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New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a Show, Such as ROCKY HORROR in Georgia, What Action Should Be Taken?

New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a Show, Such as ROCKY HORROR in Georgia, What Action Should Be Taken?

Rob Profile Photo
ChiChi Profile Photo
#2New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a Show, Such as ROCKY HORROR in Georgia, What Action Should Be Taken?
Posted: 9/16/11 at 8:59pm

This is absolutely absurd. The stupid mayor should have done his research. He clearly had prior knowledge that the show would be playing there. Shouldn't he have figured out his disgust sooner?>

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#3New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a S
Posted: 9/17/11 at 3:31pm

The real option should be to do it, but not on the taxpayer's dime. Why should they be forced at gunpoint to pay for something they'll hate?

Idiot Profile Photo
#4New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a S
Posted: 9/17/11 at 8:13pm

Attendance at the show should now become mandatory. You know, like health insurance is supposedly going to be.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
Broadwayhunk Profile Photo
#6New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a S
Posted: 9/20/11 at 12:07am

Why isn't "get the hell out of Georgia" one of the choices?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#7New Poll: In Cases Where There is Community Objection to the Content of a S
Posted: 9/20/11 at 8:38am

Hard to say. Is the community objection such that there is no - or insufficient - audience for the show? If so, there are reasons beyond intolerance not to produce the show that must be considered.

Also, as staunch an objector against objections that are based in intolerance as I would like say I am, sometimes the community objections are because the content itself is a remnant of intolerance, When that's the case, it makes answering your polls question much more challenging.

For instance, I am neither totally against taking the "n word" out of "Old Man River," nor totally against not doing it. The former is a reasonable alteration of original content by courteously accommodating contemporary and more enlightened standards. The latter is to me an interesting approach worth considering which recognizes that today many people might be able to handle a black man using that word in the context of the song as racial commentary.

Because I feel differently about your poll question depending on the circumstances, I can't give you a single answer.

Therefore, I abstain

RainbowJude Profile Photo
#8Community Objections to Productions
Posted: 9/21/11 at 12:03am

Reading the article to which I've linked below immediately reminded me of this poll. The basic idea is that a school in Pennsylvania has canceled their production of KISMET in the wake of the 9/11 anniversary.


Apparently some of the members of this community learned nothing about the importance of tolerance or the power of prejudice from 9/11 and its aftermath. Furthermore, this kind of a decision just reflects that this is a community where cultural bridges need to be built to promote tolerance - and a great opportunity for that, working on a show like KISMET which is derived from hybrid influences in a school community where there is a huge potential for learning more than just the discipline of getting a show together, has been missed. What a pity.
Pennsylvania School Cancels KISMET Production Because of 9/11

Musical Cyberspace: a tribute to the musicals of Broadway and beyond.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#9Community Objections to Productions
Posted: 9/21/11 at 11:50am

"Baghdad, don't underestimate Baghdad!
Baghdad, you must investigate Baghdad!"

I'm not sure those words exactly build bridges to Iraq in the present climate.

And I think producing "Kismet" at certain times in recent U.S. history might be considered by some to be in questionable taste. Not because "Kismet" is set in Iraq but because "Kismet" is goofs on a mythical Baghdad in a way that might seem particularly jarring, as in the lyrics stated above.

Of course, I'm all for bad taste so I wouldn't mind but I can't fault someone for preferring to do something else.

Moreover, RainbowJude what cultural bridge is being built in producing "Kismet," the bridge between Lady Gaga 2012 America and 1955 Broadway? Certainly not the bridge between Middle America and Islam.

RainbowJude Profile Photo
#10Community Objections to Productions
Posted: 9/21/11 at 12:46pm

You can argue it whichever way you like, but it can't be denied that having a production of KISMET in a school can open the door to the right kinds of conversations, even if those conversations have to start with representations of Baghdad in the show and the perceptions those representations create. Any teacher worth his or her salt will be able to get enough material with that as a starting point to make the exercise worthwhile. That's the first brick of a bridge right there. Bam.

Musical Cyberspace: a tribute to the musicals of Broadway and beyond.

Elphaba Profile Photo
#11Community Objections to Productions
Posted: 9/21/11 at 2:52pm

I would say that those who object should not spend their money to see the production....

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#12Community Objections to Productions
Posted: 9/21/11 at 3:32pm

Survey says: Good answer, Rainbow Jude!
