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"La Cage Aux Folles" Banned at School- Page 3

"La Cage Aux Folles" Banned at School

justincharacter Profile Photo
#50re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 2:51pm

The rights are distributed by Samuel French.

Just pick another show. It's not that big of a deal...

#51re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 6:37pm

OP: I'm confused as to why you even posted this here. Clearly you were not interested in anyone else's opinions, because when they're provided, you argue with them. The school wouldn't just deny the rights to a show without thinking it through, first. (And honestly, I doubt the rights would be granted to a high school anyway) Instead if being worked up over not being able to do La Cage, be happy you're able to get an education at an arts school with an amazing program, and one that, according to you, is willing to take risks with their shows. .

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#52re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 6:49pm

I don't think SF (or anyone else) would care where it is performed. If they wouldn't allow HS to license it, it would be clearly stated upfront. (Why would THEY care?)

I've said why he posted here: he expected us to jump on his bandwagon so he could wave it around as an argument at school. "See?! All these theater people think its ridiculous you said no to Le Cage!"

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ggersten Profile Photo
#53re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 7:33pm

The OP's anger also is strange. The OP says the choice was between Pirates and La Cage and the choice was dictated by whether there were sopranos. So, presumably, the choice had nothing to do with "it gets better" or the message of La Cage. If the anger is simply at being told "no" - then the OP had better get used to being told "no". As has been suggested, there are plenty of other shows which don't rely on sopranos.

In any event, the Samuel French site says the title is restricted - and there is a professional production in Petaluma in October which is right next to Marin - so a licence may never have issued or maybe the school learned it wouldn't issue. There are 18 productions listed, and none are for a high school. The site says it is for "College Theatre / Student, Community Theatre, Professional Theatre". So maybe it is not licensed to high schools. Other musicals indicate "High School" as an audience.

And you never know - my daughter's drama teacher wanted to do Urinetown (a show Marin apparently has performed). The head of the fine arts department said "no" with the stated reason of "inappropriate" (the High Schools has students as young as 12)and "not large enough orchestra". We're not sure he listened to the music or read the script - and in his multi-decade tenure, he's not approved a musical more recent than Cabaret. So, they ended up performing Forum and my daughter was cast as Pseudolus. The production was 100 times more "inappropriate" for High School than Urinetown could ever have been.

Samuel French Listing Updated On: 8/1/13 at 07:33 PM

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#54re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 7:42pm

I can see the school thinking that La Cage has too few girls to be a good choice, but as one not all that familiar with the show, what is inappropriate about it? The fact that the leads are a gay couple? The fact that it's about drag club? Or is there something else?

And as far as Song of the Sand being beyond the emotional reach of high school kids, why is it any different than This Nearly Was Mine or If He Walked Into My LIfe or Bosom Buddies or Before the Parade Passes By or As Long As He Needs Me, very adult songs with very adult emotions in musicals frequently done by high schools?

OP, if you really want to fight this decision, do it!

Updated On: 8/1/13 at 07:42 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#55re: banned
Posted: 8/1/13 at 8:36pm

We did Urinetown the first year it was available. People raised their eyebrows at the title but LOVED it.

ggersten -- I was unaware of the restriction, having never considered the title -- but thanks for backing up my point: if they didn't want HSs to do it, it would be stated as such.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 8/1/13 at 08:36 PM
