Play Esq. said: "I’ve never seen any production of Our Town until this evening, andI never ever want to again. Is it blasphemy to say that this isn’t really a very good play?"
See this makes my SOUL HURT. I seriously, honest to God consider it the greatest play ever written. Not just American play but THE greatest play ever. So when a production like this comes along to elicit these kinds of reactions (and you’re not the first one) you know something is seriously “off” with it.
If you ever want to see what this play truly is, the 1977 version here is (for me) the best ever.
Play Esq. said: "I’ve never seen any production of Our Town until this evening, andI never ever want to again. Is it blasphemy to say that this isn’t really a very good play?"
Not blasphemous ... just WRONG.
This is a play that you can’t really just walk into without an inquiring mind and willingness to be open in using your brain to piece together the sights unseen.
Once you do, you’ll unearth a beautiful production that comments on the diversity and zest of daily life, as well as the ennui, all rolled up in the message that the good, bad, the fun, the boring, the love, the loss, is all fleeting and you aren’t able to appreciate those nuances in your life until they have long since passed
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
Jordan Catalano said: "Play Esq. said: "I’ve never seen any production of Our Town until this evening, andI never ever want to again. Is it blasphemy to say that this isn’t really a very good play?"
See this makes my SOUL HURT. I seriously, honest to God consider it the greatest play ever written. Not just American play but THE greatest play ever. So when a production like this comes along to elicit these kinds of reactions (and you’re not the first one) you know something is seriously “off” with it.
If you ever want to see what this play truly is, the 1977 version here is (for me) the best ever. "
There is nothing "off" with this production. The grandeur of the words, of the themes--they still come exhuberantly through ...even though there are some not great performances. Yet there are some sterling performances! It is still the greatest play ever written! It just might not be the greatest production of the greatest play. But it is far from a bad production!