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Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS

Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS

Marway44 Profile Photo
#1Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 2:17pm

Hi Gang,


I saw "N2N" or the first time on Friday night. Full cast and it looked like a full house. Let me first say it was beautiful, bold and took you on the ride of your life.

I held it together until they wheeled out Alice on the gurney and that is when I broke down. It just hit me very hard to see her like that, and I guess I really bought into the moment. Yes, it took me until Henry was being introduced to the family to realize Gabe was dead.

I thought it was terrific how it seemed all was going to get better for the family when Diana and Natalie had the conversation about getting things "Next To Normal" but was surprised when Diana left. I guess she needed to do this to 'heal' better. I was surprised that it didn?t wrap up with a happy family but when the Doctor says something to the effect of thinking she will be ok lead me to believe she will return and they can get on as "Next To Normal" as possible.

Part of me saw Gabe as the 'bad guy', like Thuy in "Miss Saigon". The ghost that wouldn't stop haunting and setting back Diana's progression but in the same respect the ghost was only in her mind so does that necessarily make him the bad guy?

My mother and I debated over one thing though, and not important at all to the show. I said they (particularly Diana) were really crying. She said it's impossible to cry 8 times a week and they had to have something they can push to make tears come. Does anybody know the answer to this? It wouldn?t surprise me if they were really crying because it seems like they can really get into character. Speaking of that, it didn?t seem like anyone particularly Diana was acting. (TONY well deserved!) We really bought into her being 'crazy'. I forgot who and where I was and just felt for her and the family.

Finally the music was incredible (another well deserved TONY!), and the lyrics provocative and inspiring. I never saw a Broadway show like this before and doubt anything will ever come close. I must return ASAP for a better understanding. It must make a difference seeing it the second time around knowing that Gabe is dead. Although I must admit I was surprised when they revealed that Dan sees him also. The difference though, is Dan is not 'crazy'. It's just how he deals with his grief.

#2re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 3:16pm

I saw it for the first time yesterday at the matinee and basically, have the same feelings as you do.

"I held it together until they wheeled out Alice on the gurney and that is when I broke down. It just hit me very hard to see her like that, and I guess I really bought into the moment."

I got very teary eyed at that moment, partly because it was more than just hearing it but bringing a whole new aspect of it by seeing it happen. Also, it hit me too because I've been in almost the same situation as Diana so it brings upon a personal aspect.

I like to read the synopsis (including spoilers!) before going into a show so I knew Gabe was dead. I think, knowing that, let me enjoy the show more and have a full understanding from the beginning.

As for the crying, I'm not sure. There was a time where I thought Jenn (Natalie) was crying during one of her breakdowns. (I don't remember when it was though).

The cast is tremendously talented. While I didn't think that Natalie and Henry had much chemistry, I suppose it worked for what it was supposed to wasn't supposed to be a "normal" type of relationship.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#2re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 3:56pm

Jennifer Damiano said on the next to normal twitter that during "Make up your Mind", she pretends that the audience can't see her and she's trying to fight for their attention to get her tears flowing. I'm not sure about anybody else.

steven22 Profile Photo
#3re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 4:06pm

I agree with everything you said..this show takes you on a roller coaster journey...with your emotionss

#4re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 5:16pm

They are all really crying. No "stage magic" going on there, just some amazing acting. re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS The amount of actual tears will vary at each performance - it all depends on what's working for them that day. Part of the beauty of live theatre, right?

I'm so glad the show doesn't have a typical "happy ending." It would cheapen the complexity of the family's situation, which I think everyone involved in the production has worked to avoid doing. Alice has said that she thinks Diana goes back, though, and that's the interpretation I lean towards as well.

Glad you enjoyed the show!

legally_popular Profile Photo
#5re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 7:57pm

I'm so glad you enjoyed the show so much, and that's so awesome that you didn't know of the "twist" going in. It always catches people by surprise.

Yes, those are real tears, especially Alice's. I was sitting front row center and could clearly see her crying (I can't really remember seeing anyone else's tears although they still had the emotion there). One of the most heart-breaking moments I remember was when Alice brought the cake out. She had a smile on her face when she went, "It's someone's birthday!" but then it slowly diminished and a tear fell from her face into the cake. I cry sometimes just from listening to certain songs, so for them to be there performing the songs and just being in the mooment I have no doubt that they cry real tears. For all of them to do the show 8 times a week must be very emotionally draining.

My sister and I once had a discussion about Gabe being the "bad guy." I don't think he's the bad guy because he's only in Diana's mind. It's her own inner demons creating him and making him manipulate her (does that make sense? lol). His character is sort of a devil/angel ("I'm your wish, your dream come true, and I am your darkest nightmare too"). Additionally, it's debatable whether he's a hallucination or a ghost. I've always considered him to be only Diana's hallucination, but the way he acts during "I'm Alive" and "Superboy" makes him seem like a ghost. Interesting.

#6re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 8:15pm

I saw it early in its Bway run and I am so so glad I didn't know that Gabe was dead. I think it is so important for that to shock the viewer the first time. During the cake scene, everyone around me audibly gasped when Natalie says he died before she was born, and that impact just intensified everything so much for the rest of the show. I loved hearing that so many people were as shocked to the core as I was.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#7re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 8:36pm


Interseting to hear your thought echoed mine, including everyone else who responded. I just have to go back soon!

Eos Profile Photo
#8re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/23/09 at 11:59pm

I'm glad somebody brought up the "bad guy" thing. I felt the same way when I saw the show, particularly during the last "I'm Alive" reprise. I think for me, by that time, you've seen Diana go through so much, I was just like, "For Pete's sake Gabe leave her alone!!". Of course, Diana is the one who won't let him go, but I think since Gabe is so tangible there on stage, it's easy to direct those feelings at him.
Glad to hear you liked the show!

The Overture is part of the show, people. Please shut your pie hole.

#9re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 8/24/09 at 12:10am

I agree with All of the Above Comments.

I absolutely loved this show. I knew the Music, storyline, everything before I saw it. I feel like I made such a personal connection with this show. Starting with getting there at 4am to be second in line to get the 25 dollar Rush Tickets. Sitting in the front row with Alice Ripley making Sandwiches in my face. I cried in both acts. The performers are just incredible. The thing that I loved was that even though I knew all the songs from the recording, It was like I was hearing this show for the first time the way these people were acting. There hearts and souls were in this show. I am proud to say this is the best show I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot trust me haha. Even as dramatic, and depressing as it was, It was still soo refreshing to see something soo great and soo Original on Broadway. I felt so Artisticlly Refreshed after the show.


kasim Profile Photo
#10re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/3/09 at 9:49pm

i just saw this post ... and i'll admit man that show brought me to tears as well.

Soo good. honestly i knew about nothing of it before i went too so that helped. yeah i will admit i didnt realize gabe wasnt there till they pretty much said he wasnt there

#11re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/3/09 at 11:03pm

Yes they all cry real tears and they do it consistently. So glad you enjoyed the show. :)

saveusmike Profile Photo
#12re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/3/09 at 11:39pm

I love your mini review glad you enjoyed the show!

I dont think though Dan has always saw Gabe. I think that at the end when he finally said his name he became "Alive" in his mind and he started to see him.
Maybe all the years of Diana have finally gotten to him and he started to realize his own depression he was hiding for all that time.

I have heard numerous rumors speculating that Gabe really is Alive but I highly highly doubt that.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q

#13re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/3/09 at 11:52pm

I didn't really like the show that much but I did enjoy the bit where Dan sees Gabe!

#14re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/4/09 at 7:38am

"My mother and I debated over one thing though, and not important at all to the show. I said they (particularly Diana) were really crying. She said it's impossible to cry 8 times a week and they had to have something they can push to make tears come. Does anybody know the answer to this? It wouldn?t surprise me if they were really crying because it seems like they can really get into character."

Alice definately does cry a lot in the show and she will tell you all about it at the stage door if you ask her. When I saw the show on Kyle Dean's last and Aaron's first back everyone was noticeably crying. Bobby was outright sobbing when he "saw" Gabe during I Am The One(Reprise). Jenn was crying more than normal also.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#15re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/4/09 at 10:31am

Most actors use their real emotions to feed their stage needs...but good actors can manufacture real tears when they need to. Actors learn a myriad of ways to help that happen, but all find their own way of it working. For many in long runs, it's almost a pavlovian response -- the body reacts to what it is trained to do.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#16re: Next To Normal thoughts w/ questions and SPOLIERS
Posted: 10/4/09 at 11:20am

I cry just listening to the CD, so I imagine they can cry pretty easily when immersed in the arch of the story. I never saw Gabe as a bad guy, I did see him as menacing, but he only wants to be grieved, not forgotten, and acknowledged by the living. If they acknowledged him, I think he knows that they will heal and feel better. It's like the whole family is holding their breath and he just wants them to breath.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
