Hello. I was wondering if anyone knew if shows like Company were sending signed playbills or if I could get a poster or something signed by them since stage door is not happening. If someone could let me know of an experiences or successes it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
There is a whole thread on this…but honestly we could use an update given the new state of affairs.
From personal experience - I mailed to Chicken & Biscuits, Thoughts Of A Colored Man, Girl From The North Country, Caroline Or Change, Flying Over Sunset, Six, Doubtfire, Trouble In Mind and Company.
C&B, Colored Man, and Caroline all sent me a Playbill (briefly after they each closed).
I’m awaiting to send to the Music Man with hesitation.
SIX is requesting a $60 donation for a signed Playbill.
Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
If you are trying to get an entire cast to sign a playbill mailed in I would suggest the following: send a playbill in the package you want signed, include a return mailer with postage already paid and include a copy of a receipt showing you made a donation to BCEFA .
Has anyone sent in for the Music Man yet? I’ve never requested a signed playbill, but since I couldn’t stage door this I really want to try and get one signed.
Whateverjsays said: "Has anyone sent in for the Music Man yet? I’ve never requested a signed playbill, but since I couldn’t stage door this I really want to try and get one signed."
cwilliams said: "If you are trying to get an entire cast to sign a playbill mailed in I would suggest the following: send a playbill in the package you want signed, include a return mailer with postage already paid and include a copy of a receipt showing you made a donation to BCEFA ."
Hi cwilliams
When I send a playbill to the theatre, who would be the best person to be addressed to? The Stage Manager? Thanks
I wouldn't even send yours - just in case it gets lost. Just write a letter requesting a signed playbill and include a SASE. It might take a while, but you will most likely get it.
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jkcohen626 said: "Has anyone tried this for Company or Hadestown recently?"
I’ve sent out for virtually every show I’ve seen since Broadway reopened but there hasn’t been many replies as there were for the fall shows.
Since COMPANY is doing BCEFA collections right now, I think going by mail might not be possible right now without a donation. When I sent back in January, they responded in about two weeks with a note that asked me to donate when I was able to do so.
Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
quizking101 said: "jkcohen626 said: "Has anyone tried this for Company or Hadestown recently?"
I’ve sent out for virtually every show I’ve seen since Broadway reopened but there hasn’t been many replies as there were for the fall shows.
Since COMPANY is doing BCEFA collections right now, I think going by mail might not be possible right now without a donation. When I sent back in January, they responded in about two weeks with a note that asked me to donate when I was able to do so."
hey quzking101, wondering did you send your playbill to them or just a letter + donation receipt?
dramamama611 said: "I wouldn't even send yours - just in case it gets lost. Just write a letter requesting a signed playbill and include a SASE. It might take a while, but you will most likely get it."
I actually worried about my playbill getting lost. Guess I will follow your advice!