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Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?- Page 6

Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?

LifeofTheParty2 Profile Photo
#125re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 5:25pm

"To clarify, I have never had static on my headsets from an audience member's cell phone. The phone has to be pretty close to the headset to cause this. "

For the record, my headset did get crazy feedback from people's phones while I was standing in the house. And it wasn't other people with their phones near their packs, because I always asked and was sometimes the only person having the problem (as the only staff member standing in the back of the theater). I'm not sure if it was just the sheer number of people with their phones on collectively messing me up or what, but it definitely blew out my ear most nights. Everyone has a different set up, though.

My point is that cell phones mess with a lot of things just from being on, so people who are all "Why is the usher telling me to turn off my phone? The show hasn't started, you jerk." or who justify themselves because it's on vibrate and "doesn't bother anybody" are in the wrong in their own way.

trinaaron Profile Photo
#126re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 10:44pm

"To clarify, I have never had static on my headsets from an audience member's cell phone. The phone has to be pretty close to the headset to cause this. If we hear cell phone static, and yes, it is very recognizable, then we all start asking each other who has their phone in their pocket on the same side as their belt pack."

This makes me laugh, because after all of the talk on this message board about cell phones in the theater, it makes it seem like all the people backstage have their phones on. Are backstage people forbidden from having their phones with them?

#127re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:08am

"Are backstage people forbidden from having their phones with them?"

I know actors who text FROM the stage during a performance. I know at Equus a ringing/vibrating cell phone can be heard through the speakers by loud clicking sounds. Is it really that hard for you to turn off your phone? Even if it weren't illegal in New York, if the theater tells you to turn it off you have no right to keep it on...period. End of story.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#128re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/20/09 at 1:54pm

"I know actors who text FROM the stage during a performance. "

Me too! Ah, professionalism.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

craftymarley Profile Photo
#129re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/20/09 at 4:41pm

Well to answer the original poster- yes, there is something going on with the ushers at Shrek. There are several ushers at the Broadway Theater that are very rude and who actually YELL, and I mean YELL at the audience to "TURN OFF YOUR PHONES!" I am not exaggerating. I worked backstage at the Broadway for over a year, including this past summer at the circus, and every single day I sat backstage listening to the ushers yelling. The performers were very upset by it because they thought it put people in a crappy mood before the show started. They complained to the stage manager, company manager, and the director, but nothing was ever done. I also suspect the ushers stole a bunch of my hangers. Bitches.

There are a lot of people who do not realize that it is actually illegal to use your cell phone in places of public performance; those who know not to leave it on during the actual performance, but might feel comfortable using them before a show or during intermission. By all means, ask them to turn their cell phone off and put it away, but it is no excuse to be rude.

Also, the "husky black man" as he was earlier referred to is Michael Harris, he is the house manager, and he is a doll. If anyone has a problem at the Broadway he is the guy to talk to. And then you'll probably want to give him a big hug.

Jess03187 Profile Photo
#130re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/22/09 at 12:05am

I just came back from seeing Shrek for the first time (1/21). I can defiantly see where everyone is coming from. They were standing guard in the isles during the whole curtain call. But to be honest I think they have bigger things to worry about. I have never been to a Broadway show that was this empty. The orchestra was not even half filled. It seemed like no one even wanted to be there. I thought the play was good. Was far from the best but I don't think it was bad. I am wondering is it just this play and the time and day I went or are a lot of plays witnessing this? It was actually a little scary. Maybe the ushers should try and be a little nicer before scaring away the only people they have coming lol On a positive note I did see Courteney Cox her husband David and their daughter Coco there which was cool :) lol

shpants Profile Photo
#131re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/22/09 at 11:55am

That is extremely unfortunate that the show was that empty...but I don't think it is the ushers' jobs to entice people to see the show, or stay.
If you are texting or whatever during a show, and you get yelled at, tough. You shouldn't have been doing it in the first place. You deserve it.
Ushers, like the rest of the world, are just trying to do their job.

"You see, I told you so! There's lots of things I know. 'Ponine, she knows her way around."

#132re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/22/09 at 12:26pm

I went and the saw the show this past Tuesday night, 1/20. I hadn't noticed any problems with the ushers or house staff, but after the experience with the crowd that night, I really wish there were age restrictions on Broadway shows. We had a mother with 3 kids behind us, one of whom couldnt have been older than 2. Talked through the WHOLE show, all the mother did was shh obnoxiously. Then the kid proceeds to cough and sneeze all over us. Oh did I mention we cought the bulk of his mucus on the back of our heads because he was standing during the show, with his face no more than 6 inches from the back of our heads. Finally during the middle of Act II since the the house staff hadn't noticed this child babbling through the whole show, one of the guys I went with turned around and said something to the mother. They moved to the last row of the orch, which wasnt too hard to do, you could sit anywhere you wanted in that theater, it was effin empty.

And for what its worth, while the show overall is pretty funny, I couldn't hum a single melody from that show even if my life depended on it, the music was that forgettable. But if you're looking a hilarious performance by Chris Sieber (who does the whole show on his knees), then your money wont be wasted. As long as you dont have Talky McMucus sitting behind you.

trinaaron Profile Photo
#133re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
Posted: 1/22/09 at 6:24pm

Slightly off topic, but my 10 year old daughter had her winter concert last night, and the lady sitting behind me was talking loud as you please on her cell phone during the concert. Now, I know that elementary school concerts are really tough on the ears, but THAT IS YOUR FREAKING CHILD UP THERE. And if she didn't want to hear hers, I certainly wanted to hear mine.
