The tour is absolutely fantastic, catch it if you can!
"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards
Lets ALL change our avatars in rememberance. I'm doing so now.
He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.
I just got back from the final preformance. There was sooo much energy and support in that theatre. The jokes on the audience spellers were better than I've ever seen them. If I'm not lazy tomorrow I might post a review of closing night. Congrats on a great run Spelling Bee. You will be missed.
Lets have a moment of silence for this amazing show.
He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.
I was most entertained by the girl who dressed up as a Spelling Bee, complete with antenna and a homemade shirt.
The show itself was normal, lots of entrance applause for almost everyone, huge clapping for the I Love You Song.
David Stone's final speech at the end of the show was incredibly monotonous- read off of notecards, with so little emotion. No wait- he started off emotional when he announced the score of the Giants-Packers football game. The rest was completely forgettable and just blah.