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Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS- Page 2


EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#25re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 9:47am

With this and what bad business might go down next Tuesday (ahem), perhaps I should start wondering if I'll be hit by a car two weeks from today should the Bad News Tuesday trend continue.


Of course I'm obligated to remind myself and others that the article says that Columbus is pursuing the OBC -- not that they've agreed to reprise the roles.

#26re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 9:49am

Pascal is a no talent arrogant hack.
Thank you.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 9:53am

...Because that was a necessary comment.

To each his own - I don't care. But saying it like that? Classy.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 09:53 AM

TGIF Profile Photo
#28re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 9:53am

not liking a performer is one thing, being rude is another.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

#29re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 9:55am

And as usual, the movie industry fails to surprise. Shoulda known they'd go with the easiest choice. Because why go through an audition process trying to find young unknowns in the spirit of the original show when you can just take advantage of every love-blinded, OBC-worshipping Rent-head instead? Really, anytime a move saves actual thinking or daring, you can count on a studio making it. Updated On: 10/26/04 at 09:55 AM

#30re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:01am

okay. want me to be more polite and "less rude"???

~Pascal can't sing. He cracks every note he sings. Being in the Rent OBC does NOT make him talented or worthy og being cast in any show. Being in Aida for 3+ years and giving poor performances consisantly is not okay.

~Anyone who has had any encounter with him and doesn't fall at his feet because he is a.) on broadwaya nd b.) an original rent cast memebr and brings ANY perspective to the situation will concure that he is rude and in EVERY interview manages to come off as arrogant.

#31re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:06am

No one conveys angst n' anguish as consistently as Pascal. And I mean really consistently. As in I sometimes doubt he can convey anything else.

I have no idea about the interviews or anything, but I was never blown away by Pascal's talent- or by that of most of the OBC, for that matter.

#32re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:08am

That is because that is the ONLY thing he can do. Hence, he is NO actor.

Princess MimiChica Profile Photo
Princess MimiChica
#33re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:16am

Broadwayguy, why so much hatred and negativety?? Really, if you don't love Adam, that's fine, but obviously a lot of us adore his voice and think he's very talented, so there's no need to be rude and call him a "hack" of all things.

I actually feel bad for Columbus. No matter what he does with this movie, people will whine and complain. If he casts total unknowns, people might complain about the lack of talent and then everyone will wish he'd cast the OBC. But then the same people complain if the OBC is cast! It's a no-win situation for him, really. I've heard people say they don't want him to change the script too much, and would like to basically see the stage show on screen. But other people complain that if it isn't changed enough, then the movie is basically pointless. What's the guy to do?? I sure don't envy him right now...

Personally, I don't think Adam, Anthony, Jesse, Taye, and Idina look too old, They're only in their 30's, and movie makeup can work wonders. I'd rather see an OBC member who might be a bit too old than seeing an 18 year old nobody who messes up the movie. Oh well, you can't please everyone.

#34re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:18am


GET A LIFE! PLEASE! You have NO perspective at all. Pacal IS a hack.

Movie make-up wors wonders.. not miracles. and it's VERY pathetic that you think THEY coudl do better than an 18 year old.. JUST because they were in the OBC.

#35re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:19am

You really think there's no one in their late teens to mid-twenties who can do the roles at least as well as the OBC? I mean, really?

Irrationality at its best, folks. Come and get it.

Princess MimiChica Profile Photo
Princess MimiChica
#36re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:22am

First of all, just because YOU keep trying to force your opinion on me, why does that mean I need "perspective"?? Yeah, *i'm* the one who needs a life ::rolls eyes::: ookay

Plum, I never said that there wasn't ANY 18 year old who could do the roles. Read my post. I said, i'd RATHER see an OBC member than an 18 year old who couldn't handle the part. There's a difference.

#37re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:25am

Right, and that makes the assumption that if they cast a non-OBC person they'll screw it up. Needless to say, I disagree.

#38re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:28am

exactly Plum.

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#39re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:28am

"But other people complain that if it isn't changed enough, then the movie is basically pointless. What's the guy to do?? I sure don't envy him right now..."

Take his time and do it right. Once he's filmed this, Rent as material for a big screen adaptation is done for a long time -- perhaps forever. A lost property (if only because even if the film fails, Revolution is unlikely to admit to that by selling it to another company for a second adaptation). Updated On: 10/26/04 at 10:28 AM

Matt_G Profile Photo
#40re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:42am

Hey Evelyn, do you work for this production? Do you have money invested in it? I'm curious as to why you constantly need to come off as an expert as to what's appropriate for it and at the same time as such a major bitch.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#41re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:47am

I AM a bitch, you sexy thing.

And just to add another hot, snide remark for kicks: What's next, news that the same costumes will be used?

amasis Profile Photo
#42re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:47am

"Take his time and do it right."

What's right by whose opinion? Yours? The fans who says it has to be the full OBC or nothing? Everyone seems to have an answer on exactly how this movie should be done.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#43re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:49am

My answer on how the movie should be done is

HOWEVER THE FU*K COLUMBUS WANTS IT DONE. He is the director and no matter what Evelyn (who clearly has no other involvement in this project than complaining non stop about it) says about it. Just wait for the damn thing to come out and go see it.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#44re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:49am

"Right" for sure isn't anything that will catapult this film into obscurity due to a plethora of negative reviews or earn it some Razzies. Wrong is definitely rushing through the production just to meet a December 2005 deadline. Most people in their right minds would agree with that.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#45re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:51am

A December 2005 deadline at this point doesn't mean rushing anything, dearie. Depending on how they want to film it and the style they go with, that's a very reasonable goal.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#46re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:52am

LOL Matt_G's so hilarious. Up until now, I've been speaking favorably about this film (with the exception of one post expressing concern about rhyming dialogue).

And fyi, though I'm not directing the film, I apparently know a lot more about it than you.

Matt_G is apparently unaware of the fact that filming is scheduled to begin no sooner than February for the December release, and most films begin shooting at least thirteen months in advance of the release date. Updated On: 10/26/04 at 10:52 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#47re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:52am

"How many of you people claiming the OBC was the best actually saw the OBC perform the show?"

I saw them three times the summer of 1996. They were the best cast I have ever seen in the show and I have seen several. The show has steadily deteriorated and morphed into a completely different show.

"You really think there's no one in their late teens to mid-twenties who can do the roles at least as well as the OBC? I mean, really?"

Not that I've seen so far. Last summer, the majority of the cast performed the show as a bunch of young college kids who get to do Rent every night rather than actually making the effort to become the characters. Other than Joanne and Tom Collins, there was very little sincerity or truth occurring on stage. The show is not about the age of the characters or about hip pop stars. It was an overnight hit before audiences ever recognized the actors' names. It was a show that connected on an emotional level with the audience based on the material, direction and performances. On Broadway, there is only the material left. I just hope Columbus doesn't abandon the same crucial elements as the Broadway producers seem to have done.

"These people risk tainting the legacy of their performances in the original production by starring in a film that could very well bomb critically and financially."

Or be an enormous success. What makes you think it will bomb? There has only been speculation on casting. Don't count your chickens.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

amasis Profile Photo
#48re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:53am

"My answer on how the movie should be done is


#49re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 10:55am

Just pointing out I'm a tad skeptical about his artistic vision, that's all. :P

But hey, I'm not terribly invested in this except as a movie musical in general- I don't want any of them to fail because the studios will probably take that as a signal that all movie musicals are bad ideas and withdraw interest.
