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'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread - Page 2

'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread

Scott Briefer
#25re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/28/09 at 12:55pm

I think this forum is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to express their personal views...

Memphis is one of my favorite show currently performing on Broadway, AND I hold the record here of the person who answered the topics question regarding the number of Broadway musicals seen. 75 is peanuts. I'm in my head with over 175 Broadway musicals and perhaps several hundred more Broadway outings when you consider repeat viewings, and non-musicals. Thousands when you add Off and Off-Off Broadway, tours, and out-of-town performances.

Memphis rocks!

carts2010 Profile Photo
#26re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/29/09 at 1:20am

I saw Memphis for the second time last night, and a third time tonight! The first two times I saw it I was in the rear mezz, but tonight I sat in the second row of the orch!!! I just love this show. I enjoy it so much more each time I see it. I was thrilled when the cast recording came out!
Tonight was the first time I saw it performed with an understudy. Dan'yelle Williamson was in for Montego Glover. I liked Dan'yelle's performance, but prefer Montego. :) I wonder if anyone has seen Tracee Beazer perform the role of Felicia?
I have never waited outside of a stage door, but I think I just might do it the next time I see this show.
It's nice to see other Memphis fans! :)

Broadway 2010: January 1- Wishful Drinking, January 2- Hair (2pm), January 3- Ragtime (3pm), Bye Bye Birdie (7:30pm), January 4- Mary Poppins, January 14- The Lion King, January 17- The Understudy, March 10- Come Fly Away (2pm), March 15- The Addams Family
Updated On: 12/29/09 at 01:20 AM

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#27re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/29/09 at 1:23am

I don't think Tracee has ever been on

carts2010 Profile Photo
#28re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/29/09 at 1:37am

I wish there was a way to know if/when Tracee will perform the role. I would love to see her Felicia. It would also be fun to see Brad or Bryan as Huey.

Broadway 2010: January 1- Wishful Drinking, January 2- Hair (2pm), January 3- Ragtime (3pm), Bye Bye Birdie (7:30pm), January 4- Mary Poppins, January 14- The Lion King, January 17- The Understudy, March 10- Come Fly Away (2pm), March 15- The Addams Family

#29re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/29/09 at 1:57am

Carts2010, there's a Web site for Broadway Understudies, and they also post on Twitter and Facebook. If anyone finds out about any understudies in 'Memphis,' also feel free to post the info here. I overheard one cast member saying they've really been hit by the flu bug, and with this kind of cold weather, it must be especially tough to stay healthy. So far, Chad still hasn't missed a show. Bravo!

For those who have seen Dan'yelle, how does her interpretation differ from Montego? Obviously, Montego has such an advantage, having done this amazing role off and on for six years, but it still might be fun to see another take on it.

Official Web site: Broadway Understudies Updated On: 12/29/09 at 01:57 AM

carts2010 Profile Photo
#30re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/29/09 at 2:15am

Thanks, Wayman_Wong. I'm new to all of this, so I greatly appreciate the info.

IMO, Dan'yelle has an amazing voice, she just didn't own the role like Montego does. I felt like Dan'yelle was acting like Felicia, where Montego WAS Felicia. If that makes sense. :)

Broadway 2010: January 1- Wishful Drinking, January 2- Hair (2pm), January 3- Ragtime (3pm), Bye Bye Birdie (7:30pm), January 4- Mary Poppins, January 14- The Lion King, January 17- The Understudy, March 10- Come Fly Away (2pm), March 15- The Addams Family

#31re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/30/09 at 2:50pm

'Memphis' has a new fan: Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez.

See his Twitter below.

Wonder if he's seen 'West Side Story' ('When you're a Jet ...')

Mark Sanchez is a-Twitter over 'Memphis' Updated On: 12/30/09 at 02:50 PM

#32re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/31/09 at 5:16am

Sanchez jets backstage & meets the stars of 'Memphis' (photos) Mark was walkin' with 'Memphis'

DRSLOL776 Profile Photo
#33re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/31/09 at 2:49pm

I just read on Memphis's blog that the last 3 performances were SOLD OUT!!!


Scott Briefer
#34re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/2/10 at 1:15am

I'm so pleased that this thread exists. I am really confused by the negativity here regarding Memphis. I saw Memphis before reading any of the critical comments here and was absolutely blown away. I was shocked to read so many people are confused or unmoved by Chad Kimbell's performance. I thought he was amazing.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#35re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/2/10 at 3:20pm

Possible spoiler alert

I also am very surprised at the negativity toward this musical.
I loved it.
I thought Chad Kimball has star quality-- a cross between Robin Williams and Norbert Leo Butz and a style all of his own.
The dancing was great
the songs were great.
I did not find the show predictable
I did not expect that incident to happen on camera

My only qualm was the ultra politically correct sappy song given to Cass Morgon
in Act Two. that made me role my eyes a bit.

Other than that a wonderful night at the theatre. I hope it finds it audience.
I felt it got a well deserved (and usually I don't think so) standing ovation.

#36re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/3/10 at 2:09am

Rather than dwell on the negativity of others, we started this 'love thread' to focus on the positivity of its fans: to share their joy of 'Memphis.'

As for Chad Kimball, John Simon says: 'His summoning up of Huey is so perfect that not for a moment do you believe it is only acting.' What makes Chad's performance stand out for me, is that he's created in Huey an unforgettable and unique character in a new musical. For that reason alone, I hope that Frank Scheck's prediction in the Hollywood Reporter proves right: '[Kimball's] hilarious and ultimately deeply moving performance will be remembered at awards time.'

Also worthy of awards, along with Montego Glover, are David Bryan and Joe Di Pietro's toe-tapping songs. Michael Kuchwara of Associated Press called it 'a dandy original score that is as theatrical as it is tuneful, the very essence of what a Broadway musical should be.' And really underrated is Di Pietro's book, which skillfully blends an interracial romance with the story of how white America co-opted black music. In this tricky tale of boy-meets-girl, Di Pietro came up with an ending that isn't Pollyannish but still bittersweet and believable, and allows Huey and Felicia to reunite in the one world where they fell in love: in music.

Clearly, 'Memphis' really speaks to the 'Music in My Soul.' And based on the rapturous applause at each show I've seen, and the postings on this thread, I know I'm not alone. To everyone at the Shubert, keep 'Tearing Down the House,' and happy new year and hockadoo to all of 'Memphis' ' fantastical fans!

Updated On: 1/3/10 at 02:09 AM

matty159 Profile Photo
#37re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/3/10 at 9:08am

First let me say that I haven't seen the show yet. However, while heading to another show last Wednesday night, I popped into the Shubert lobby to pick up a copy of the cast recording (one of my priorities for my trip). I CANNOT STOP LISTENING! The score is just an outright delight for me. I haven't been this excited to see a new show in some time and we are currently trying to figure out how to make it up there sometime later this month or in February to see it.

(If only we had tossed our Birdie seats and seen this would have been a much better evening!)

Memphis Myrna Profile Photo
Memphis Myrna
#38re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/4/10 at 1:07pm

I'm so happy that this thread exists!!

I have literally not been reading much of the chat on Memphis in the last year as things have been operating at full steam ahead in the producers office,so I was thrilled to find this thread over the holidays.

Yup, it's Carolyn from the Blog and the Producer's Office- just wanted to be 100% transparent about shilling from this office!

I wanted to thank all of you who have posted sharing the Memphis Love, whether it is about the cast, the show, the CD, we are glad you are enjoying it.

As we gear up for our 100th performance (Jan 14!), everyone is full of good cheer for the new year.

Fun fact: The character of Ethel, Bobby's girlfriend turned fiancee, played by LaQuet Sharnell, used to be called "Myrna-" so I pay homage to her with my new BroadwayWorld name...

Scott Briefer
#39re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/6/10 at 3:41pm

Memphis Myrna, please use any influence you have to open the sales of Memphis' CD to iTunes and/or similar downloadable site. I want this score and long to download it.

#40re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/12/10 at 1:09am

Boy, I guess 'Memphis' really lives in Mark Sanchez. The blog at the show's site reports that the New York Jets quarterback returned to see 'Memphis' - the day after he beat the Bengals (!) on Saturday. The blog even features a backstage copy of the N.Y. Daily News that Sanchez signed. Go Jets! And go 'Memphis'!

'Memphis' blog: I'm a huge fan Updated On: 1/12/10 at 01:09 AM

Scott Briefer
#41re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/12/10 at 1:37pm

Still hoping that Memphis will be downloadable soon. I so want to listen to the music again.

#42re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/14/10 at 12:46am

It's Jan. 14: Happy 100th performance to 'Memphis'! To celebrate, if you're one of the first 100 people to buy a ticket today at the box office, you get a copy of the cast album. Plus, some lucky audience member and their party will be chosen tonight to join the show's post-performance BBQ party. Hockadoo! 'Memphis' CD giveaway for 100th show

#43re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/20/10 at 5:30pm

Broadway Understudies reports that Bryan Fenkart will go on for Chad Kimball as Huey at both shows today (Wed., Jan. 20). This'll be the first time Chad's missed in over 100 shows. For anyone who catches Bryan, we'd love a report!

Official Web site: Bryan Fenkart Updated On: 1/20/10 at 05:30 PM

#44re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/20/10 at 10:55pm

I was at the matinee today. It is my first time seeing the show so I can't compare Bryan Fenkart to Chad Kimball. Bryan's acting was excellent, starting as an unsophisticated and slightly goofy "redneck" and becoming a sympathetic character. He didn't show any sign of nerves that I could detect. His singing voice is strong and pleasant, and while he isn't (or maybe isn't allowed to look) handsome, he is tall and lanky and appealing. He definitely has the necessary presence to carry a leading role, and I wasn't at all disappointed that he was there today.

My general reaction to MEMPHIS was that the book is heavy on stereotypes and the dialogue was trite, but the music, the singing and the dancing were first rate, and everyone in the cast was giving it all they had. Montego Glover has an extraordinary voice, and the song "Memphis Lives in Me" was outstanding.

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#45re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/21/10 at 10:44am

I saw the night show agree about Fenkhart. He was great. I've seen Kimball too and I have to say I liked Bryan's portrayal more.

He's on again tonight. Updated On: 1/21/10 at 10:44 AM

#46re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/24/10 at 7:13pm

This is one of the cutest videos I've seen on YouTube: Chad Kimball's got a 3-and-a-half-old nephew, William, who's hooked on the music to the show. Here's William singing along to his uncle's recording of 'Memphis Lives in Me,' and the kid even includes puppets. (How long before he tackles 'Avenue Q'?) Too adorable and funny.
'Memphis Lives in William' ... and Puppets

#47re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 1/24/10 at 7:33pm

How adorable! He seems to know a lot of the lyrics, too.

#48re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 2/13/10 at 11:29am

OK, here's the news some of you have been waiting for: The 'Memphis' cast album will be coming out on Rhino Records. Yay!

'Memphis' cast album on Rhino Records Updated On: 2/13/10 at 11:29 AM

#49re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 2/27/10 at 9:20am

I hadn't seen 'Memphis' in weeks, so I took advantage of their Snow Day offer ($26.50) yesterday and got a terrific single (front mezz.). The incredible Chad Kimball was out sick, so I got to see his understudy, Bryan Fenkart. I'm happy to say the role was in good hands. I admit it was hard to hear the lines without hearing Chad's inflections, but Bryan got the laughs and sang quite well, and the audience ate him up.

I'm so happy to see 'Memphis' weather the storm and the months of January and February (last week, it was at 88% capacity!). For a NEW musical that isn't based on a hit movie, has no big-name 'stars' and doesn't have a jukebox score, this is impressive, and a credit to its creators, cast and audience word-of-mouth. P.S. The 'Memphis' souvenir booklet just came out yesterday: $15. Lotsa photos and it looks good!

To see and hear more of Bryan Fenkart ... Updated On: 2/27/10 at 09:20 AM
