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Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics.- Page 4

Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics.

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#75re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/16/08 at 6:32pm

Thanks for the answer, SuperTenor.

PotO2, I am pretty sure he means before the previews started in New York (after the Denver tryout).

#76re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/16/08 at 6:37pm

That's what I thought, I was just checking. People have called the tryout in Denver "previews" so I wasn't sure if he was one of those people.

Also (forgot to mention this in the first post), great review jaystarr! It was nice to see such a well written review. I also think it is commendable that you were able to go in with an open mind, with all of the different opinions!

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#77re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/16/08 at 10:10pm

I saw the show on Disney 365 and it had a clip of POSITOOVITY. I thought Ariel's outfit would look EXACTLEY like that.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

jaystarr Profile Photo
#78re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/17/08 at 11:45am

Someone asked if Sherie went out... Yup- Actually she was very pleasant and signing everyone's playbill.....


I think I will add one more thing before I let this thread go....

In fairness to Mr. Doug Wright (the librettist) - I would like to say I will add 1 more thing on my I LIKE list ...that he change something from the animated version to the stage version...

*********************SPOILER ****************

In the song.."The Contest" where he was looking for the girl behind the VOICE..
Prince Eric at the end realized that he is in love with Ariel (mute) even she does not possess the voice that he is looking for...and he will TAKE HER for WHO SHE IS...not what he wants her TO BE..... I thought that alteration was good...

It sends out a good message that even Ariel decided to change herself and became"human" (which is not being true to her REAL self) Prince Eric really FALL in love with her even she IF has no voice (eric was seeking) once he got a chance to know her...

I thought I add that....worth mentioning re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit

*****************SPOILER END **********************

Thanks again everyone and see you all guys next Monday....oops..Tuesday.. Monday is a holiday! Happy MLK !


Cast of The Little Mermaid during Curtain Call
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
(photo by Walter McBride)
more on opening night Curtain Call photos:

Adrian Bailey "winner" Gypsy Robe -THE LITTLE MERMAID
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
(photo by WalterMcBride)
more of the Gypsy Robe Ceremony

Updated On: 1/17/08 at 11:45 AM

#79re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/17/08 at 12:33pm

Instead of starting a new thread, I figured I'd add to the Mermaid love here!

I saw the show last night and actually really loved it! I saw Brian D'Addario (sp?) as flounder and this kid blew me...and the rest of the audience away! I saw him in Les Mis, but still had no idea he could sing like he did in "She's In Love." He was an absolute riot at the stage door too. This talented young man has a very bright future ahead of him!

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#80re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on THE LITTLE MERMAID with stage door pics (wit
Posted: 1/17/08 at 3:44pm

i LOVE "she's in love" and "if only" ---best new songs in the whole show!
