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OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)- Page 6

OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)

#125re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 2:38pm

Did everyone catch the "Sha la la's" in LEGALLY BLONDE REMIXED?

It's like a pinked out version of BAT BOY.

(pinked [sic])

ETA: allofmylife, your rant is just that. A rant. You are missing some important points. First, times ARE different. There is the internet. Word of mouth can spread within seconds of the show closing. People in NY can instantly find out what a show is like on the other side of the country. There are widely released demo CDs (aided, once again, by the internet). There are video clips, like this, that are easily posted online for anyone to see. And, while illegal, there are bootlegs made of shows that are widely distributed. Anyone who sees any of these clips or hears any sort of audio has the right to judge. ESPECIALLY when the price is over $100 for tickets. And, with places like BWW, these same people are given the right to post their opinions - good, bad, or otherwise.

People have already read reviews of the show and have seen and heard pieces of the show. The point of the demos and these video clips is to garner interest. Why else would they make them? They are preview clips to show off the show. When it comes down to it, if these so-called preview clips (as Margo stated quite eloquently) aren't good, then people will negatively judge the show. It's life. If the material isn't strong, there's only so much editing that can be done to make it look good.

Also, I highly doubt anyone is saying, "Well, Martha. I hear Legally Blonde is having its world premier here. That means it's gonna be crap! Lets go spend $100 on this crap!"

People go hoping to like the show - not to see crap, as you wrote. People go to see it because they know they won't make it out to NY. Perhaps people go to see a "world premier" and perhaps they are more forgiving of mistakes, but nevertheless, they don't go to see crap - nor should they be seeing crap. If the show isn't ready to be seen, then it shouldn't be mounted.

Yes, changes can be made - but there's a difference between revitalizing a show and cutting some subpar (relatively speaking) numbers.

Now, this isn't Legally Blonde specific. I personally agree with Margo about the squeaky voices getting annoying. It's fun when it's a movie and they are speaking. It's another when they are singing these peppy songs.

I happened to enjoy the move for one reason: Jennifer Coolidge. And, if I can, will see the show when it opens in NY so I can judge it. Updated On: 1/31/07 at 02:38 PM

#126re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:01pm

It doesn't take much to get me to see a show.

Frankly, I think it would take just one GREAT number for me to put a show on my "must-see" list. I remember looking at the clips of HIGH FIDELITY and though I wasn't crazy about most of it, there were a couple of clever lyrics I noticed here and there and at least one solid song (I can't remember which one) that I thought had some potential, so I bought a ticket. I had a feeling that the overall show wouldn't work (based on the source material which I just didn't think would "sing"), but still went based on just a few glimmers of talent I saw in the clips.

Similarly, I thought LENNON would probably be a turkey, but went anyway because I knew the talents of Julia Murney, Chuck Cooper and Marcy Harriell and figured that even if the overall show didn't work (though I like Lennon's music), I figured the cast would have their moments.

I went to see LESTAT -- despite TERRIBLE word of mouth from out of town -- because I really thought (and still believe) that a good show could be made out of the Anne Rice books and wanted to see how close they got to making a decent show out of it. The answer: not very close. It was a mess. I also figured that Elton John would come up with at least a couple of good songs. Not close on that score either. It was an idea with a lot of potential and a lot of talent involved that ended up being a truly misconceived mess that should have closed out of town.

I also saw IN MY LIFE -- and I'm glad I did. Had a great time. Still have no idea what the hell it was, but damn if it wasn't entertaining. One of the strangest shows I've ever seen.

As far as LEGALLY BLONDE, I just didn't see ANYTHING really appealing. I've certainly liked some of the cast members before in other shows, but really saw nothing in their work here that impressed me in the slightest. I didn't like the score. I found the voices grating. And I'm frankly embarrased for Jerry Mitchell -- I've been rooting for him to be the next great director/choreographer (based on his previous work, he has a lot of potential). What happened? Perhaps, there's some amazing dance number somewhere else in the show that they didn't film for the reel or maybe he's in the process of creating something dazzling and showstopping -- I think he has it in him, but what's there in the clips literally looked like a high school cheerleading pageant. I, of course, will read all of the upcoming reports about the show coming from out of town, as well as when it gets to previews here, but RIGHT NOW, I see nothing that makes me want to buy a ticket to see this -- it frankly, looks like it would be a painful experience to sit through.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 1/31/07 at 03:01 PM

#127re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:04pm

It looks like so much fun!

#128re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:23pm

Legally Blonde totally corners it's audience. No man is going to want to see a show with PINK everywhere and ditzy chorus girls singing pop songs. That's where Wicked got it right, and that's why I think Wicked is such a giant hit. It's a show that everyone can enjoy, but Legally Blonde is only marketing and designed toward one certain group of people, and if you're not in that group of people then you're not going to find it appealing.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#129re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:26pm

People of margos age etc are not going to get legally blonde

It will hit all the write notes with its target audience

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#130re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:31pm

People, it's just a couple of songs in a short video...and am I one of the only ones that likes the BEND & SNAP number?

JustinRZB Profile Photo
#131re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:32pm

I hated the hand gestures. It's obviously part of the training. And it's very very obvious.

I cannot STAND live animals on stage. I spend their duration of appearance in nerves and on edge that they will attack the talent or pee on the set.

Cages or wings - which do you prefer?

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#132re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:34pm

Haha, hopefully they're trained to "hold it in" until their scene is over.

JustinRZB Profile Photo
#133re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:34pm

Hahaha Wedding Day plagued my mind for months after i first heard it.

I dont think any song has THAT sort of potential.

Cages or wings - which do you prefer?

legallyblondemusical Profile Photo
#134re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:36pm

In my opinion the reel, while fun, doesn't have any of the best stuff. No "What You Want", "Ireland", "There Right There", or "Take It Like a Man". Those are the moments I look forward to when I see the show. There's plenty more time for that material to sneak out, it's a long process and the cast and crew is obviously working very hard to make it work for the audience. I saw it again last night and little by little it is getting better. I had hoped I would see more changes made at this point but we'll see where it is at open.

I'm a sucker for Orfeh so I wish I had Ireland to play over and over.

"A girl sweet as you has a future
You have hope, as each new day dawns
Girls like you always get to see Irland
Give my love to the leprechauns" :)
Updated On: 1/31/07 at 03:36 PM

#135re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:37pm

Sadly, I'd have to say I don't see it lasting much longer than The Wedding Singer. I love Laura and Orfeh and Jerry Mitchell, but it just doesn't seem to have enough mmmph to it.

#136re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:41pm

Well, if the show has ANY chance of being a hit, it had BETTER find a way to appeal to my "age group" and older since we're the ones who buy the vast majority of tickets for Broadway. The average age of theatregoers on Broadway last year was 42 years old and people under 18 only constituted about 8% of the total attendance. Even for a show like WICKED, which everyone associates with teenage girls, according to its lead producer, teenagers make up less than 10% of its audience -- it's middle aged and older ADULTS who are keeping that show a soldout hit, not the kids. The same is true of supposed "youth shows like RENT and SPELLING BEE and AVENUE Q -- the kids may talk about them incessantly and create fan pages and crowd the stage door, but no show can survive on $20 student rush tickets and NEEDS to have tens of thousands of people willing to pay the full $111.50 ticket price if it has even the slightest chance of recouping. 90% of actual sales are made by people over well over 18. So, LEGALLY BLONDE better hope and pray that those clips and any further marketing and reviews make the show have a STRONG appeal to the over-40 set, or it'll go the way of HIGH FIDELITY, WEDDING SINGER and other shows who's so-called "target audience" was the under the age of 18.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 1/31/07 at 03:41 PM

#137re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:49pm

I saw it in SF with a bunch of teeny-bopper girls. They adored it beyond all words. I thought it was fine with a few very clever moments. Once they work out the bumps (what OOT previews are for, after all) it will be really fun fluff. I don't think there are huge changes that need to be made, with the exception of one number (Blood in the Water) which is a waste of Michael Rupert's talent that should be completely rewritten. The other big thing is that Laura Bell Bundy, while good, is not *quite* there yet. Not that she won't ever be, but she isn't yet. Right now, her performance has this Kirsten Chenowith impersonation feel to it that makes you remember she took over for KC in Wicked. Again, she's not bad. Emulating KC couldn't be considered bad. She's just not quite come into her own yet. She doesn't *demand* your attention, the way a Broadway star should. Neither does Christian Borle, but his role doesn't require it. He's less the leading man than he is the lead ensemble character. Elle has to be a STAR for this show to really work.

Interestingly, the best numbers (in my opinion) are not on the preview video, probably because they don't fit tidily into the main story of "sorority girl makes good at law school". If you saw them on the video, you'd sort of go "huh?" The highlights for me: Nikki Snelson jumping rope while belting out a song in a way that just does not look physically possible. Orfeh (as Paulette) and her husband Andy Karl (in multiple roles, most notably the UPS guy) were just awesome. I loved them--they made jokes work that shouldn't have and Orfeh can *really* sing. Also, the number referred to in the program as There! Right There! is hysterical. It would be a spoiler to tell you why, though if you're all over these boards, you probably already know.

Overall, I definitely didn't regret the price of the ticket (but then I didn't pay as much as I would in NY.)

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#138re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 3:54pm

Its one thing to say give them a chance to fix it and not to pass judgment, but if they felt it was still such a work in progress and weren’t proud of what they were presenting, they shouldn’t have filmed a full performance and presented these clips as a show preview. If the producers freely present us this material, we have ever right to judge it.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#139re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 4:44pm

Bend and Snap needs to go die, like now.

Or it just needs to get rewritten.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#140re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 4:46pm

MargoChanning, I will defend to the death your right to say anything you want to (and Sean Martin and a few others on this site) because they are reasoned comments with insight and footnotes. What is p**sing me off are the people who pile on with short, angry one-line "reviews" of shows they haven't seen. Now Margo, I know you haven't seen Legally Blonde either, but you have been considerate and knowledgeable and I believe that your comments are constructive, even if you don't happen to like the show. I read everything you write carefully and fondly.

However the "it sucks and I'll never see it!" crowd are really starting to grate.

I'll tell you I hate "Rent" and "Wicked" but I'll provide reasons. And I've seen both several times and I never shout down something I haven't scooped.
Updated On: 1/31/07 at 04:46 PM

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#141re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 4:55pm


If you hated Wicked and Rent, why'd you go back after the first time? That always fascinates me.

#142re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 7:05pm

People of margos age etc are not going to get legally blonde

It will hit all the write notes with its target audience

I'm a 22 year-old girl who enjoyed Legally Blonde the movie, and I am supposedly in their target audience and I found that the clips made the show look incredibly unappealing.

I guess it's target audiences are pre-pubescent and adolescent girls who can freely throw away their parent's money.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

CERULEAN19 Profile Photo
#143re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 7:08pm

So excited for this show...and I can't really explain why? OMIGOD!

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#144re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 7:18pm

"It will hit all the write notes with its target audience"

I'm a 22 year-old girl who enjoyed Legally Blonde the movie, and I am supposedly in their target audience and I found that the clips made the show look incredibly unappealing.

I fall into the target audience as well. I'm 16 and found it very underwhelming. In a sense, I'm a bit offended that producers think that this sort of fluff will attract every person my age. But I digress...

Its one thing to say give them a chance to fix it and not to pass judgment, but if they felt it was still such a work in progress and weren’t proud of what they were presenting, they shouldn’t have filmed a full performance and presented these clips as a show preview. If the producers freely present us this material, we have ever right to judge it.

I agree completely. If the producers are confident enough to show us what they've got, then we are well within our rights as, well, human beings, to say whether or not we are interested. I agree that people who are saying things like, "This show sucks. It should go far, far away" need to defend their opinions, but people who are giving well-supported arguments as to why they aren't interested (such as MargoChanning) shouldn't be chastised for not being interested. I don't see any of that happening yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion this may occur. However, I did just drink two Mountain Dews (poor decision making right there), so perhaps it's the caffeine, not my psychic abilities.

teh_pretty Profile Photo
#145re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 7:21pm

Things I liked:
- Bend and Snap. Orfeh makes it sound hot.
- THE DOG. So freaking well-trained. I want to have one.
- So Much Better. It's a super power-song, and LBB sounds fab singing it.
- "You got the best friggen shoes!"

Things I didn't like:
- the choreography, the set and the costumes. It looks sloppy, convoluted and forced. All-round unimpressed with the look of the show.
- Chip on My Shoulder - dull! Every time I watch it I click over it.
- the sorority girls popping in everywhere - they're in Bend and Snap, Chip on My Shoulder, So Much Better... and they serve no purpose. Annoying! What's with the "Elle Woods" on the back of their sweaters?! Bad! BAD!
- Kate Shindle. Good voice, looks a lot older than LBB - mostly because of her costuming and hair. When I first watched it I thought it was the female professor.

The show reminds me a lot of Harispray and Wicked - not much plot, sort of sloppy... but people will probably love it. That all being said, I'd probably still see it.

And I seriously loved that dog.

#146re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 7:38pm

The show truly is better than the promo video. I have no connection to this project in any way. The show is just better than the video.

That said, the video doesn't *totally* misrepresent the show, so if you *loathe* the video, then this show is probably not for you. But if you say "eh" to the video, you might still like the show, especially once they work the kinks out.

I agree that it's "fair" to judge based on what the producers have put out there, but just because it's fair doesn't mean it's accurate.

The thing about this show is that it's total fluff. It will always be total fluff (yes, I know there's a message about being true to yourself and's a fluffy message). So if it's going to succeed, it's got to be *great* fluff. Great fluff is fun and people will spend money to see it (not everybody, but a lot of us). But Broadway tickets are too expensive for "pretty good" fluff. There's plenty of pretty good fluff on TV and at the movies for far cheaper.

kim1061 Profile Photo
#147re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 8:01pm

I liked the clips!

My question is about the dog. What's the deal? I mean do they have an understudy incase one of them acts up? Is this some sort of extremely well-trained dog? I know these sound like dumb questions but I really wonder how they went about dealing with the dog.

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#148re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 8:15pm

I'm so glad these clips were posted. I will be in NYC right as the show begins previews and had actually considered buying a ticket....not anymore. If "Grease" wants The Palace I don't think that will be a problem....this show ain't lasting too long if these clips are the best it has to offer.

legallyblondemusical Profile Photo
#149re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 1/31/07 at 8:17pm

There are 3 chihuahuas Chico and understudies Teddy and Boo Boo; and 2 English bulldogs Chloe, and her understudy, Zizi.

Good article here:
