many of you guys will be able to come!! :)

And again, thank you for being so supportive - it makes me feel loved! re: GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME

#14re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/11/07 at 11:24pm

we were dancing in our seats!!!
& such great song choices!!!
i got teary-eyed over his LA VIE EN ROSE & a medley of BURNING UP/SMALLTOWN BOY/ INVINCIBLE!!! yeah!!! FAIR IS FAIR!!!!

he ACTS the songs, not just sings them, & every number is an epic!

& that band!!! they are INSANELY tight, so pro YET so full of feeling!
they blew my away!!!

Brian Charles Rooney is an incredible talent & he his band put on a helluva show tonight!

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#15re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/11/07 at 11:32pm

So happy to hear the show was so fab and well-attended!

Sorry I couldn't be there, but I hope to be next time.

BCR is always wonderful. (And yes, Brian, you are loved.) re: GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

#16re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 12:29am

I was there, too, and had a blast! I am so glad I was able to come this time, and I can't wait until your next show. In the fall? *crosses fingers*

GREAT JOB! You are very loved. :o)

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#17re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 12:34am

The concert was a blast! He just explodes with energy on stage when he sings.

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#18re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 12:56am

Amazing!! I still can't get over his voice!!
Everything was priceless and phenomenal... not to mention his dance moves were kick*ss!

I can't wait til the next one!
Thanks for an awesome night, Brian!

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

C is for Company
#19re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 2:26am

So fortunate to have gone and witnessed such a unique wonder. His attire was out of this world and I've never heard a man with as impressive a voice as his. He should really make a dance mix or something to play in clubs, I hate dancing and nightlife stuff, but I really could have gotten down to that! re: GET YOUR TICKETS!  Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME The band was talented and the original music was incredible, plus some funny little anecdotes along the way.

Not to mention that it wasn't just a fantastic time in the theater, but he couldn't have been more gracious in the lobby to those who went. Definitely quite a pleasure and a nice experience to have as my first event like this for a solo artist.

I wish I had known that a few of you were there, it seemed like not many BWW'ers were going to be in attendance. I had the fortune to be unexpectedly seated next to n69n! As humble and pleasant as you'd imagine him to be from his posts and art!

Once again, congradulations on such a terrific night.

Updated On: 7/12/07 at 02:26 AM

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#20re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 2:36am

Not to mention that it wasn't just a fantastic time in the theater, but he couldn't have been more gracious in the lobby to those who went. Definitely quite a pleasure and a nice experience to have as my first event like this for a solo artist.

Definitely agree!! Brian is such a sweetheart and it was a pleasure to talk with him after the show.

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

#21re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 6:15am

oh, i shoulda stuck around afterwards!!!

#22re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 7:11am

another highlight was the original song WHITE GLOVE...i especially liked the reference to valerie plame....

chris d
#23re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 9:39am

I went (w/ Norn) and had a terrific time as well. Brian's voice is just one of a kind. it was so wonderful to hear it live AGAIN! My favorite part was the 80's "suite." & the rest of the band was great.

#24re: GET YOUR TICKETS! Brian Charles Rooney LIVE@The Zipper - ONE MORE TIME
Posted: 7/12/07 at 10:54am

The drummer was hot. C'est ça.
