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OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)- Page 4

OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#75re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 8:55pm

I agree, it wasn't very impressive.

Especiialy the Bend and Snap song. Maybe it was a bad clip, but that is a horrible song.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 08:55 PM

#76re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 8:59pm

Why do I need to cut it some slack? They apparently feel proud enough of this dreck to spend the money to shoot these clips and post them nationally on the internet in order to promote the show. This is obviously the best that they've got, so far and the fact is that legendary show doctors like Jerry Robbins, Michael Bennett, and George Abbott who knew how turn an out-of-town flop into a hit are all dead. Chances are it's not getting much better and IMO they have a LONG LONG LONG way to go from where they are now to becoming a show that I would even call mediocre.

It's not as if I snuck into some super-secret rehearsal and posted an opinion. They put this crap out here in hopes of selling tickets. I've been seeing professional theatre for 35 years and it's within my rights to express an opinion and for me, that collection of songs is among the worse that I've ever seen. Bottom line, I won't be buying any tickets to see this show when it gets to town and would be willing to bet that I will not be the only one who refrains from patronizing this mess.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 08:59 PM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#77re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:01pm

Well, Tommy Tune is still around and he used to be a fabulous show doctor, but Carol Hall must have put some vodoo curse on him because his doctorin' ain't been so keen since WHOREHOUSE GOES PUBLIC...

#78re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:05pm

And from hear, DR. DOOLITTLE is no closer to making to Broadway than it was when Tune took over and has died a slow and painful death on the road.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#79re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:09pm

Margo, I didn't mean to express that it wasn't within your right to critique the show. You are an extremely respected member of this community, and I know that your opinion means leagues to alot of people (including myself.)

I agree, this material wasn't overtly impressive (although I feel, for the source material and demographic they're trying to market it to, it's the best that could be done with it,) but I also think that they didn't choose the best songs for the press reel.

It looks to me as if they picked the most "catchy" tunes (like "Omigod You Guys" and "So Much Better,") as well as ones related directly to things from the film (like "The Bend and Snap.") Some of the smarter, more genuinely funny numbers (like the duet from the demo between Bundy and Borle) were left out.

All in all, I just mean that while I agree that you have every right to express your opnion (whether it be positive or negative) in this space, I also believe that to judge an entire show's merit based off a press reel is a bit precocious, especially considering it's out of town and rapidly undergoing changing.

Are the odds likely that the show will make a severe departure from what you see in the video? No. And are you most likely going to like the show if you didn't like the clips? Probably not. All I'm trying to say is to at least give it a fighting chance.

I apologize if I offended you in anyway, and only regardeed my comments spirit of conversation.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

Funny Face Profile Photo
Funny Face
#80re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:11pm

Eh, I think it has potential. The only songs that left any kind of impression, however, are the opener ("OMIGOD, You Guys!") and "So Much Better". I know every show gets to have its weak numbers, but I really hope they've got better to offer than that. The only other song I've heard that wasn't in that video was "Take it Like A Man", which I wasn't crazy about when I first heard it, but compared to the others, it's starting to sound pretty good. I really am trying to be optimistic about this show, because I think it's a fun idea and I lOVE the movie, but I have to agree that this preview is a tad disappointing. However I will say the cast seems very talented, energetic, and attractive, which will win it a lot of mileage, if that is in fact the case. From what I've seen, Bundy seems well-suited for the role besides some of the Britney/Jessica-esque, pop things she kept doing with her voice in 'OMIGOD' that drove me a bit crazy. Also, it looks like there's some clever staging going on.

Also, everyone keeps talking about The Wedding Singer and DRS, but all I could think of was Wicked throughout most of the video. Same Modern-Pop/Showtune hybrid score, same demographic appeal, even similair storyline and "Girl Power" theme (Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks "So Much Better" is reminiscent of a less epic "DG"/"Wizard and I"). However, as lacking in creativity that Wicked's songs are, they are, unfortunately, a lot catchier than these tunes.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#81re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:14pm

I think Kate sounds really good...and she is by far an amazing belter. Thats your opinion, but I think she sounds great.

I honestly think some of the comments being said are starting to cross the line from having an opinion to just being nasty. The show has only had negative comments on the board since it was announced..and I know for a fact that people in this cast read the message board. I just think sometimes people do not know when to stop.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 09:14 PM

#82re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:15pm

Bundy is coming off very forced. As if she knows she is in a turkey and is working overtime for the audience to enjoy themselves.

A bit desperate. Not a good sign.

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart; and you'll never walk alone.
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 09:15 PM

MimiLovesRoger Profile Photo
#83re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:15pm

I hope changes are underway. I think it needs some more tweaking. Christian's song was boring, Laura needs to work on her bend and's jush eh.

#84re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:17pm

Barely anyone is insulting the cast. Everyone hates the material.

(I feel like I need a disclaimer after every one of my Legally Blonde posts saying "I liked it!")

Christian's clip is at the end of about 10 minutes of that song. I kind of like the repetition, but I see how just that clip would seem boring. Whatever, I just love his little dance. - most underrated performers on broadway

#85re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:21pm

While I agree with Margo's opinions, I do say it's a bit early to judge an entire show by a 3 minute film clip.

What happened to the good, old fashioned benefit of the doubt?

Nobody has to cut it any slack (in fact, if they get scathing reviews out of town, the safest bet would be to close it before they pull a High Fidelity - though the producers have too high hopes for the show), but just remember what you're looking at.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#86re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:24pm

WalkOn, while I agree that Bundy very well may be putting in overtime to "sell it" on stage, that could also be viewed as a character choice.

In her life at the sorority, Elle is just over the top bubblegum because that's the enviroment she's in. At Harvard, she's working even harder to prove that she can fit in (while, in the process, standing out even more.) I'm not trying to defend Laura, but I'm just pointing out that the nature of the character walks a fine line very near a forceful-type portrayal.

The buzz from San Francisco (at least from what I've read) seems to be pretty positive. The general vibe I get from there is, while it obviously needs work, it has a pretty solid base with alot of fun and alot of heart.

I agree with a previous poster in that most of the critiques seem to be aimed at the material and not toward the company, so I don't see how any of them reading anything that's been said here would offend them in a personal way.

I'll hold off on making my final judgement until I see the finished product in New York, but I do hope it does well (after all, who wouldn't want a show with a hard working cast and crew to do well?)

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 09:24 PM

#87re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:32pm

Time will tell.

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart; and you'll never walk alone.

#88re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:48pm

Um... that guy is fugly.

Perfectly thankfully fugly. I was relieved when I saw him, because I wouldn't believe Laura Bell Bundy as a beautiful and coveted woman against a legitimately attractive man.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#89re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:52pm

Well, if the show does close early, that ensemble of "girls" can go straight into a revival of 70 GIRLS 70! Hooray!

#90re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:56pm

Wait, what Craww? I don't get it.

MB, I'm glad you think the girls look old. I've been getting tons of flak for having that very opinion. - most underrated performers on broadway

mateo Profile Photo
#91re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 9:59pm

Do Elle's friends act as muses? They seem to be on stage a lot.

I dont want to analyze this to closely. But the biggest draw back I have from watching the clip are the costumes.

Everyone looks very "melrose" and I am not sure how to describe that for everyone, perhaps "artsy?" Mismatchy, hand sewn... I dont know, I am just not fond of them.

I am sure the show will turn out nicely.

If I can get out to NY this year, I'd see it.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

#92re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:03pm

Yep, they're the Greek chorus. It works until they acknowledge it, and until Paulette starts to see them too... - most underrated performers on broadway

#93re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:03pm

Wait, what Craww? I don't get it.

I was trying to say it without being really mean, because I'm sure she's a nice girl and looks aren't really what it's about, but...I wouldn't buy her Elle against an attractive male lead because I find her incredibly unattractive.

#94re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:07pm

Gotcha. - most underrated performers on broadway

suzycat Profile Photo
#95re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:11pm

I think Bruiser is going to be the real star of this show :)

#96re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:26pm

Honestly, at first I thought this was going to be horrible. After seeing clips, parts of it DO look cute. I guess we'll see how it turns out...

A good thing about this musical is that it expands more on Elle and Emmitt's relationship...which is the only element I wish the movie touched base on more.

Redhead0322 Profile Photo
#97re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:31pm

Overall, I was not impressed. Everything is just too cheesy, and while "Legally Blonde" isn't serious by any stretch of the imagination, there could be some effort to make it more realistic. The show will be a big tourist trap; it could do well because of that. Oh, and someone needs to tell Orfeh that she needs to work on her "bend and snap".

MimiLovesRoger Profile Photo
#98re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:39pm

Damn. Now I have Omigod (or however the hell they spell that) stuck in my head.

James885 Profile Photo
#99re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/30/07 at 11:02pm

Interesting video. I'll reserve judgement until (if) I see it. However, I wasn't really impressed with the "Bend And Snap" song. It seemed very forgettable IMHO, and I think the only one that I thought was catchy was "Omigod You Guys". However, I still think that the lyrics for it are pretty bad. And am I the only person who thinks that Omigod You Guys is a horrible title for an opening number?

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
