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Hair Reviews

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#50re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:23am

I don't really think this should transfer.

I don't see it being too much of a financial success, especially with WSS coming and probably being a humongous hit revival. HAIR is a lot harder of a sell...sure the reviews are great, but I have a feeling it would do well once the reviews came out for the Broadway production and then be a typical Broadway newcomer and start to falter when winter rolls around. If they do transfer it though, it will probably be relatively cheap to run unless they make some major changes. And, who knows, it could get less ecstatic reviews if it transfers. Some critics could say it worked better as a free, summer-concert-esque production and loses something in its big move to Broadway. We've seen way too many off-broadway shows get that treatment and become flops. I don't think this show will transfer...and if it does, it better just take the Nederlander or the Circle in the Square no questions asked because honestly those two venues are great for this show (also Circle might be too small) and it's not worth waiting for a theater...they'll be waiting until next season or the summertime.

joe5 Profile Photo
#51re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:23am

Jay, The people at the Public Theatre BO were great. I gave them the date I could attend. I had two dates in mind, August 30th and 31st. And of course the 31st is not open to the public. So my only choice was the 30th. They did say you usally get your first choice of date.

So now I have to wait 72 Hours to hear. If they have a reserved seat available for me. Or I get my donation back. Again, my fingers and toes are crossed. joe

Updated On: 8/8/08 at 10:23 AM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#52re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:24am

And by the summertime, I meant summer '09.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#53re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:34am

Phillys, the show doesn't seem all that dated for some reason. I believe it is because it is treated seriously as a period piece. There is not the feeling of winking at the audience with a "ain't Hippies cute" attitude. They are presenting the show without trying to update it, without trying to make it fit in today's world. The kids on stage are expressing 1967-8 concerns simple and pure.
It is directed with a earnestness and a love and respect for the material which makes the points that are still relevant connect with the audience. Kind of like looking in a Fun House mirror or Way Back Machine (boy talk about dated!) and realizing though despite the change in fashion and word usage we are still facing these problems. It speaks of youth and idealism and wanting to make a change (and believing you could).
Add to this an incredible score beautifully presented and you have pure joy on stage.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#54re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:36am

You're very lucky, Mr. Murray...

John Simon at is Mixed:

I will not insult your intelligence by going into the plot of ``Hair,' now revived by the Public Theater in Central Park's Delacorte Theater. Partly because you surely know that this 1967 musical celebrates free love, drugs, flower children, nudity and draft card-burning in protest of the Vietnam War.

Partly, too, because it has no plot to speak of.

You may also have guessed that Oskar Eustis, the Public's artistic director, picked ``Hair' largely because it can now be construed as an anti-Iraq War show. True enough, but artistically speaking, this unstructured, baggy monster of a musical, though pleasant on first exposure, does not bear too much reviving and closer scrutiny...

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#55re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:40am

The New York Post gives the show 3 1/2 Stars out of 4:

IT'S probably been a few years - OK, decades - since you've participated in a Be-In in Central Park, but you're in luck: "Hair" is back.

The rousing revival that opened last night at the Delacorte - 40 years after it first played the Public Theater - feels as fresh now as it did then, thanks to the sheer energy of its sexy young ensemble.

That it happens to be about a grossly unpopular war only makes Gerome Ragni and James Rado's book more relevant than it was the last time it was revived, a decade after its premiere...

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#56re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 10:45am

Jacques "GREASE is AWESOME!" le Sourd at Journal News is a Rave:

...Caren Lyn Manuel plays Sheila, who sings the memorable song "Easy to be Hard." Alison Case sings the enduring "Frank Mills," about a boy she met "right here, in front of the Waverly."

And Megan Lawrence, fresh from her appearance as the sportscaster in City Center's brief revival of "Damn Yankees," is an amusing presence as a cliched mother, who disapproves.

In a brief concert version of the show last year, the final image was of the sacrificed Claude.

Now it's a disco party.

Last year the orchestra was conducted with special verve by Galt MacDermot. I missed his special brio this year.

"Hair" does retain timeless fire, four decades on. Even if it's got tu go disco.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

jaystarr Profile Photo
#57re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 11:33am

and when is the LAST TIME that John Simon (born 1925) enjoyed a show???

Gosh! He hates almost everything!!! Dont you think the 83 yrs old critic should at least RETIRE from writting reviews for the new generation of Brodway fans? just my two cents! re: Hair Reviews


Updated On: 8/8/08 at 11:33 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#58re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 11:46am

For those not familiar with Central Park's Delacorte Theater. Here's some photos. I guess (from based on what I read here) the APPEAL of the show comes from being performed outdoors, like you can hear the city's noise...etcs.....

I combine photos of the theater + production photos to give you the idea!

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

This girl looks like Shakira!
re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

As you can see ~looks like there's no background- just the (natural) trees at Central Park. The stage is just a grass turf and a tent (with band)

That's why it works!


Updated On: 8/8/08 at 11:46 AM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#59re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 12:10pm

" Smooth as he supposedly is, he would have managed to dodge the draft in one way or another, perhaps taking a hint from another song here, entitled ``Sodomy.'"

So we now know how Simon avoided the service!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Smaxie Profile Photo
#60re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 12:39pm

>As you can see ~looks like there's no background- just the (natural) trees at Central Park. The stage is just a grass turf and a tent (with band)

That's why it works!<

Although the park atmosphere is wonderful for this production, the original Hair had no problem working indoors at the Biltmore Theatre for more than 1,750 performances.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#61re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 12:50pm

The New York Daily News gives the show 3 1/2 Stars out of 5:

...The show still rocks, but it no longer shocks. The profanity, nudity and odes to sodomy and LSD seem tame. The tribe, in fringe and flowers, look let's-dress-up cute. And though the anti-Vietnam message resonates today, the show is a singing catalogue of its own messy era.

Good tunes are timeless, however, and despite a few duds, "Hair" is filled with them. While the cast performs most of these now-standards with style and conviction, "Easy to Be Hard" and "Good Morning Starshine" were mundane.

Several actors bring something special to the communal table. Groff ("Spring Awakening") performs with heart-on-his-sleeve honesty, Miller thrills with her soulful voice, and Swenson adds a sexy edge (though he'll never pass for a high-schooler). Allison Case makes the wistful "Frank Mills" a sweet highlight.

"Hair" may not rouse your inner flower child, but it will coax you to dance. Not just in the aisles, like at "Mamma Mia!" The tribe invites the audience to come onstage to "Let the Sun Shine In." Until the end of August, it's the coolest place in the city to let down your hair.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

jaystarr Profile Photo
#62re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 1:01pm

Although the park atmosphere is wonderful for this production, the original Hair had no problem working indoors at the Biltmore Theatre for more than 1,750 performances.

How does the original production looks like? Does anyone have photos of the scenic design and the theater? thanks!


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#63re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 1:05pm

I think it's interesting that so many people on this board ragged on Groff, and he seems to be getting great notices accross the boards.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#64re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 1:16pm

I found the movie clip of Aquarius at YOUTUBE shot perhaps? in Central Park... I can see as to why the Public's Hair work!

For those who can't make to NYC..

re: Hair Reviews

re: Hair Reviews

BTW- It seems like HAIR is this "Summer-Must See Show", not [title of show] ~unfortunately or the closed DAMN YANKEES!


Updated On: 8/8/08 at 01:16 PM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#65re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 1:33pm

Milos Foreman's film is quite a bit different from the stage original. Michael Weller added a stronger narrative to it which sort of works though tweaks the characters a lot!
Notice Claude in that clip notice the short hair!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Smaxie Profile Photo
#66re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 3:16pm

Original set had a deck that looked like street pavement and some scaffolding in the back. Pretty simple.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#67re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 3:20pm

Photos from Opening Night:
(from playbill)

Curtain Call:
re: Hair Reviews

James Rado & Diane Paulus
re: Hair Reviews

SNAFU Profile Photo
#68re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 3:40pm

"Original set had a deck that looked like street pavement and some scaffolding in the back. Pretty simple. "

Kinda a lot like Rent?

Everything old is (sort of) new again.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Kev14 Profile Photo
#69re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 4:21pm

Thanks for the pics of the Delacorte Jay.

If this show does transfer to Broadway and took the Nederlander as some think, the whole WSS and Guys and Dolls theater problem would become that much more interesting.

Upcoming Shows: Quilters, A Bronx Tale, August: Osage County, Wicked, Spring Awakening, Little House on the Prairie

jaystarr Profile Photo
#70re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 4:28pm

Well! I just donated $330.00 to the Public Theater for 2 HAIR tickets as Summer Supporter. I just CANNOT take my chance on lines since we are coming from Boston plus I really have NO LUCK on virtual lines and I really dont want to impose myself to anyone to fall in line for me for 8 hours. Its just too much to ask from someone... but for the three guys who offered me that~thank you so much! It was a sweet & nice gesture~ I am indebted to you guys! re: Hair Reviews

I requested 8/16, 8/23 and 8/30~ hopefully I will get one of those Saturdays! I hope I can see you guys at Central Parks' Delacorte Theater. I will post the Saturday date that I will get! Hopefully it wont rain!

Besides its suporting Arts and f***.. yeah! If I dont get any tixs~ I want a refund on my donations! re: Hair Reviews


Updated On: 8/8/08 at 04:28 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#71re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 4:38pm

If HAIR were to transfer to Broadway, would they need to take a Nederlander theatre?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#72re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 5:54pm

Here's "Black Boys/White Boys" from the original Hair, with a good shot of the set.

re: Hair Reviews

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#73re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 6:04pm

Here are a few more images of the original production
re: Hair Reviews
re: Hair Reviews
re: Hair Reviews

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#74re: Hair Reviews
Posted: 8/8/08 at 6:19pm

thanks smaxie! I found more photos on the internet! -J*

Biltmore Theater:
re: Hair Reviews

Production Photos:!-1.jpeg
