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'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread

'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread

#1'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/18/09 at 12:27pm

Since 'Hair,' 'Rock of Ages,' etc., each have a love thread for their fans, it's time for one devoted to this joyous Joe Di Pietro - David Bryan musical, starring Chad Kimball and Montego Glover. 'Memphis' has been on a mini-roll of sorts: 'The Today Show' (Dec. 2); the release of its cast album (Dec. 11); the appearance on 'The View' (Dec. 17), and a profile in the N.Y. Times (Dec. 18 ). Congrats to the cast, creators and crew, and here's where fans can share the 'music of their soul.'

N.Y. Times: Six years in 'Memphis': Rock 'n' roll 'n' changes Updated On: 12/22/09 at 12:27 PM

Scott Briefer
#2re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/19/09 at 1:48am

Just saw Memphis. Count me as a fan.

DRSLOL776 Profile Photo
#2re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/21/09 at 3:30pm

Love love love the show! The dancing, the music, the story, love it all! And all of the cast members are so nice when I waited @ stagedoor.

Thanks Wayman for starting the thread!

Sab6888 Profile Photo
#3re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/21/09 at 4:26pm

Seen it twice! Absolutely LOVE this show, especially Chad's performance!

#4re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/21/09 at 10:11pm

I am a long time Memphis resident and saw the show Friday night. This one thing I know, is that now our fair city has its second anthem - the first being "Walking in Memphis."

#5re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 12:20am

BroadwayTourist, how nice to hear from a visitor from Memphis. Did you know that pet favorites from your city - the Memphis Peabody Hotel Ducks - came for the opening? I assume these cute mallards were flown in by plane, and didn't have to fly in alone. ('I just flew in, and boy, are my wings tired!') re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread

I've never been to Tennessee, but 'Memphis Lives in Me' makes me wanna go. I just love this song, and have already been wearing down that track on my cast CD. I went back to the show over the weekend, and Chad just nailed that high note (a D flat!). ... I first saw 'Memphis' years ago in the S.F. Bay Area, and was knocked out by Chad and Montego back then. (Anyone else see it before it reached NYC?) It touches me that they've stuck with these characters, and that the show had believed enough in them (instead of replacing them with 'stars').

For fans of 'Memphis': What's your favorite moment in the show? And what makes this show so special to you? The cast? The music? Dancing? Story?

Meantime, happy holidays and Hockadoo!

YouTube: Chad Kimball: 'Memphis Lives in Me' Updated On: 12/22/09 at 12:20 AM

#6re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 12:53am

I cry every time those girls hold hands whilst jump roping. Yes, I know it's sappy. I don't care.

cglaid Profile Photo
#7re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 8:13am

I saw this last night. I absolutely loved it. Very predictable for sure, but just a delight. Great singing and loved the dancing.

#8re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 2:00pm

TV alert for New Yorkers: 'Memphis' will be on 'Good Day, New York' on Ch. 5 (WNYW) tomorrow (Wed., Dec. 23), probably during the 9:30 half-hour. They've also shot another segment, 'The Music of My Soul,' that'll air at a later date.

Elke Profile Photo
#9re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 2:10pm

Count me in as a Memphis fan. I've seen it three times now and it just keeps getting better and better. The cast's energy is fantastic, it's such a joy to see them on that stage.

By the way, has anyone seen any of the understudies for the main characters? I'm not sure whether Chad Kimball's understudy has gone on yet, but I did hear that Montego Glover's understudy played Felicia at least once or twice.

Or any of the other characters? I saw John Jellison as Mr. Simmons last month. I honestly wasn't crazy about his performance, but he still did a fine job.

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#10re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 2:13pm

I saw Montego's understudy and she was fabulous. Loved her. I also saw Brad Bass go on for John Jellison a few times when i worked there and he was great too. I really want to see his Huey.

DRSLOL776 Profile Photo
#11re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 2:56pm

You guys are lucky to be in NY and see the show as many times as you want!

Correct me if I'm wrong, does Chad have 2 understudy?

Elke Profile Photo
#12re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 3:06pm

Haha, DRSLOL776, funny that you say that... I live in Belgium, so I'm not exactly around in NY all the time either. :)

And yes, there are two Huey understudies: Brad Bass and Bryan Fenkart

#13re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 3:08pm

Chad's never missed a 'Memphis' in New York so far. And out of the various incarnations of this show, he says he's only missed one out of town (possibly in La Jolla): for stubbing his toe! And I believe they had to cancel that performance. Chad's got two understudies on Broadway: Brad Bass and Bryan Fenkart.

Montego's missed only two shows in New York. Her understudies are Tracee Beazer and Dan'yelle Williamson. Blockhead24, who did you see? Glad to hear she was great.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#14re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 3:53pm

I may try to see this again tomorrow...hope everyone is in!

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#15re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 4:19pm

I saw Dan'yelle

#16re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 4:30pm

I saw an understudy on for Bobby (the janitor) last week - Rhett George. He was adorable and has a great voice, but his big Act 2 number was kind of a head-scratcher considering he's not all that large!

DRSLOL776 Profile Photo
#17re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 4:44pm

Elke, you win, hands down. You are much farther away than I am!

froggy2 -- LMAO at your "head-scratcher" and "he's not all that large" quote!!

#18re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/22/09 at 4:49pm

Froggy--- I saw Rhett as well. I thought he was great, but I do agree that "Big Love" works better with James.

#19re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/23/09 at 1:11pm

I honestly love understudies and have obviously seen the show before so I didn't really mind at all, but I had my family with me there that night so I was kind of concerned that the song came off a bit dirtier than they'd intended... still, definitely entertaining!

#20re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/23/09 at 10:59pm

Anyone else see 'Memphis' on 'Good Day New York' this morning? J. Bernard Calloway and Montego Glover led the cast in 'Underground,' and it was a much smaller ensemble (due to the equally smaller stage). It seemed like the whole number, though (unlike 'The View,' where it was truncated), and it featured more dancing. There was one amusing typo on-screen: It said 'Memphis' was playing at the SCHUBERT Theatre. Does Franz know? re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#21re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/23/09 at 11:17pm

Saw Rhett as Bobby this afternoon and thought he was wonderful. The rest of the cast was excellent as usual (it was my fourth time seeing the show). Great energy. A fun afternoon out.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#22re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/24/09 at 10:41am

Yes it was a lot of fun! Add me to the list of people on the board who have seen the show and enjoyed it.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#23re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/26/09 at 11:22am

Roma Torre on NY1 News' 'OnStage' today offered her yearend wrapup, and it included: 'Cheers to Chad Kimball and Montego Glover, who rocked 'Memphis'!

Also, earlier in the show, there was a critics/reporters' roundtable that discussed the Broadway season so far. Beth Stevens of picked 'Memphis' as one of her personal highlights, saying 'it's really shown that it could grow and find an audience on Broadway and that's great.' Patrick Pacheco, a contributor to 'OnStage,' added, 'I loved the originality of 'Memphis.'

And speaking of Chad, he's interviewed at about his 'star-making turn.' See why Chad finds the critical/audience response so 'surreal' ...

In case there are any out-of-town visitors, 'Memphis' has an unusual holiday schedule: It was dark Christmas Eve and Christmas, and will be dark New Year's Eve and New Year's. To make up for it, 'Memphis' will perform this Sunday (Dec. 27) and next (Jan. 3) at 7 p.m. and Monday (Dec. 28 ) at 8 p.m.

BroadwayStars: Scroll down to 'From Memphis to Broadway' Updated On: 12/27/09 at 11:22 AM

#24re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
Posted: 12/26/09 at 11:58am

Even though this show is in on my list of "5 worst musicals I have ever seen in my life" (and I've seen at LEAST 75 musicals on broadway) I know several investors for memphis so...yeah...thanks for starting this thread. Lets hope Memphis stays open...
