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Performers you "don't get"- Page 4

Performers you "don't get"

#75re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 4:53pm

1. Adam Pascal
2. Idina Menzel
3. Daphne Rubin-Vega

Actually, I neither admire these three nor get them.

4. The OBC of Rent as a whole.

I've listened to the OBC several times, trying to comprehend this. I still don't get why they're worshipped. I just don't. And I do like some of them.

5. Audra McDonald

I have all the respect in the world for her range and technique, and her acting has sometimes impressed me, too. But overall, she doesn't wow me sufficiently to explain why she has 4 Tonys and the undying love of Ben Brantley.

6. Patti LuPone

The more LuPone-ish she sounds, the more I can't stand her. I thought that maybe it was because I first heard her singing the excreable Evita, but no. I listened to her in the Candide concert and she still irritated the hell out of me. The only time I've liked her is when she sang "Being Alive" at the Sondheim celebration at Carnegie Hall. She only slipped into Lupone-ness for a second there.

Ah, it feels lovely to get that off my chest. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to put on my flame-proof suit.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#76re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 5:02pm

Everyone has the right to an opinion, and just like I don't see how the OBC of Rent is any good some of you people fail to understand the genius one of a kind legend of Barbra Streisand. That's sad.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#77re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 5:15pm

re: Performers you 'don't get'

#78re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 5:20pm

Yes... we all feel diffrently, but I love the Rent OBC to pieces... love their voices, their energy...

NYunique, I can respect the legends even if I don't like them. It's not the same thing.

Victoria Grant Profile Photo
Victoria Grant
#79re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 6:13pm

Glenn Close
Betty Buckley

I still admire these people and I know they have talent, but I don't understand all the hoop la.

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#80re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:03pm

NYUniq, Hugh Jackman scares you?

secret-soul Profile Photo
#81re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:10pm

Ethel Merman
Judy Garland (but I DO get Isabel Keating)


Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

#82re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:16pm

...let the flame war being.

Just to clarify my previous postings as more comments have been added, I don't "admire" any of the people I've listed. There's a big difference between admiring someone and being inspired by them, and I feel like those two terms seem to creep into each other's personal space a lot here.

#83re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:21pm

people... i need to take a deep breathe and slow you all down here.

can i bond with you all over this? let's be careful about what we say here before we are fully educated- because I know I'd be really embarassed if I made some ignorant remarks about the most talented and influential performers in broadway history.

god bless barbara cook - who, @ 80 is still singing better than most people 1/4 her age. god bless the woman for singing the Eflat above the staff in the first cast of Candide.. have any of you ever sung an Eflat above the staff??

god bless Ethel Merman for bringing the belt to broadway. your sweet little Idina you all worship so much wouldn't have been here today if it weren't for people like Ethel Merman who paved the way.

and Audra McDonald... are you serious? what's there not to get about her? she's brilliantly trained and uses her gift and her technique together to create a real talent- something I can't image most or any of you can say. how many of you could even get INTO Julliard if you applied- let alone do as well as Audra has for herself.

do yourselves a favor or two:
-take a few acting classes (I'll reccomend Meisner, but you feel free to chose)
-study classical voice
-read any of the plentiful books @ B&N on the history of the musical

then when you have room to talk about these performers... feel free to comment a little less ignorantly about people who have worked hard to acheive greatness.

thank you.

#84re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:24pm

and don't touch the blessed bernie.

thank you.

#85re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:33pm

hi. how are you? what do you do for a living? what shows are ... YOU in on broadway?? hm?? re: Performers you 'don't get'



#86re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:34pm

and how many tony awards have ... YOU won??

have a nice day.


secret-soul Profile Photo
#87re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:37pm

- I would also suggest a color-by-numbers book for when you're bored reading the holier-than-thou posts.

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

#88re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:39pm

okay- so I have to write this before this goes too far...

I'm just playing with you guys... seriously the point is that these people are DAMN amazing... and you're all being ignorant to their hard work and amazing acheivements...

I respect and look up to all of them- there's something to be enjoyed and learned from every one of those performers and its a real crying shame that nowadays all people care about are younng, beautiful screamy belters who have a lot of flash and pop and pizazz...

I don't mean to be mean... I just mean that we should all be respectful of Broadway Legends ...

.... and that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

and that's that.

secret-soul Profile Photo
#89re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:40pm

As you just recently joined Ms. Darling, I'll try to be kind. Keep your opinions. By all means, shout them from the rooftops of this board. But how dare you criticize others for being "ignorant" because THEY have opinions. Ms. Peters is a lovely woman, very nice, sweet...and I personally can only stand her voice for about 2 seconds. Doesn't mean I don't personally respect her accomplishments. I means I have an opinion which you don't agree with...and you don't like that.

*picks up coloring book*

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!
Updated On: 8/7/04 at 11:40 PM

secret-soul Profile Photo
#90re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:44pm

*throws undiscoverd a coloring book...but i'm keeping the pink crayon!*

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

secret-soul Profile Photo
#91re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/7/04 at 11:54pm

as long as it's not a pink-purple. you can have the purple purple and blue purple (i think I mean Violet)

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#92re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:01am

re: Performers you 'don't get'

If I opened my mouth to defend Idina's talents the way LindaDarling did defending other performers (or if I had made a statement like jrb's in regards to Idina...and I'm using her as an example for a reason)...I would have had a ton of people throwing stones at me so fast.

Honestly, I'm sick of people on this board acting like people with different opinions are ignorant. As easily as you could call me "sad" and "ignorant" for not particularly liking Barbra Streisand, I could turn around and say the same thing of any of you for not appreciating Idina's work...but I'm not going to, because I realize it's all subjective.

And I don't understand why it's the "ignorant" people here that are acknowledging the talent of these performers who they "don't get"...while the "educated" people are dismissing any sort of talent younger performers may have. Maybe you need to learn?

End rant.

secret-soul Profile Photo
#93re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:05am

I'm sleepy. you wanna borrow my coloring book? undiscovered has the purple crayons and i have the pink ones. You should pick a color.

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#94re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:08am

Yes. Please...Hand over the blue crayons.

secret-soul Profile Photo
#95re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:10am

As long as it's not blue violet...undiscovered has that one :)
I think I'm not gonna share the coloring book with LindaDarling....she can have the white crayon though...much good that would do anyone.

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#96re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:11am


#97re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:24am

how old are you guys? Cause your sure acting like your 5, well maybe i'll give you 6! Who cares about the crayons. I think that LindaDarling has a really great point, and it is being blown out of proportion! Yes I'll agree with the fact that I don't particularly like Patty LuPone, Kerry Butler, Maria Freedman, Kate Schindle, and many more, BUT I GET THEM!!!!!!!!! I don't understand the whole fact of not getting someone!!! I GET EVERYONE OF THOSE PERFORMERS, THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY LOVE AND WHAT THEY ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND WHAT IS THERE NOT TO GET ABOUT THEM!!! And I agree that if people can't see that they are being ignorant, perhaps if the message board was phrased differently it would be a different story, but I don't understand how you cannot get someone! And yes I am new to this messageboard, but I just find some of the stuff very offensive and I am just sharing my opinion. I'm not here to bash someone or to try and hurt someones feelings the way some of you are. I hope that both Lindadarling as well as myself can share in other polite conversations. And there is no reason to be throwing stones! Please I spent so much time defending Idina Menzel to other actors and I know what it is like! We all have our opinions but what I think it comes down to is respecting actors even if you don't like their performances. We are all doing it because we love it, point blank. Peace out, have a great night!

orchajaws Profile Photo
#98re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:46am

May I have a "jungle green" crayon?

secret-soul Profile Photo
#99re: Performers you 'don't get'
Posted: 8/8/04 at 1:50am

I don't think you get the point. Sometimes on the MESSAGE BOARD which is not LIFE you can get crazy and have a little fun, and find time to color. Sorry that you have no sense of humor.

"Yes I'll agree with the fact that I don't particularly like Patty LuPone, Kerry Butler, Maria Freedman, Kate Schindle, and many more, BUT I GET THEM!!!!!!!!! I don't understand the whole fact of not getting someone!!! I GET EVERYONE OF THOSE PERFORMERS, THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY LOVE AND WHAT THEY ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND WHAT IS THERE NOT TO GET ABOUT THEM!!!"

Ok, seriously, what is up with the exclamation points? I think the Caps said it all. That's fine that YOU "get" those actors, but there are some people (myself included) who don't understand how certain actors could have risen to the fame they have because they don't seem that special (Ethel Merman). Sure, those actors went through a lot of training (not all of them) but that doesn't explain everything.

"And yes I am new to this messageboard, but I just find some of the stuff very offensive and I am just sharing my opinion."

What's offensive? And, please, if it IS so offensive, maybe this isn't the perfect place for one offended by everyday conversation.

"I hope that both Lindadarling as well as myself can share in other polite conversations."

Yes, please PM each other and have some polite conversations.

"And there is no reason to be throwing stones!"

No one is throwing stones, we're coloring-by-number...only now I'm missing a few colors.

"We all have our opinions but what I think it comes down to is respecting actors even if you don't like their performances."

Well, that IS your opinion and I respect that. But you can't force people to respect all successful actors BECAUSE they're successful or they helped one little old lady in their life.
You'll be surprised...some of the people on this board are not as ignorant as you'd like to believe...some are even more intelligent...but again, this isn't's just a message board.


Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!
