My favorite part of the first episode is how when the girls were singing the ending note they thought they had it and were all "look at me." Then the judges started talking and they were like "Crap, I sucked."
"I've had a lot of failed relationships, I don't get involved because I'm not equipped. I believe that the world should revolve around me"
PM me first guys. Also, some of you have PM'ed me asking but your settings say your have responding shut off so I can't write back. Sorry... Yeah I'm pretty sure on two possible Elle winners as well (although this isn't fact like I know about the touring girl, this is just my friends and I gathering facebook evidence) Lame, right? Well, PM me if you want either of the details. I know y'all are curious ones. Updated On: 6/13/08 at 12:03 AM
not sure which one was in rent and i dont like either cassie either they need to go.
should i take 2 hours out of my time to watch their audtion of so much better and with nikki.
after seeing nikki have an appearance next week i am totally not interested in watching it tonight. last wee seeing nikki melt my heart and maing me miss her alot more.
i vote for becky gulsvig...,kate rockwell..., and annaleigh ashford!!!!! people are now saying ashley spencer will make a good elle woods.
Where do I sign up for manis and pedis with Orfeh?
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".