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The " I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was insipid,self referential and had an elementary score" thread- Page 4

The " I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was insipid,self referential and had an elementary score" thread

ShuQ Profile Photo
#75re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/27/05 at 10:53pm

While I am disappointed that you weren't able to walk away from Avenue Q with the message that so many cherish, I do not think it is disrespectful to leave. You are paying good money, You should choose whether or not you like it. The actors/director/producers realize that not everyone is going to like their show. Besides, there are plenty who do.

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#76re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/27/05 at 11:56pm

Broadwaystar2b, thank you so much for taking the time to fill me in on that. That's something I didn't know, and I appreciate that little tid bit. Thanks again! re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was


#77re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/28/05 at 12:03am

I personally love when people write that the score is elementry. Hello! That is the whole point! The show is a spoof of shows like Seaseme Street. Obviously some of you don't get the point.

#78re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/28/05 at 2:04am

I love that when someone criticizes or admits they don't like Avenue Q on this board, most people brush the person off as some prude who gets offended easily or as someone who is too stupid to understand what the show is about.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

#79re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/28/05 at 4:43am

To Broadwaygiant,

I can't help it but, you really need to lighten up. The show is great and the music is great. I'm so sick of certain people coming on this messageboard and acting like theatre snobs. Get over yourselves and learn to have fun. Anyway, Avenue Q is a great musical that deserved all the recognition and accolades it recieved.

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#80re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I thought it was
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:49am

What is this "message" that we all cherish as we leave Q?

Codine2 Profile Photo
#81re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 7:53am

all I can say is it must really SUCK to be sitting in an audience of 1000 people where everyone else is having a the time of their lifes and laughing their heads off and wonder why everybody's having a great time except you. I can see why you'd be really MAD!!!!!!

sure of course you could take some comfort in deciding that everyone else is an idiot and you're the only smart one there.../

believe me it's much more fun to join in, not sit at the sidelines and criticise.

if everone loves Avenue Q except you and a very small minority of people, dopn't you sort of have to think gee, could the show really be as bad as i think and could all those people really be that stupid and gullable?

everytime I saw avenuue Q hungreds of people loved it and jumped up on their feet at the end. I've seen it 5 times.

it must suck to be you to not beable to be a part of the good time.

hahahaha. IT SUCKS TO BE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

say what you want about how dumb Ave. Q is buut you're not going to convince most of us because we RUV it and so do theother people in the other people in the audience, so stop your whinning because that's all it is. you don't like it, so what. you're missing out on a really funny and heartwarming show.

most of the audiences are having a fantastic time there. IT SUCKA SUCKA SUCKA SUCKA TO BE YOU!

persaonally, I don't see how anyone but a sourpuss couldn't LOVE Avenue Q! even my parent sloved it. oh well. too bad for you

I just thought of. you know what it's called when you're laughing hard at somebody elses misfortunes? SCHADENFROUDE (sp?) like when you had such a miserable time at Avenue Q that everyone else was loving it but you---ahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaahha!!!! HA HA AH AH HAHAHA HA!!!!!!!!!!


Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#83re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 9:47am

Again, I'm amazed at how rude and cruel people can be, simply because their opinion of a show differs from their own. So, Codine, since the majority likes Idina Menzel (after all, she did win the Tony, which seems to be a key factor in your "Avenue Q" crusade) does that make anyone who doesn't feel less intelligent or like they're missing out on something? I doubt it. Why can't people express their opinions here without the threat of being verbally bashed? If memory serves you and FindingNamo had a field day about me, trashing me like I physically assaulted your mother, or's a little sad.


#84re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 11:25am

broadwaygiant19122, while I respect that you didn't like Ave Q, I'm just curious. . . What shows DID you actually LIKE?
And I really don't believe that you walked out of the theater, I think you just said that to make a point.

filmgirl325 Profile Photo
#85re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 11:42am

In response to "what is this message from Q we are supposed to cherish?"'s about living life...about finding your purpose in except that life can suck sometimes but its only "For Now." That things will get better and things will get worse. But you just have to keep living. I don't want to bite anyones head off on this board..but don't say that this show has no meaning to it...because it one would care about a show that was just raunchy's got heart, and emotion..not just sex and cursing. It's about friendship and love..and can still make ya laugh (a lot)!!

"It's the smile you smile that counts, happy thoughts in large amounts, any problem you can trounce, you can bounce right back."--Donald O'Connor
Updated On: 2/28/05 at 11:42 AM

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#86re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 12:06pm

Yeah, and Dracula is about accepting those who are different. Please. You can apply meaning to everything just like you can apply sexual connotation to anything.

Don't get me wrong, I love this show, it's for a certain audience (which I belong to), and it's the most fun thing I've seen (twice...) since Urinetown.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#87re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than everyone else in the aud
Posted: 2/28/05 at 12:32pm

I admit it. I love Wicked. I love Avenue Q. I hold certain opinions about their flaws, but overall, I think they're two musicals with substantial heart and I enjoyed both, was entertained by both, listen to both CDs, and yes, was provoked to thought by both. I believe there's something to appreciate in every piece of theater. Neither of these are in my Top 20, but I fully love and support both shows. I am thrilled that both came out in the same season and were so successful... I think they've encouraged many other theater ventures... and I loved Caroline or Change and Taboo and even The Boy From Oz. There's no reason to choose, to hate one show just because you love another.
The Tony awards aren't about art. Maybe they should be, but they really seem to be about what will do the best business for theater. And is this not a noble cause?

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

broadwaygiant19122 Profile Photo
#88re: The ' I walked out of Avenue Q at intermission because I'm smarter than
Posted: 2/28/05 at 3:10pm

Its really incredible, the amount of tolerance shown by some posters. I have yet to demean any one of you for being Q fanatics, and yet I am personally attacked for my opinion. Yes , i really did walk out, i swear on it. I understand the score was intentionally elementary, but I just didnt see it as praiseworthy. I have seen several shows, I do usually gravitate towards weightier material, but I am no prude. i appreciatelewd humor and all of that, just not as some kind of cover-up. This week , I am seeing DRS, ASU, 700, Dame Edna and Glass. A fine mix, and I look forward to it. Ive read the reviews posted on most, but am not going to slander people if i disagree. its one thing to have a well articulated complaint over a body of work; its quite another to berate someone for their opinions. Grow up!.
