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Julia Roberts on Broadway....- Page 2

Julia Roberts on Broadway....

#25re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/29/06 at 7:48pm

i think its geniune and i have ALWAYS enjoyed Julia on the big screen. acting in a film and acting on stage are two very different things and many film actors find it very rewarding and challenging. Amanda Peet has a good mini interview on just that topic.
Its one thing when a hollywood person comes to Broadway to feed their ego or live out their dream and they can't deliver the goods..and i am NOT mentioning ANY NAMES....its another when someone can really act and can deliver a top notch performance for 8 shows a week. i think julia is up to the task.

Flash-In-The-Pan Profile Photo
#26re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 6:38am

"Her photo should be in the dictionary next to the word strident. "

Will your name be cross-referenced? 'Cause you're coming on pretty strong yerself, Champ. The irony is palpable.

And can someone who calls Julia Roberts a "bitch," and MargoChanning an "obnoxious old harridan," REALLY be "the voice of reason." You're not really coming across as an especially reasonable person, I have to say.

Haven't seen the show myself - I'm just not very interested - but I couldn't help jumping in here. While I'm not a huge Julia fan, I think to call her "talentless" is just silly grand-standing.


#27re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:12am

Okay, so...I'm seeing it in April, and I am going with the full knowledge that this play is more about the performers than the art. I adore Paul Rudd, and Bradley Cooper, and Julia Roberts.

I think that there has been an overly critical analysis of Roberts thus far. I know a lot of people on this board are performers, as am I, and I know that acting for the stage is very different from acting in film or television. And within the stage, acting for a straight play is different from acting in a musical. Roberts has been in film and television for 20 years, and although she might have done some theatre in college, that has been a long time ago. I think it is only fair to give her some time to ease into this. The entertainment world is watching her, especially since this is sort of her entrance back into entertainment after having kids.

I imagin it's very hard to return to your career, switch mediums, and make a Broadway debut all in one move. Give it time, and if she never eases into it, oh's still an event.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#28re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:51am

Many here are too young, but do some of you recall when Elizabeth Taylor came to b'way in the 80s in LITTLE FOXES? We expected her to miss, to be vocally thin, tentative, "small." Instead, she tore up the role of Regina, and oddly enough, the "size" of her performance made some of us think she'd been restricted by the intimacy on film. She was fearless, and like Roberts, surrounded by terrific support (including the dear late Maureen Stapleton). Is Taylor a great actor? Probably not. Did she deliver, big time? Absolutely. The diva-esque role in a play loaded with melodramatic flourishes was such a perfect fit for her. I'll never forget how exciting it was to see her take full command of the big confrontation with Horace, when he dies in front of her eyes and she doesn't lift a finger. Sadly, when she returned in PRIVATE LIVES with her ex, Mr. Burton, she was arch and unsuccessful (intimidated by him, probably, and he wasn't good, either.)

I thought of Taylor's debut when I bought my seats for RAIN. I'll be curious to see if Roberts has chosen the right vehicle.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

ken8631 Profile Photo
#29re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 8:37am

She was NOT a commanding stage presence last night, but I think the play had a lot to do with it, and it's still early in previews....

#30re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 9:01am

I can't understand why everyone feels the need to give her so much leeway for a truly lousy performance. I may be naive, but honestly, I think she should work out her issues before I spend good money on show tickets. Bottom line is that she was absolutely horrible...acted almost as is if she had no experience at all! And as another writer stated, she could not keep up with the other actors at all as they completely outdid her. I would in no way compare her to Taylor because IMHO there is no comparison. She adds nothing to this completely pointless show. I'm sorry I wasted my money on it.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#31re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 9:15am

And I went and paid Premium ticket prices (for two of us!)! It really looked like she was uneasy on the stage, VERY stiff especially in the first act and not at all comfortable with her lines. Maybe movie acting is a lot different (no retakes here).....

Hopefully as previews go on she'll ease into it. That's the risk you take buying tickets during previews, even though they don't charge any less!

Garland Grrrl Profile Photo
Garland Grrrl
#32re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 9:46am

calling julia a "bitch" in the first line is evidence of some ulterior motive. so, you don't like her. well, the next two months are going to make you very unhappy.
there's been an influx of "nasty right off the bat" folks lately -- some of them associated with 3 penny. i'm wondering if the bww address appeared on a bottle of imodium.

Mind is Mantra.

#33re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 11:58am

I stand corrected. Julia Roberts DOES have talent - for mass hypnosis. It's just shocking to see so many people fawning over this People's Choice award winner. You folks keep posting that you're fans of her film work but no one is giving specifics. What do you enjoy about her work? What did she do in I Love Trouble that's so remarkable? Pretty Woman set back female liberation a few hundred years. What did she do in Erin Brockovich that half a dozen other more talented actoresses couldn't have pulled off? Roberts owes her career to good dentistry.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#34re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 11:58am

I'm not defending anyone who calls an actress a "bitch", but let's face it, a board like this is a place where strong feelings are going to be aired anonymously. The presence of a handful of stars late this season prominent in other arenas -- MacGraw, Roberts, Lauper are but three -- invites shooting-from-the-hip posts I guess. I'm always fascinated to see who pushes which buttons.

In the last 48 hours I've had an odd response to what I consider the lesser abilities of one: after reading Ali McGraw's interview in NY Magazine, about being "scared s--tless" to be here, and how much she wants to do well, I feel such a stab of empathy/sympathy for this 67 year old who probably didn't need to be beaten up by NY critics to have her life complete. But may well be. I know, she chose to come, as all actors do. And is paid. And believe me, I saw some of her ... inexperience (charitable). But perhaps my response is in sync with some of the posters here put off by the quick vitriol. Just a rumination.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#35re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:03pm

I picked up a ticket for a performance in a couple of weeks, and I'm really looking forward to seeing Julia Roberts and the play as well.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#36re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:07pm

her work in Pretty Woman, Mystic Pizza and Steel Magnolias I absolutely adore, I think she had the perfect balance of charm, and spunk, but her more recent movies, I just think she has lost all of that.

PS - I Love Trouble is a guilty pleasure movie of mine...

#37re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:19pm

Having had the pleasure of interacting with Ms. Roberts in her 'real life' in New Mexico, it was my experience that she was anything but a bitch. In fact, she was very, VERY down-to-earth, and fully engaged in life with the people around her.

And as for her working relationships, I have never heard a bad word about her from anyone in the industry. What she's known for, mostly, is getting everyone around her involved in knitting on the set during 'down time'. She is consistently gracious and loving with the crew people - and that's usually the best sign of character - especially from a star of her magnitude.

Ignoring the incredibly rude manner with which some comments here were made, I'll just acknowledge that she has the career she does for a reason. If that isn't accepted by some in the minority, especially when it's fueled by such venom, then perhaps it is they who are missing out on the available pleasure.

Garland Grrrl Profile Photo
Garland Grrrl
#38re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:32pm

whatever blame you want to heap on PRETTY WOMAN (and you are hyperventilating about setting back womens lib) has to be laid at the feet of gary marshall.
julia roberts is a STAR, like it or not. sure, almost all of her films could have benefited by the presence of other actresses -- BUT they were made because she chose to be in them, she can green light a film, 99% of other actresses cannot.
i find it praiseworthy that she has co-starred with excellent people -- finney, harden, sarandon, duvall, rowlands -- she doesn't back off from great co-stars and have to surround herself with lesser lights to make herself look better.
i enjoy her when i can, i'm no fan club member, but i can give credit where it's due. also, she didn't sleep with my boyfriend or steal my parking space etc.

Mind is Mantra.
Updated On: 3/30/06 at 12:32 PM

#39re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 2:53pm

Flash-in-the-pan writes "Will your name be cross-referenced? 'Cause you're coming on pretty strong yerself, Champ. The irony is palpable. ...
yadda, yadda, yadda "

Tonya, do you have any idea what it's like to be the smartest, most discerning person in the room? OF COURSE, you don't and that's okay, honey. Unlike apparently EVERYONE else on this board it takes more than a blinding horsey smile and donning a wonderr bra to convince me that a woman is a talented actress. And as far as her being a bitch, the stories are legion. Off the top of my head, one of her costars in Full Frontal went on the record about how nasty she was to him on site and she told she didn't like his appearance. I know the screenwriter of one of her films and she describes working with Roberts as nightmarish.

Lamc16 Profile Photo
#40re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 3:15pm

Interesting comments about Taylor, Auggie. I wish I could have seen that performance. It seems to me (from what I have read, personally viewed, etc.) that Taylor is someone who had the potential to be marvelous, granted she had the right support system--namely a director who truly trusted her and who she could trust. I think that in the case of The Little Foxes, and certainly Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, she had the support that she needed and probably I would guess a director who really wasn't intimidated by her star power, someone who could push her to her limit. I think Pendleton and Nichols were able to do just that.

"You've gotta have a swine to show you where the truffles are."

mortgageguy79 Profile Photo
#41re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 3:31pm

Julia Roberts is a horse face. End of story.

Bradley Cooper THAT is worth seeing!

Jack: For your information, most people who meet me do not know that I am gay. Will: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay. Dead people know you're gay. Jack: Grace, when you first met me, did you know I was gay? Grace: My dog knew.

Flash-In-The-Pan Profile Photo
#42re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 4:20pm

"Tonya, do you have any idea what it's like to be the smartest, most discerning person in the room? OF COURSE, you don't and that's okay, honey."

Dearest Kindness - Most of the smart, discerning people I know don't make their point known through crass insults and ridicule. Genuinely smart and discerning peple don't pose and preen and snap their fingers in other people's faces and call them "honey" in a condescendingly arch manner. You're a caricature - a joke - a cliche we've seen a hundred times, and it's tired. It's easy, cheap, really not funny, and it is so so tired. T-I-R-E-D. Tired. Far more tired and obnoxious and bitchy than anything you're accusing Julia Roberts of.

Here's the thing - I'm actually not a very big Julia Roberts fan. I never said I was. In fact, I said I WASN'T. And I certainly haven't fawned over her the way you seem to think everyone is fawning over her.

I simply said to call her untalented is silly grandstanding on your part. Which it is. The girl makes millions and millions of dollars per movie. She's won butt-loads of awards, including the Oscar. She has throngs of fans. Have you achieved that kind of success in your career? I mean, I know you're pretty good at complimenting yourself, but is there anything else you do well? Perhaps all the money and fans and awards don't mean a thing. Okay, I can go with that. Maybe she really really REALLY can't act. Like even a LITTLE bit. Maybe she has a horse face and not a shred of talent. If THAT is the case, then I really DO love Julia Roberts. For someone to achieve the level of fame and success she has achieved, with so little going for her, well my hat is off to her. That's more impressive than Erin Brokovich bringing down those evil chemical dumpers who gave everybody cancer. They should make a story of JULIA ROBERT's life! It sounds thrilling!

With every subsequent post, you make it clearer and clearer that you're desperate for attention.

Every actor ever mentioned on this site has his or her fans and detractors. That's generally how it goes. Julia Roberts should be no exception. What's odd is the unbridled vitriol and puke that you feel compelled to spew - not just at Julia Roberts, but ANYONE who dares say they kinda like her. "Then you're an idiot," you write. Really? Anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot? Someone who has a different opinion is an idiot? Someone who likes someone you don't like is an idiot? What an awful world you must live in. I feel sorry for you, having to walk around full of seething rage and hatred because everyone you come in contact with is so stupid and beneath you. Maybe someone should make a movie of YOUR life - it'd be some Kafka-esque nightmarish thriller - you against the world. And maybe Julia Roberts could star. God knows people love her.


Updated On: 3/30/06 at 04:20 PM

#43re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 4:28pm

I just love the fact the his screenname ackowledges he needs the kindness of strangers. There seems to be at least some awareness that it isn't exactly emanating from within.

#44re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 6:15pm

Wow, Tonya, my first impression of you was so, so wrong. You are wise, levelheaded, scholarly, possibly a genius. I offer you my sincerest apology.

Yet, curiously, you don't seem to realize that I have purposely chosen to use incendiary language to cut like a razor through the knee-deep horse**** on this board touting Julia Roberts as a wonderful actress. You can rest assured that I have neither the time nor energy to keep up this tirade (what I like to call "God's work") against this actress of the people, but hopefully my minions will carry on and I will pop in now and again to try to keep things balanced.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#45re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 6:20pm

You can rest assured that I have neither the time nor energy to keep up this tirade (what I like to call "God's work") against this actress of the people

Damn. That is creepy on SO many levels.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

Flash-In-The-Pan Profile Photo
#46re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 6:23pm

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


WithOneLook Profile Photo
#47re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:32pm

Your minions?

You mean your alternate screen names, of which there are several.

#48re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:46pm

"That is creepy on SO many levels"

haha FOAnatic,that made my night. thanks :)

i dont know if it was intentionally funny, but it was to me, so yeah :P

#49re: Julia Roberts on Broadway....
Posted: 3/31/06 at 12:56am

Can anyone explain how the rain in the show works?
