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The Jersey Boys Tour Thread- Page 105

The Jersey Boys Tour Thread

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2601Taylor did Dallas
Posted: 8/19/08 at 12:17am

Wow, who had any idea the "Next Page" link could get so smashed? Taylor did Dallas

Also, LOL Taylor.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

...5678 Profile Photo
#2602Toronto Opening Night
Posted: 8/22/08 at 9:42am

Saw the show last night…first night in Toronto.

For someone who had never seen it before – FANTASTIC SHOW!

For me however – who has seen the Broadway cast numerous times – it was entertaining, yes…but I feel certain things have been lost. I didn’t laugh as much as I did all the times in NYC. I found myself laughing at lines because I was anticipating the humour but when they were delivered it fell flat and I was the only one laughing out loud. That was a bit disappointing only because my fave scenes were the ones that just didn’t work.

LOVE LOVE LOVE Jeremy Kushnier. I’ve seen 3 other Tommy’s and this is the first time I ever felt bad for him! It was great! He has a great connection with the audience and plays with it brilliantly! He was by far the stand out in the show!

Joseph Leo Bwarie – GORGEOUS voice. At times, I felt like I was hearing JLY. Some of his acting choices…I wasn’t thrilled with…not because it was bad…just because I’m comparing him to JLY. (Who no one even comes close to.)

Andrew Rannells – ADORABLE! To look at, how he acts, and even how his face contorts when he’s singing…very cute!! Great acting…I really enjoyed watching the character “grow up.”

Steve Gouveia – What I’m going to say is because I’m comparing…not because he was bad. I really didn’t enjoy his Nick Massi. He played the character too sweet and warm for me. Bobby Spencer in NYC has that character DOWN and I always felt that of all the four characters he’s the one that I always worried about getting an understudy for. Watching the NYC show I always enjoyed hearing the ROAR of applause that Nick Massi gets…it has always been the next loudest after Frankie’s applause…he may have the smallest role but what Bobby Spencer does with it is just OUTSTANDING. I missed that last night. But again…this is just my opinion.

The girls were good…nothing outstanding…but good.

Jonathan Hadley as Crewe was exceptional!! When Peter Gregus leaves Broadway this guy should take over! LOVE!!

I was really disappointed with the audience though…no one was really laughing or even applauding that much…I felt really bad for the cast considering it was their first night in a new city.

Overall – the show is in great shape. HIGHLY entertaining!

New block of tickets on sale Monday - I'll definitely be ordering more!


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2603Nice profile on Jarrod Spector
Posted: 8/22/08 at 10:21am,jerseyboys.article

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2604Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 8/25/08 at 2:58am

This poor thread! It needs some lovin'.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2605Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 8/26/08 at 1:16am

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#2606Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 8/26/08 at 1:25am

I can't believe I haven't seen this show. I missed the recent L.A. and previous Orange County engagements. I hope it swings by here again soon.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#2607Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 8/26/08 at 1:29am

It's probably going to be awhile before Jersey Boys comes back to CA. I think the Las Vegas production has a region exclusivity. That's why the show hit all the major markets in CA and AZ at the beginning of the tour. But you can always go see the Vegas production. Updated On: 8/26/08 at 01:29 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2608Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 8/26/08 at 1:47am

Go to Vegas -- the cast is great and they could use the attendance. Bumping for the Toronto people.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2609Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 9/4/08 at 6:30pm

What, no posts about the MASSIVE changes this month?

Come October, three out of four Seasons on Broadway will be different...and at least one in Chicago... :)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#2610Bumping for the Toronto people.
Posted: 9/4/08 at 7:23pm

Where's the information on the Chicago change?

MelissaM Profile Photo
#2612Chicago change
Posted: 9/9/08 at 4:49pm

Man they're doing alot of trading of the people who play or cover Frankie between the companies. Jarrod's going to Broadway, Cory's replacing Jarod in Chicago. Travis is going to be the alternate in Vegas.

Although if Travis is going to be the alternate in Vegas. What's going to happen to Dominic? I heard there's a rumor that he's going to the Broadway company as the alternate.

#2613Chicago change
Posted: 9/9/08 at 6:21pm

Anybody know the reason for this head spinning cast changes? This is getting to be as crazy as that revolving-door cast changes on the Les Miz revival.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2614Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 4:35pm

So I don't think anyone really cares about this topic anymore, but I'm going to bump it anyway. Chicago change

BROADWAY - who's going
J. Robert Spencer left Sept. 14
Travis Cloer leaves Sept. 20
Christian Hoff and Michael Longoria leaving Sept. 28

BROADWAY - who's coming
Matt Bogart begins Sept. 30. John Leone fills in in the meantime
Jarrod Spector begins as Frankie early October (?)
Dominic Nolfi begins as Tommy early October (?)
Jake Speck takes over for Dominic Nolfi


CHICAGO - who's going
Jarrod Spector leaves the end of this week

CHICAGO - who's coming
Cory Grant begins as Frankie Sept. 27


LAS VEGAS - who's going
Dominic Scaglione

LAS VEGAS - who's coming
Travis Cloer is the new Frankie alternate


SHERRY TOUR - nothing's happening? Really? :)


MYSTERIES: Who are the two new Frankies (alternate and Joey) on Broadway? Where is Dominic Scaglione going?

BWNUT, I think a lot of it was a domino effect of Michael Longoria and Christian Hoff leaving at the same time.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 9/15/08 at 04:35 PM

#2615Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 4:45pm

So Jarrod is leaving this week? Anyone know when?

I'll probally go see Corey's first. Will it be the matinee or the evening?

#2616Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 5:13pm

Humans! I was beginning to hear crickets. I was afraid this thread has reached the end of its natural life. Thanks for keeping it alive.

Maybe, it's just me, but is ML's voice getting ragged and raspier? It sounds like his vocal cords are getting a little worn out.
Updated On: 9/15/08 at 05:13 PM

#2617Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 6:33pm

So Jarrod is leaving this week? Anyone know when?
I've heard that Jarrod's last performance with the Chicago cast is the 18th.

BWNUT, it's not just you. I listened to those clips and it does sound like Longoria's voice is wearing out a bit. Here's a clip of him from last year's Broadway on Broadway if anyone wants to compare.
Updated On: 9/15/08 at 06:33 PM

#2618Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 7:08pm

DAMN!! I have a cubs day that day!

Do you think Corey's first will be the 2 Mat? There's no alternate onb Saturday's are there?

#2619Chicago change
Posted: 9/15/08 at 7:39pm

Anybody know Dominic Scaglione's last performance date in Vegas? Appreciate the info.

#2620Sherry Tour
Posted: 9/15/08 at 9:31pm

I've been posting some brief reviews of the tour over on the Toronto board:

Matt Bailey was on as Tommy DeVito all of last week (Jeremy was off on vacation/getting married), and I thought he did a fantastic job. Zachary Prince hasn't been on a whole lot since arriving in Toronto due to his allergies, which is really affecting his voice. He's scheduled to do Wednesday and Saturday matiness every week, but he's only been doing one of those shows, and Courter Simmons covers the other one.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2621Sherry Tour
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:17pm

Wow, that sucks for Zach. Has Taylor been going on at all?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#2622Sherry Tour
Posted: 9/15/08 at 10:31pm

Taylor has been on as Joey, when Courter's on as Frankie, but not as Frankie yet.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2623Jarrod confirmed for Broadway
Posted: 9/16/08 at 10:06am

Congrats to Jarrod!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#2624Jarrod confirmed for Broadway
Posted: 9/16/08 at 10:27am

The article on playbill about Jarrod and Dominic also mentions that Dominic Scaglione Jr is in the Broadway company.
