Swing Joined: 6/16/13
While I am sure all these actors would be fine in and of themselves, I am beginning to consider the movie musical the new "insert holiday here" theme. I guess the Hollywood types ran out holiday dates.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I highly doubt they are going to cast a 10 year old as LRRH.
Sorta excited for Kendra to play Cinderella. Really Hoping Sierra gets in the film somehow. She would be a beast as Rapunzel.
Updated On: 6/21/13 at 09:51 PM
She's adorable, but this would be disturbing as Little Red.
I couldn't be happier about Anna Kendrick! Now I'm REALLY excited!
She has tremendous potential, but she's definitely too young for the role. I also love the fact that this she already has the British accent.
Do you think the Americans in the cast will use the accent?
Why would the Americans in the cast use a British accent? The story is set in a fairy tale world, so it's perfectly plausible if everyone sounds different.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I know they don't have to, but I'd like to see it with accents. It'll make it feel even more enchanting and mysterious.
I actually don't like the idea of the whole cast using British accents. This isn't Harry Potter or Mary Poppins.
It's a fairy tale world, and the primary stories they are telling originated in Germany and France, not England or the U.S.
Plus I think it's isolating. There are still a lot of Americans who can't understand a thick East End accent (Daniel Huttlestone is going to have to work at toning his down).
Also, Into the Woods, was written by two American musical theatre writers, and the writing has a distinctive American flavor (and humor) to it.
My feeling is that too many Brits spoil the broth, in this case.
I think they should take their cue from the original Willy Wonka 1971 film. Charlie, his mom, his grandpa, and Willy were Americans. The rest of the Golden Ticket winners came from all over (that's part of the story, though). Most of the children in town were American. Most of the adults were European (primarily British), and the entire movie was shot in Munich, so the city looked distinctively European.
They never say where Charlie lives or where the factory is. That's on purpose. They leave it open, and this "melting pot" of a town really helps keep the story accessible to everyone. It's a good model to follow for Into the Woods.
Right now I'm glad that Cinderella, her Stepmother, the Princes, and the Witch are American. The Baker, the Baker's Wife, Jack, Jack's Mother are British. And Johnny Depp who can't leave the house without an East End accent anymore. So he's Brimarican. I just hope they keep it split.
And I really want to see an African American Red Riding Hood and Granny. I'm sold on the idea of that girl from the singing show and Whoopi Goldberg. Nothing has been mentioned about Whoopi, but this would be such a great addition to the film. The kid is British, Granny is American, and they are both black.
It would make these woods a whole lot more interesting.
I also like the idea of a black Little Red, but I don't think that girl is right for the role. On the other hand, China Anne McClain would be just terrific.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/10
I see a lot of people hoping for Sierra, and I'm all on board for her too. But has there been anything to suggest she's even on the radar for any roles? Just curious...
Dream casting for any show on BWW is not complete without Sierra. Someone would dream cast her for Porgy and Bess, and that would be par for the crazy course
I'm praying Johnny Depp doesn't use his annoying fake British accent. Has nobody ever told him how horrible it really is?
I'd rather have that than his Willy Wonka voice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Sierra would be perfect for Rapunzel." It was lonely in that tower,I wish to see the world" Completely reminds me of Sierra's Ariel. Plus Sierra has an amazing soprano range that could just sound beautiful and haunting on film. It a shame Sierra wasn't around to do the Phantom film.
I find the plot summary that seems to me going around in all the trades about the film pretty amusing:
"The play is a darkly comic mashup of classic fairy tales that revolves around a childless baker (Corden) and his wife (Blunt), who attempt to lift a family curse by journeying into the woods to confront the witch that put the spell on them. Along the way, they encounter a group of characters including Rapunzel, Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood."
Does The Witch no longer live next door to The Baker and The Baker's Wife in the screenplay adaptation? They don't really have to journey all that far to confront her!
Kendrick is a great choice.
I guess I'm the odd man out here in not liking Huttleston. I couldn't understand half of what he was singing in Les Miz. He sounded like he was eating oatmeal.
And the whole Pine/Gyllenhaal seems very left field to me.
You're not alone, Taz. I really hope his balls have dropped by this point, otherwise I'll be covering my ears during Jack's songs.
i still like rachel crow (x factor usa) for little red
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
You aren't the only one Tazber. I really don't like the idea of him playing jack. I just can't picture it at all and yes he is very hard to understand. Chris Pine and Jake's casting is.....interesting.
Anna will probably be one of the better ones in this film but i really hope they don't have to take the keys down for her. She has a great alto mezzo voice but I have never heard her singing soprano before so I am...hesitantly excited.
I am just glad they casted Johnny as the wolf and not the baker. I don't want Depp anywhere near this film but if he has to be in it I am glad its a small role. I just pray HBC is never mentioned for casting..
Updated On: 6/22/13 at 10:29 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11