Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
TheQuibbler said: "taylortrensch said: "usually unwigged females:hermione granger (hp:tcc)”
Didn’t Noma Dumezweni wear a wig? She has short, closely cropped hair."
Yes. There's a photo in the souvenir program showing her being fitted for her wig prior to a performance.
I don't think Price and Cunningham wear wigs in BoM.
Does Evan wear a wig in DEH?
The Great Comet: Helene, Marya D., Natasha and Summaya Ali (ensemble/violin) wore wigs that closely matched their natural hair; other ensemble members, Mary and Sonya wore extensions (the latter two to help hide their mic packs).
OBC Harry Potter, of the 'Magnificent 7', Ginny (Poppy Miller), Ron (Paul Thornley) and Albus (Sam Clemmett) were unwigged. Hermione (Noma Dumezweni) and Harry (Jamie Parker) definitely wore wigs. I don't think James Snyder wears one tho...
Stand-by Joined: 4/24/18
MX888 said: "The Great Comet:Helene, Marya D., Natasha and Summaya Ali (ensemble/violin)wore wigs that closely matched their natural hair; other ensemble members, Mary and Sonya wore extensions (the latter two to help hide their mic packs).
OBC Harry Potter, of the 'Magnificent 7',Ginny (Poppy Miller), Ron (Paul Thornley) and Albus (Sam Clemmett) were unwigged. Hermione (Noma Dumezweni) andHarry (Jamie Parker) definitely wore wigs.I don't think James Snyder wears one tho...
James Snyder wears a wig. It was on the first episode of his vlog. You can actually see a bunch of wigs for the characters behind him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
When Ginger Rogers replaced Carol Channing in the original HELLO DOLLY!, she wore a dark red wig because there was a line in the dialogue describing Dolly as a redhead. The problem was that the audiences didn't recognize her and she got very little entrance applause. Eventually the wig was abandoned but the dialogue was never adjusted
The reference to the red hair was eliminated in the recent revival.
Swing Joined: 5/13/19
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Gizel Jiminez said she's using her natural hair for WICKED (she's currently playing Nessa); that's not the case with every Nessa."
As far as I understand, Nessas aren't wigged. All of them appear in their natural hair. Though, I may be wrong so please correct me if need be.
And while we're on Wicked, all of the principals (with the exception of Elphaba, Glinda, and Morrible) are wigless.
Dollypop said: "When Ginger Rogers replaced Carol Channing in the original HELLO DOLLY!, she wore a dark red wig because there was a line in the dialogue describing Dolly as a redhead. The problem was that the audiences didn't recognize her and she got very little entrance applause. Eventually the wig was abandoned but the dialogue was never adjusted
The reference to the red hair was eliminated in the recent revival."
Which is weird bc both Donna Murphy and Bernadette Peters wore red wigs.
Stand-by Joined: 11/25/18
I don’t recall anyone in Rent (besides obviously Angel) using a wig. Interestingly when Tamyra Gray was in the show, she had a Mohawk style hair cut. I heard that the producers had a wig made for her but ultimately it was scrapped. Instead of shaking glitter out of her hair during “Out Tonight” she pulled out a little baggie from her top (the “glitter bomb”) and sprinkled it down.
Lea Michele wore a wig made to look like her natural hair in Spring Awakening. I’m not sure if the same was true for her replacement.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
poisonivy2 said: "Dollypop said: "When Ginger Rogers replaced Carol Channing in the original HELLO DOLLY!, she wore a dark red wig because there was a line in the dialogue describing Dolly as a redhead. The problem was that the audiences didn't recognize her and she got very little entrance applause. Eventually the wig was abandoned but the dialogue was never adjusted
The reference to the red hair was eliminated in the recent revival."
Which is weird bc both Donna Murphy and Bernadette Peters wore red wigs."
The character description that Thornton Wilder gives for Dolly in THE MATCHMAKER says she has red hair.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
Tom Hawkins (the principal) in The Prom isn’t wigged, and both actors who’ve played it are bald (or nearly so), so they’ve had over-the-ear mics, in contrast with everyone else’s hair/wig mics. I guess there’s not a great alternative, but I have to admit I found it a bit distracting to see such a visible mic on only one character.
Swing Joined: 9/3/11
raddersons said: "taylortrensch said: "usually unwigged females: alana (deh), natasha (tgc), all alisons (fun home), all females in ooti except for timoune,female papa ge, hermione granger (hp:tcc)"
I seem to recall an interview with Kate Shindle when she was cast as Big Alison on the Fun Hometour -- I think she wanted to do a wig, but the producers made her cut her hair."
The Alison costume was changed for Shindle on the tour and there was some push back from a few fans saying they were "de-butching" the character. Shindle wanted to wear a wig. She was told to cut her hair.
An article from this very website is literally at your fingertips.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
alex814 said: "I don’t recall anyone in Rent (besides obviously Angel) using a wig. Interestingly when Tamyra Gray was in the show, she had a Mohawk style hair cut. I heard that the producers had a wig made for her but ultimately it was scrapped. Instead of shaking glitter out of her hair during “Out Tonight” she pulled out a little baggie from her top (the “glitter bomb&rdquo and sprinkled it down.
Lea Michele wore a wig made to look like her natural hair in Spring Awakening. I’m not sure if the same was true for her replacement.
Alexandra Socha did not wear a wig. Weirdly, though, sometimes they would curl her hair and sometimes they would straighten it. She basically wore a wig of her old hair in Head Over Heels, though she had it cut short at that point. Krysta Rodriguez had a wig that she wore only as Wendla and Martha in Spring Awakening. As far as I know, no other young female characters in that show were ever wigged.
I always wondered why Jenna in Waitress wears a wig -- that huge ponytail. I always thought Jenna was the kind of role where you didn't need to wear a wig. She's a normal woman working in a run-down diner. She could have a variety of "wash and wear" type hair styles and have it be believable.