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NEXT TO NORMAL launches updated website (videos, sound clips, etc)- Page 4

NEXT TO NORMAL launches updated website (videos, sound clips, etc)

#75re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:28pm

oy. the stupidity of some of your posts. I thought maybe the problems with that filthy dirty word, ****, was a one time thing, clearly it isn't.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#76re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:28pm

King Kong - You never told me who you're f*cking in the cast? Or is your sugar daddy one of the producers?

steven22 Profile Photo
#77re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:29pm

Lea Michele was amazing in spring awakening

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#78re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:30pm

Umm... what? No.

#79re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:31pm

King Kong, there is nothing wrong with expressing an opinion of a casting preference, but nothing on this board seems to be 'right' with you.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#80re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:31pm

Oh you know, Micahel, sergio, James, David, even AnnMarie.

#81re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:32pm


"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#82re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:34pm

KingKong - who were you, prior to your current username?

Your unbelievably rude and snarky attitude indicates signs of a past poster (who I've been missing recently)...

#83re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:34pm


you know, that's the exact thought i have every time i read one of your posts. It is shocking just how stupid they are.

#84re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:36pm

I agree with that charleston. I've never seen such an a$$ hole on this board in my entire posting career, which has been very short

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#85re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:44pm

KingKong - Will ask again... who were you, prior to that username?

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#86re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 8:51pm

And Michael still won't own up to being Too Darn Hot, but demands to know who others were in a previous life.

<<-- Help save Terminator: SCC
"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#87re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 9:00pm

I was Adam Lambert in a previous life.

Also was Jane2.

#88re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 9:01pm

I was Don King for a week in 1978.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#89re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/20/09 at 9:03pm

Make love to me, baby.

Juliet LaFleur Profile Photo
Juliet LaFleur
#90re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 11:57am

I find irony in the fact that someone who was complaining about Alice's voice wants Sherie Rene Scott back in the show. Now, as much as I adore Sherie her voice can't hold a candle to the color and power behind Alice's. Different isn't always bad. In fact, some people embrace different. I personally can't picture Sherie's bright, floaty and cheerful timbre encompassing such a dark and and meaty role. Apples and oranges.

#91re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 12:32pm

"I find irony in the fact that someone who was complaining about Alice's voice wants Sherie Rene Scott back in the show. Now, as much as I adore Sherie her voice can't hold a candle to the color and power behind Alice's. Different isn't always bad. In fact, some people embrace different. I personally can't picture Sherie's bright, floaty and cheerful timbre encompassing such a dark and and meaty role. Apples and oranges."

Juliet LaFleur

Some may call Alice's voice 'colorful', and others may call it a mess. Tu-may-toe, tu-mot-oh. While I feel that some of the cast members should stay away from rock music, I feel that Alice should stay away from music in general. Sherie Rene Scott is one of the better voices in modern theatre history, no one will argue that. She is also one of the better actors in modern theatre history, and no one will argue that either. Saying Sherie can't handle a multi-layered roll is outrageous, her credits prove that she can. Alice is a wonderful actress, no question there... but Sherie is just as much of an actress, a much better singer, and has a brilliant rock voice. Sherie is easily a much better choice for the part of Diana.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#92re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 12:38pm

What's the point in arguing about this?

Alice is playing Diana. Not Sherie.

And Alice is great in the role. I'm sure Sherie was too, but she's not doing the Broadway production. Alice is. And she'll be as fantastic as she was at 2ST, if not better.


#93re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 12:44pm

rOcKS, I'm well aware that Alice is playing Diana, I'm not retarded... I just feel that Sherie would be ten times better in the role. Alice ACTS the part extremely well, but my god that woman's vocals are horrendous. Sherie has a SIGNIFICANTLY better voice, you can't even put their vocals on the same level because Sherie voice is so above Alice's.

ETA: What kind of casing is it when you cast a brilliant actress and TERRIBLE singer in a role that has so much singing. I'd go with the brilliant actress/singer SRS. HANDS DOWN

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 3/21/09 at 12:44 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#94re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 12:53pm

I think Ripley's voice adds depth to the role. I've heard Sherie sing the songs and she sings them well but not really like someone like Diana really would.

Ripley's raspy and undeniably unique voice makes the role of Diana a lot more real to me. Having someone like Diana be well-acted but sung like a Broadway diva is a little weird. Having her sung with Ripley's unique voice adds more depth and realness to the role.

Just my two cents.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#95re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 1:35pm

Ripley's tone and vibrato is a MESS.

Juliet LaFleur Profile Photo
Juliet LaFleur
#96re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 1:53pm

Jazz, I'm not trying to dispute your opinion. No need to get defensive. Though, I think it is quite naive of you to think that "no one would argue" that Sherie has one of the best voices in modern theatre. I actually know a handful of people who believe she is a very talented actress but her voice is weak, thin and uninteresting. I kind of sit in the middle of these opinions.

You are very righteous in your opinions and while reading your posts I just found irony in the fact you were complaining about a woman singing this role, a woman who's voice many people have paid millions of dollars over the past ten years to hear over and over again. Your quite passionate about your feelings, I support that. I still find a slight bit of humor in it.

#97re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/21/09 at 5:07pm

As said, Alice's voice is definitely not for everyone. Hell, it's undeniable that her voice slips under the pitch (mostly due to her vibrato) many times throughout the show, making her sound incredibly messy. But i will say that the first time i saw NTN, i was so soaked in to the character Ripley was, that i overlooked all of those imperfections with her voice.
I also agree with those that said that this particular cast doesn't have the "rock" voices for this score. I feel like for the most part, the NYMF cast REALLY had the "rock" voices needed to make the score even more incredible (strictly talking about singing voices here, not acting or anything else). Spanger/Rapp/Ashford/Cassidy really embodied the whole concept of singing a rock score the way it was meant to be sung. Now i LOVE the current cast of NtN, but it does make one wonder about other situations with good singers for "rock" musicals. I can't count how many times i've heard recordings/videos of singers that don't even remotely have the style of voice needed for singing from shows like NtN, RENT, bare, SA, etc. It's a tricky situation, because while you want a polished, trained singer in your show, putting that person into a pop opera, or a rock musical may just make them sound out of place.

Just my .02/rant.
Updated On: 3/21/09 at 05:07 PM

#98re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/22/09 at 10:32am

^ Amen to that. I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Raul Esparza, he's probably my favorite broadway performer, but I wouldn't want to see him play Usnavi. Just like I LOVE SRS, but would not wanna see her take on the role of Mama Rose, it doesn't work. Certain people have certain voices for certain parts. Sure, they may be able to hit all the notes, but that doesn't mean they have the right voice for the part. I haven't actually SEEN N2N, just full audios, and I'm interested in giving it a visit sometime soon, but I know that my parents will cringe in their seats seeing these voices sing these songs. They're going to find it goofy and awkward. My .02

I don't mind being called naive, I'm only 14... and it is 'a woman WHOSE voice'

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 3/22/09 at 10:32 AM

#99re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
Posted: 3/22/09 at 10:39am

I'm only 14

So that's why its obvious in all your posts that you have no clue what you're talking about.
