Chorus Member Joined: 9/1/17
Does anyone know why they pulled this from San Francisco?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
LushyBear said: "Does anyone know why they pulled this from San Francisco?"
I'd love to know the answer to that as well. I had great tickets for that at A.C.T. and was so looking forward to it. They were so noncommittal about rescheduling it too, only saying they hoped to bring it to SF sometime in the future. It's not on ACT's schedule for the 22-23 season and I'm not holding my breath about 23-24..
Taking no chances, I made a quick trip to L.A. to see it at the Ahmanson during its run there. So worth it. It's truly a towering achievement in theater.
nophibbing said: "Thoughts on them remounting this for a limited engagement following all the wins last night? The rumor mill is already spinning. I know they're doing the TV series, but I feel like the show still has an audience for a commercial run."
Sorry, cackling remembering the SLAVE PLAY debacle of last year when they planned to announce from the stage and wins.
It just occurred to me I never looked at its grosses because they weren't out when it was running. It grossed more than $800K for 9 weeks of its original run, which is solid (especially at 7 perfs a week) but I just don't know if the wins are enough to bring it back for a third run in NYC. You would definitely need that whole original Bway trio, not just 2/3 like in LA. My instinct would be to let it rest.
nophibbing said: "I know they're doing the TV series, but I feel like the show still has an audience for a commercial run."
If I'm reading the Variety announcement correctly, it seems like the TV series is Italian-financed and will be in Italian, based on the original (longer) script which was originally written in Italian.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
i like to keep an open mind but (i) i do not see how this works as series TV, at all: the whole shtick (dont mean that in a bad way!) was the three actors playing all these disparate roles, a gimmick that wouldnt work on TV, and with just a normal cast sweeping story, Im not sure the dramatic arc is there, and (ii) i KNOW this was originally an Italian work, and i actually speak/love the language but very hard to see English-speakers getting used to a story about Jewish immigrants to the US and their progeny being told in such an exotic language