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Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt

#0Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:15pm

For all you Sho fans out there...
check out
and read the first entry. SBO is hosting a cool Shoshana trivia scavenger hunt. The winner will be receiving something cool signed from Sho's dressing so go check it out!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#1re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:24pm

You have GOT to be kidding.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#2re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:27pm

Nope! Not kidding... Updated On: 11/1/05 at 05:27 PM

#3re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:29pm

Who TF is Shoshana to have a scavenger hunt!?

Her career can't even be traced for over a decade!

#4re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:31pm

Might I make a tiny suggestion? Whoever is responsible for her official website should use spell and grammar check, especially in the trivia question section. I think it's great that Shoshana is reaching out to her fans like this but it'd be even greater if her website was a little more professionally written since it is a reflection on her after all!

#5re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:32pm

KK - did you NOT see her "blog"....?

justagirl2 Profile Photo
#6re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:37pm

That's a cute idea. Sounds competitive!

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#7re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:38pm her acting ability one of the things on the list?

#8re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 5:40pm

BSoBW2, I just read it. Ow. My eyes. And to think of all the little girls who look up to her?

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#9re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 6:20pm

Actually SBO is run by some older, very nice girls...

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

#10re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 6:22pm

And isn't at least one of them a poster here at BWW?

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#11re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 6:24pm

I think she just comes on sometimes..not quite sure if she's on here all the time. Unless I'm not talking about the same person as you...

For the most part though SBO peeps like to stay away from you BWWers re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt. Not the people who run the whole thing mind you, but the posters.

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

#12re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 6:47pm

I have nothing against Shoshana or her website. Actually enjoyed her performance on Martha yesterday. re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt I just think a professional performer should have a site that's been run through the spell and grammar check first. Peace.

#13re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 6:59pm

SBO isn't her official website. It is a fansite. Her official website is

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#14re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:04pm

Oh come on. Not one person is going to comment on what I said? I'm so disappointed re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#15re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:04pm

I can't find the licorice one re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt

#16re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:04pm

I don't understand. Her official site links to her official fan site where she posts journal entries. I have a headache.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#17re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:09pm

"Is her acting ability one of the things on the list?" Come on people. Well, whatever, my mom thinks I'm hilarious.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#18re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:13pm

Svell I'm not familiar with her acting, just her singing, so I wouldn't be able to argue. Clever though!

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

willact4food Profile Photo
#19re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:22pm

what spelling/grammer are you guys talking about? the girl, ashley, who runs the site is such a nice person, whom most of you don't even know, and yet you proceed to bash at her too. what is with you guys? this is a contest for people who are shoshana fans. why must you comment and say rude things about something like that? it doesn't make sense. you know, you guys like to make fun of the little fan girls who adore wicked all the time, but every single one of you is just as bad, if not worse. you are more immature and ignorant than half of those kids. and to think, i thought i could come to the boards and be around mature people who shared the same interests as me...i guess i was wrong. just leave shoshana and everyone else for that matter alone, and find something better to do with your lives than trying to bring people down.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#20re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:25pm

Yes who here actually does know Ashley? I for one love her, she's always been the nicest to me and her board, BubbleGum, the one she used to run for Kristin Chenoweth basically introduced me to online boards.

But I don't think the issue at hand is Ashley or really the people running the site. Actually, I don't think there is any issue here. It is for the Shoshana Bean fans and whatever you may think about the whole Wicked obsession thing, I personally think it's a nice contest for those who are fans.

The end. re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

#21re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:27pm

willact4food, I have defended Wicked and its fans many times so don't even go there. I made a polite suggestion that those who run Shoshana official fan page might want to use spell and grammAr check because she deserved a professional looking site. It wasn't bashing. It wasn't an attack. It certainly didn't warrant your response. Chill.

willact4food Profile Photo
#22re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:29pm

kuhn, it wasn't just you. it was a whole lot of people on this board. read the thread before you tell me what my response warrants. and you still haven't answered my question, what grammer and spelling are you talking about?

#23re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:29pm

Bad spelling and/or grammar has no effect on her niceness... Just sayin'...

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

Blue J
#24re: Shoshana Bean Scavenger Hunt
Posted: 11/1/05 at 7:30pm

A suggestion - such as using spell check - is definitely not an insult or bringing someone down, in my opinion. And I agree with that suggestion as well. Plus, I have such a hard time viewing the font on SBO. It's impossible on my brower - I have to copy and paste everything. Not to say that it's not a good site though and that they don't do good things for Shoshana fans because it seems like a lot of hard work is put into SBO and it does show.
