Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Since there will not be a Narrator in this film I am really going to miss the brilliant lines he says such as "Cinderella planted a branch at the grave of her mother and she visited there so often and wept so much until it had a become a handsome tree" and "As they stood by the blessed couple, pigeons swoop down upon them, poked out their eyes, and blinded them." And who could forget, "As is often the way in these tales, in exchange for her youth and beauty, the witch lost her powers."
Updated On: 6/22/13 at 11:54 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"Casted" is not a word, broadway guy. Anyway, I'm kind of feeling nothing about the announcement of Huttleston. Jack has turned into such a throwaway character but, when played well, can be really effective.
And although this is not about casting, I was just reading an article about the upcoming WOODS and ANNIE films. I did not realize that they have both tentatively announced Christmas Day 2014 for release?? If that remains true, wouldn't it be fascinating to see how the two stack up against each other? You could do a double feature of Broadway at the Movies on Christmas!
I watched a couple of clips of Daniel Huttlestone on YouTube to see how he talks. His accent is so thick. It will be a huge problem with American audiences if he can't tone that down a lot.
He's a charming kid. I can see him as Jack.
He'll also need to stop tossing his bangs around like he does in ...
this interview.
His voice is getting better too. Very talented.
Now if we could just understand what he's singing ...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I'm sure a good dialect coach can help with his accent, and a wig (or haircut)should help the bang toss.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
That video calmed my nerves a bit but I just don't see him having the acting range for Jack.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
He can just do the Ben Wright thing and recite his lines in sing-song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Your nerves should already be calm. It is just a movie. No reason to get all out of sorts.
I definitely think he has the acting chops, the voice, and a great on-screen personality. Those are the things that are much harder to "fix" on a movie set.
Working on his accent and "bang tossing" are much easier. The fact that he's such a strong musician and singer at his age, leads me to believe he has a good ear. Hopefully, he'll be able to pick up dialects and tone down the accent without much difficulty. I don't want him to lose the Cockney, just dial it back (quite a lot, actually).
As for Sophia Grace as "Little Red," aside from my disappointment (if she is cast) at them not trying harder for any sort of diversity, she's a bit scary at her age. She might be fantastic as Little Red, but there's no question she would be unsettling and over-the-top, too. She's kind of like a wind-up toy with personality exploding out of her (and not necessarily in a good way). If she gets the part, so be it. She wouldn't be my first (or second or third) choice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"That video calmed my nerves a bit but I just don't see him having the acting range for Jack."
It's just a movie. Why would you be nervous in the first place? What's the big deal? Also, I'm glad you can determine someone's acting range based on one movie and a few short interview clips. That is impressive.
This site and IMDB are reporting Anna Kendrick will be playing Cinderella
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
IMDB also said Taylor Swift was going to play Eponine. Anna is probably going to play Cindy and i heard she said she was on twitter or something but i wouldn't trust IMDB as a reliable source at the moment.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
IMDB is never a reliable source. That's like claiming Wikipedia is a reliable source. As cited here with multiple links in the last 24 hours, Kendrick is currently in talks to play Cinderella. Nothing can be definitive until it is announced by the studio.
As the trades are reporting, Kendrick is indeed in the very end stages of negotiating toward closing her deal to play Cinderella.
From what I understand, she was a little tentative at the reading of the screenplay last year, so it was in no way a sure thing that she would automatically be in the film. I'm not positive if she came back in and auditioned again after that or not (I'm inclined to think she did), but I know they definitely went on a search and saw a lot of other people, though she was always in contention for the part.
Ultimately, they felt like she was the best fit and she ending up getting the offer. I'm really excited to see what she does with it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Chris Pine and Anna are going to look so good together! I can't wait to see the beautiful dress she gets to wear!
I don't see that has Anna listed for it.
Also, they list people with various statuses that you can't see unless you have Pro, such as "Confirmed," "Rumored," "In Negotiations," etc.
They may all be listed with "In Negotiations" right now. Either way, Anna isn't listed at all just yet. I'm sure she will be.
I do wish would show everyone the status, the same way they do with movies being in "pre-production," "currently filming" or "post production."
Oh, by the way, Anna pretty much confirmed it herself yesterday on Twitter.
Someone Tweeted "Congratulations! Don't f*ck it up! Or I'll kill you!"
She replied, "If I f*ck it up, I'll do it myself!"
So we can all expect Anna to take her own life if she messes up Cinderella. (joke!)
But she's in the movie.
Chris Pine and Anna are going to look so good together! I can't wait to see the beautiful dress she gets to wear!
Especially in a different scene than Chris, since he's Rapunzel's Prince.
Here's who will look good together:
Just pointing out that the person who tweeted at Anna was Rian Johnson, who directed Looper last year and has done a lot of other cool things, and is in the industry, and whom I would imagine would be less likely to be taken in by any kind of hoax in the press.
Still hoping this is the other (un)happy couple:
best12bars, as I remarked on earlier, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Pine is Cinderella's Prince and Gyllenhaal is Rapunzel's Prince.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I am still rooting for Sierra. She would be perfect.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I am pretty positive Jake is Sierra's..i mean... Rapunzel's prince
best12bars, as I remarked on earlier, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Pine is Cinderella's Prince and Gyllenhaal is Rapunzel's Prince.
Not according to
It's an easy slip-up at this stage. But someone is definitely in the wrong.
And before you say it, both the Hollywood Reporter and have been incorrect before. The Reporter first said Depp was the Baker. - Into the Woods
Well, sure, but considering anyone can edit an IMDB page, that's the last place I'd be likely to believe.