I strongly doubt Eureka Day will be considered a revival...
Oh. maybe that was wishful thinking considering the category is the weakest in years without it.
CoffeeBreak said: "Oh. maybe that was wishful thinking considering the category is the weakest in years without it."
Ah, my bad. I forgot it was ruled to be revival. Just another reason the Tony criteria are so ...nuanced and odd.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
The Tonys ruled ''Eureka Day'' eligible for Play Revival.
Other contenders: ''Glengarry Glen Ross,'' ''Home,'' ''Othello,'' ''Our Town,'' ''Romeo + Juliet,'' ''Yellow Face.'' Any others?
Is ''The Picture of Dorian Gray'' a new play or revival?
Wayman_Wong said: "Is ''The Picture of Dorian Gray,'' withSarah Snook, a new play?"
Of course it is a new play. The original DORIAN GRAY is a novel, and this is a new adaptation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
''Of course it is a new play. The original DORIAN GRAY is a novel, and this is a new adaptation.''
Not having seen this version, I wondered if Snook was just reading excerpts from the novel.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
Caught the evening performance yesterday as part of my two show day. Got my ticket off Audience Rewards site for $96 in center orchestra row Q, so at least lucked out on the affordable ticket.
Must admit, I've never seen the movie or previous revivals of GGR, but I had a good idea what the play is about based on references in multiple tv shows and media. First of all, I had no idea that this play is so short (35 minutes - 1st act, 40 minutes - second act with the 20 minutes intermission). Had I paid $300-$700 for tickets like the rest of the audience, I'd felt scammed. I get that people pay for multiple A list celebs in the play, I myself was there for Bob Odenkirk. Maybe I was spoiled by rich, multilayered Purpose, Hills of California and Appropriate, but GGR felt like a surface level sketch to me. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Bill Burr and Bob Odenkirk were fantastic in their roles. I wish they both come back to Broadway eventually but in much better material. The audience looked like a cryptocurrency finance conference, very different from your usual Broadway theater attending crowd.
Saw this last night - my first interaction with this piece as I hadn't seen the movie, any other production or read it. It's an entertaining evening at the theatre but it feels like this production is missing that extra something, be it bite or a stronger overall concept, to take it from alright to great. Good performances all around, Odenkirk started shakily imo but built into something decently affecting, Culkin shows different shades of his usual schtick and is especially good in the first scene and dealing with his return customer, and Burr is a natural, an immediately vibrant stage actor who lifts the show whenever he's onstage. Not being familiar with the play I was disappointed when his character disappeared in the second act. Also, why was there an intermission? It felt like a pointless break in immersion for a 90 minute play. And the play itself felt pretty slight to me unfortunately, there were ideas and moments that were compelling but I really didn't get the sense of why this is a classic aside from it providing men a vehicle to shout at each-other and tell racist jokes. It felt like waiting for a fire to spark, all of the kindling is there, there's a good structure in place, but it just skated along on good vibes from the audience hungry to see stars take on this piece. I didn't pay for this and I feel like if I did I would be more critical/upset about what I got, but it's a perfectly fine evening at the theater.
darquegk said: "Speaking of the refusal to change the text; has the "motivational speech" scene from the film been incorporated? I only ask because I know "Coffee is for closers" was on the web site and some merch, which is an odd choice if that scene isn't integrated. Especially given it's probably the most famous thing Mamet ever wrote."
I don’t think anyone here answered this yet, but no, nothing from the Alec Baldwin speech has been added. I did think it was weird because they are selling merch with the coffee line from that speech and used the ABC lines in the ads.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
Cape Twirl of Doom said: "darquegk said: "Speaking of the refusal to change the text; has the "motivational speech" scene from the film been incorporated? I only ask because I know "Coffee is for closers" was on the web site and some merch, which is an odd choice if that scene isn't integrated. Especially given it's probably the most famous thing Mamet ever wrote."
I don’t think anyone here answered this yet, but no, nothing from the Alec Baldwin speech has been added. I did think it was weird because they are selling merch with the coffee line from that speech and used the ABC lines in the ads."
And outside the theater, with th ABC highlighted:
A Broadway Classic
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
Bob Odenkirk, Michael McKean bond over 'Glengarry Glen Ross' revival - Los Angeles Times
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
Bill Burr is evolving beyond anger. He can’t believe it, either.